CDZ If you . . .

Well, ChrisL would never ever vote for a candidate who is pro government involvement in my rights based upon the actions of a crazy person. :) Just THINK about that entire concept for a minute. The government wanting to restrict or limit one of your constitutional rights. Hmm. Christ almighty! Are we really so far gone?
What I'm seeing is that each party has two primary components. Layers can be found within each, of course, but in general, each has two.

The GOP has the Trump fans and the more traditional Republicans, the people who Trump fans will call RINOs. The Trump fans have taken over the party.

The Democrats have the more traditional liberals and the Regressive Leftists, who are illiberal leftist authoritarians. The Regressives have taken over the party.

The tribal behaviors are most obvious in the Trump fans and the Regressives. It's the old Political Horseshoe theory, in which the ends of the spectrum are closer to each other than they are to the middle. And trying to communicate with either is terribly difficult.

Trump fans? :lol: Most people voted for Trump as a way to send Washington an important message and because many of his speeches and rhetoric had to do with ACTUAL ISSUES that most Americans are facing, instead of transgender bathrooms, gay rights, abortions, and pandering to illegal immigrants, as the opposition was trying to convince people to vote for her because it was "her turn" and because she has a vagina. Oh, and let's not forget about higher taxes to support all the new "refugees" as well as governmental interference in our constitutional RIGHTS. What a "winning" platform for the thinking person, eh? ;)
Well, that's a good commercial.

So tell me, what was the democrat platform in this last election. What convinced you that you should vote for Hillary exactly?
Well, two things.

First, she was closer to me on the issues, which I lay out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Second, I was, and remain, horrified and embarrassed with Trump being our President.

With Hillary as the nominee, I would much rather have voted third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the GOP nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

Mac: Pro choice, open to ban on late term abortions
Evan: Pro Life, discontinue fund to PP
Hillary: Pro choice across the board
Jake: Pro choice, agrees with Hillary, maybe not on late term abortions

Health Care
Mac: Expand the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all
Evan: Free market
Hillary: ACA or Single Payer
Jake: Single Payer, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Legalize 'em, put 'em at end of line for citizenship, seal the borders
Evan: Moderate from GOP side
Hillary: Moderate from Dem side
Jake: Moderate from Dem side, agrees with Hillary

Gay Marriage
Mac: Pro gay marriage
Evan: Anti gay marriage
Hillary: Pro gay marriage
Jake: Pro gay marriage, agrees with Hillary

War/Foreign Policy

Mac: We are not the policeman of the world, get out of the Middle East now
Evan: Thinks America should be a strong global military leader
Hillary: Strong global leadership, strong military
Jake: Appears to agree with Evan, I think

Personal Income Taxes
Mac: Add four new, higher tax margins up to 54.9%, install META (my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate)
Evan: Maintain or decrease current personal income tax rates
Hillary: Maintain or increase current personal income tax rates
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Corporate Income Taxes

Mac: Decrease to 15% with a 5% META; two-year tax moratorium on repatriated money
Evan: Decrease current corporate tax rates
Hillary: Maintain current corporate tax rates, cut loopholes
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Political Correctness
Mac: Virulently anti-PC because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against PC
Hillary: Moderately supports PC
Jake: Very Pro PC, agrees with Hillary

Identity Politics
Mac: Virulently against because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against
Hillary: Embraces whole-heartedly
Jake: Very Pro Identity Politics, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Need reform; maintain safety standards and current benefits, eliminate inefficient rules and after-work pensions
Evan: Moderately anti-union
Hillary: Embraces unions whole-heartedly
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Gun Control

Mac: Agree with mainstream Democrat approach of reasonable restrictions and expectations
Evan: Moderately anti-gun control
Hillary: Mainstream Democrat approach
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Did I miss anything? Was I wrong anywhere?

You mean this post above??? Well, it seems like you disagreed with Hillary on more issues than you agreed with her on, and you voted for a candidate based on abortion.

Oh, I didn't realize you were with "her." :D

Not sure how you got that. I agree with the Democrats on more issues than I do with the GOP. It's all laid out there, pretty clearly.

Okay, whatever works for you.
Trump fans? :lol: Most people voted for Trump as a way to send Washington an important message and because many of his speeches and rhetoric had to do with ACTUAL ISSUES that most Americans are facing, instead of transgender bathrooms, gay rights, abortions, and pandering to illegal immigrants, as the opposition was trying to convince people to vote for her because it was "her turn" and because she has a vagina. Oh, and let's not forget about higher taxes to support all the new "refugees" as well as governmental interference in our constitutional RIGHTS. What a "winning" platform for the thinking person, eh? ;)
Well, that's a good commercial.

So tell me, what was the democrat platform in this last election. What convinced you that you should vote for Hillary exactly?
Well, two things.

First, she was closer to me on the issues, which I lay out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Second, I was, and remain, horrified and embarrassed with Trump being our President.

With Hillary as the nominee, I would much rather have voted third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the GOP nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

Mac: Pro choice, open to ban on late term abortions
Evan: Pro Life, discontinue fund to PP
Hillary: Pro choice across the board
Jake: Pro choice, agrees with Hillary, maybe not on late term abortions

Health Care
Mac: Expand the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all
Evan: Free market
Hillary: ACA or Single Payer
Jake: Single Payer, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Legalize 'em, put 'em at end of line for citizenship, seal the borders
Evan: Moderate from GOP side
Hillary: Moderate from Dem side
Jake: Moderate from Dem side, agrees with Hillary

Gay Marriage
Mac: Pro gay marriage
Evan: Anti gay marriage
Hillary: Pro gay marriage
Jake: Pro gay marriage, agrees with Hillary

War/Foreign Policy

Mac: We are not the policeman of the world, get out of the Middle East now
Evan: Thinks America should be a strong global military leader
Hillary: Strong global leadership, strong military
Jake: Appears to agree with Evan, I think

Personal Income Taxes
Mac: Add four new, higher tax margins up to 54.9%, install META (my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate)
Evan: Maintain or decrease current personal income tax rates
Hillary: Maintain or increase current personal income tax rates
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Corporate Income Taxes

Mac: Decrease to 15% with a 5% META; two-year tax moratorium on repatriated money
Evan: Decrease current corporate tax rates
Hillary: Maintain current corporate tax rates, cut loopholes
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Political Correctness
Mac: Virulently anti-PC because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against PC
Hillary: Moderately supports PC
Jake: Very Pro PC, agrees with Hillary

Identity Politics
Mac: Virulently against because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against
Hillary: Embraces whole-heartedly
Jake: Very Pro Identity Politics, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Need reform; maintain safety standards and current benefits, eliminate inefficient rules and after-work pensions
Evan: Moderately anti-union
Hillary: Embraces unions whole-heartedly
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Gun Control

Mac: Agree with mainstream Democrat approach of reasonable restrictions and expectations
Evan: Moderately anti-gun control
Hillary: Mainstream Democrat approach
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Did I miss anything? Was I wrong anywhere?

You mean this post above??? Well, it seems like you disagreed with Hillary on more issues than you agreed with her on, and you voted for a candidate based on abortion.

Oh, I didn't realize you were with "her." :D

Not sure how you got that. I agree with the Democrats on more issues than I do with the GOP. It's all laid out there, pretty clearly.

Okay, whatever works for you.

You disagreed with her on a whole LOT of issues, according to the post above.

Do you really believe that the democrats just want "reasonable" restrictions? How come every single time, after some loons goes off the hinges, that they are screaming for more and more restrictions on the law abiding? Puhleese. You have to be severely naive to trust or believe anything they tell you. Lol.
Well, that's a good commercial.

So tell me, what was the democrat platform in this last election. What convinced you that you should vote for Hillary exactly?
Well, two things.

First, she was closer to me on the issues, which I lay out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Second, I was, and remain, horrified and embarrassed with Trump being our President.

With Hillary as the nominee, I would much rather have voted third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the GOP nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

Mac: Pro choice, open to ban on late term abortions
Evan: Pro Life, discontinue fund to PP
Hillary: Pro choice across the board
Jake: Pro choice, agrees with Hillary, maybe not on late term abortions

Health Care
Mac: Expand the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all
Evan: Free market
Hillary: ACA or Single Payer
Jake: Single Payer, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Legalize 'em, put 'em at end of line for citizenship, seal the borders
Evan: Moderate from GOP side
Hillary: Moderate from Dem side
Jake: Moderate from Dem side, agrees with Hillary

Gay Marriage
Mac: Pro gay marriage
Evan: Anti gay marriage
Hillary: Pro gay marriage
Jake: Pro gay marriage, agrees with Hillary

War/Foreign Policy

Mac: We are not the policeman of the world, get out of the Middle East now
Evan: Thinks America should be a strong global military leader
Hillary: Strong global leadership, strong military
Jake: Appears to agree with Evan, I think

Personal Income Taxes
Mac: Add four new, higher tax margins up to 54.9%, install META (my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate)
Evan: Maintain or decrease current personal income tax rates
Hillary: Maintain or increase current personal income tax rates
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Corporate Income Taxes

Mac: Decrease to 15% with a 5% META; two-year tax moratorium on repatriated money
Evan: Decrease current corporate tax rates
Hillary: Maintain current corporate tax rates, cut loopholes
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Political Correctness
Mac: Virulently anti-PC because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against PC
Hillary: Moderately supports PC
Jake: Very Pro PC, agrees with Hillary

Identity Politics
Mac: Virulently against because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against
Hillary: Embraces whole-heartedly
Jake: Very Pro Identity Politics, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Need reform; maintain safety standards and current benefits, eliminate inefficient rules and after-work pensions
Evan: Moderately anti-union
Hillary: Embraces unions whole-heartedly
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Gun Control

Mac: Agree with mainstream Democrat approach of reasonable restrictions and expectations
Evan: Moderately anti-gun control
Hillary: Mainstream Democrat approach
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Did I miss anything? Was I wrong anywhere?

You mean this post above??? Well, it seems like you disagreed with Hillary on more issues than you agreed with her on, and you voted for a candidate based on abortion.

Oh, I didn't realize you were with "her." :D

Not sure how you got that. I agree with the Democrats on more issues than I do with the GOP. It's all laid out there, pretty clearly.

Okay, whatever works for you.

You disagreed with her on a whole LOT of issues, according to the post above.

Do you really believe that the democrats just want "reasonable" restrictions? How come every single time, after some loons goes off the hinges, that they are screaming for more and more restrictions on the law abiding? Puhleese. You have to be severely naive to trust or believe anything they tell you. Lol.
The funny thing is, later today I'll no doubt have a lefty telling me I'm actually a righty.

If you believe this on this issue, that must make you that.

The two ends are so similar in their behaviors, it's amazing.
So tell me, what was the democrat platform in this last election. What convinced you that you should vote for Hillary exactly?
Well, two things.

First, she was closer to me on the issues, which I lay out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Second, I was, and remain, horrified and embarrassed with Trump being our President.

With Hillary as the nominee, I would much rather have voted third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the GOP nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

Mac: Pro choice, open to ban on late term abortions
Evan: Pro Life, discontinue fund to PP
Hillary: Pro choice across the board
Jake: Pro choice, agrees with Hillary, maybe not on late term abortions

Health Care
Mac: Expand the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all
Evan: Free market
Hillary: ACA or Single Payer
Jake: Single Payer, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Legalize 'em, put 'em at end of line for citizenship, seal the borders
Evan: Moderate from GOP side
Hillary: Moderate from Dem side
Jake: Moderate from Dem side, agrees with Hillary

Gay Marriage
Mac: Pro gay marriage
Evan: Anti gay marriage
Hillary: Pro gay marriage
Jake: Pro gay marriage, agrees with Hillary

War/Foreign Policy

Mac: We are not the policeman of the world, get out of the Middle East now
Evan: Thinks America should be a strong global military leader
Hillary: Strong global leadership, strong military
Jake: Appears to agree with Evan, I think

Personal Income Taxes
Mac: Add four new, higher tax margins up to 54.9%, install META (my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate)
Evan: Maintain or decrease current personal income tax rates
Hillary: Maintain or increase current personal income tax rates
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Corporate Income Taxes

Mac: Decrease to 15% with a 5% META; two-year tax moratorium on repatriated money
Evan: Decrease current corporate tax rates
Hillary: Maintain current corporate tax rates, cut loopholes
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Political Correctness
Mac: Virulently anti-PC because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against PC
Hillary: Moderately supports PC
Jake: Very Pro PC, agrees with Hillary

Identity Politics
Mac: Virulently against because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against
Hillary: Embraces whole-heartedly
Jake: Very Pro Identity Politics, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Need reform; maintain safety standards and current benefits, eliminate inefficient rules and after-work pensions
Evan: Moderately anti-union
Hillary: Embraces unions whole-heartedly
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Gun Control

Mac: Agree with mainstream Democrat approach of reasonable restrictions and expectations
Evan: Moderately anti-gun control
Hillary: Mainstream Democrat approach
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Did I miss anything? Was I wrong anywhere?

You mean this post above??? Well, it seems like you disagreed with Hillary on more issues than you agreed with her on, and you voted for a candidate based on abortion.

Oh, I didn't realize you were with "her." :D

Not sure how you got that. I agree with the Democrats on more issues than I do with the GOP. It's all laid out there, pretty clearly.

Okay, whatever works for you.

You disagreed with her on a whole LOT of issues, according to the post above.

Do you really believe that the democrats just want "reasonable" restrictions? How come every single time, after some loons goes off the hinges, that they are screaming for more and more restrictions on the law abiding? Puhleese. You have to be severely naive to trust or believe anything they tell you. Lol.
The funny thing is, later today I'll no doubt have a lefty telling me I'm actually a righty.

If you believe this on this issue, that must make you that.

The two ends are so similar in their behaviors, it's amazing.

I'm sorry, but to lay down any of your rights to the mercy of the government is nothing but foolish and completely ignorant, IMO. I cannot respect anyone who would do such a thing. I just can't, even if I try.
Well, two things.

First, she was closer to me on the issues, which I lay out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Second, I was, and remain, horrified and embarrassed with Trump being our President.

With Hillary as the nominee, I would much rather have voted third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the GOP nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

Mac: Pro choice, open to ban on late term abortions
Evan: Pro Life, discontinue fund to PP
Hillary: Pro choice across the board
Jake: Pro choice, agrees with Hillary, maybe not on late term abortions

Health Care
Mac: Expand the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all
Evan: Free market
Hillary: ACA or Single Payer
Jake: Single Payer, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Legalize 'em, put 'em at end of line for citizenship, seal the borders
Evan: Moderate from GOP side
Hillary: Moderate from Dem side
Jake: Moderate from Dem side, agrees with Hillary

Gay Marriage
Mac: Pro gay marriage
Evan: Anti gay marriage
Hillary: Pro gay marriage
Jake: Pro gay marriage, agrees with Hillary

War/Foreign Policy

Mac: We are not the policeman of the world, get out of the Middle East now
Evan: Thinks America should be a strong global military leader
Hillary: Strong global leadership, strong military
Jake: Appears to agree with Evan, I think

Personal Income Taxes
Mac: Add four new, higher tax margins up to 54.9%, install META (my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate)
Evan: Maintain or decrease current personal income tax rates
Hillary: Maintain or increase current personal income tax rates
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Corporate Income Taxes

Mac: Decrease to 15% with a 5% META; two-year tax moratorium on repatriated money
Evan: Decrease current corporate tax rates
Hillary: Maintain current corporate tax rates, cut loopholes
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Political Correctness
Mac: Virulently anti-PC because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against PC
Hillary: Moderately supports PC
Jake: Very Pro PC, agrees with Hillary

Identity Politics
Mac: Virulently against because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive
Evan: Moderately against
Hillary: Embraces whole-heartedly
Jake: Very Pro Identity Politics, agrees with Hillary

Mac: Need reform; maintain safety standards and current benefits, eliminate inefficient rules and after-work pensions
Evan: Moderately anti-union
Hillary: Embraces unions whole-heartedly
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Gun Control

Mac: Agree with mainstream Democrat approach of reasonable restrictions and expectations
Evan: Moderately anti-gun control
Hillary: Mainstream Democrat approach
Jake: Agrees with Hillary

Did I miss anything? Was I wrong anywhere?

You mean this post above??? Well, it seems like you disagreed with Hillary on more issues than you agreed with her on, and you voted for a candidate based on abortion.

Oh, I didn't realize you were with "her." :D

Not sure how you got that. I agree with the Democrats on more issues than I do with the GOP. It's all laid out there, pretty clearly.

Okay, whatever works for you.

You disagreed with her on a whole LOT of issues, according to the post above.

Do you really believe that the democrats just want "reasonable" restrictions? How come every single time, after some loons goes off the hinges, that they are screaming for more and more restrictions on the law abiding? Puhleese. You have to be severely naive to trust or believe anything they tell you. Lol.
The funny thing is, later today I'll no doubt have a lefty telling me I'm actually a righty.

If you believe this on this issue, that must make you that.

The two ends are so similar in their behaviors, it's amazing.

I'm sorry, but to lay down any of your rights to the mercy of the government is nothing but foolish and completely ignorant, IMO. I cannot respect anyone who would do such a thing. I just can't, even if I try.
Yes, I believe that.
I see stuff like that as totally screwing over the people. I see these people as traitors to me and to all the other American people. The government is made up of human beings who are just as fallible as any other citizens. They are not supposed to be placed "above" us.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Let's put it bluntly, any loon who is planning on shooting up a bunch of kids at a school, who are completely defenseless and well KIDS, is not going to be stopped by any sign or rule or laws. He is a LOON, and LOONS are not living in realityville.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.


I don't really mind paying taxes to help my OWN people in my own country. My concerns are with my country and with my country being great for my children and their children, and so on. My problem is when there is SO MUCH government waste, and that the government is obviously spending money that they don't NEED to spend, and want to keep raising taxes on the people to keep their spending pace. It is RIDICULOUS. Something has to give eventually or we will be taxed into poverty.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.

So? Where does it end then? The simple answer is that if you allow a bloated government to keep overspending, then it doesn't end. It is rather like giving your credit card to your 16-year-old daughter and sending her to the mall and expecting that she won't spend any money.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.

Perhaps you're right, I have yet to hear a libturd draw a line though. Have you ever heard one say 50% is enough?



If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

Let's put it bluntly, any loon who is planning on shooting up a bunch of kids at a school, who are completely defenseless and well KIDS, is not going to be stopped by any sign or rule or laws. He is a LOON, and LOONS are not living in realityville.

Libturds have a kindred spirit with other loons. They want to protect them from armed peaceful citizens.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.

So? Where does it end then? The simple answer is that if you allow a bloated government to keep overspending, then it doesn't end. It is rather like giving your credit card to your 16-year-old daughter and sending her to the mall and expecting that she won't spend any money.
You have to find a place on the continuum at which the most people will be satisfied.

That requires communication, an open mind, and an ounce or two of humility.

None of which appear to be within the capacities of the ends of the spectrum.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.

Perhaps you're right, I have yet to hear a libturd draw a line though. Have you ever heard one say 50% is enough?



If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know, because no one is communicating. Everyone is just screaming the party line like trained seals.

Nothing happens until we can communicate.
I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.

So? Where does it end then? The simple answer is that if you allow a bloated government to keep overspending, then it doesn't end. It is rather like giving your credit card to your 16-year-old daughter and sending her to the mall and expecting that she won't spend any money.
You have to find a place on the continuum at which the most people will be satisfied.

That requires communication, an open mind, and an ounce or two of humility.

None of which appear to be within the capacities of the ends of the spectrum.

It requires TRUST most of all.

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