CDZ If you . . .

I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.

Perhaps you're right, I have yet to hear a libturd draw a line though. Have you ever heard one say 50% is enough?



If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know, because no one is communicating. Everyone is just screaming the party line like trained seals.

Nothing happens until we can communicate.

I think we have been doing a great job of communicating here in this thread.

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know, because no one is communicating. Everyone is just screaming the party line like trained seals.

Nothing happens until we can communicate.

I am communicating, you don't listen sometimes. You just like to smugly look down on everyone else and lecture them like some condescending pseudo intellectual.

So I'll repeat myself.

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know what you mean by "wrong". Do you mean factually, demonstrably, objectively wrong, or wrong in your opinion?

If I think a comedian is funny and you think they're not, does that make me wrong?

You're deliberately contorting the concept.

Opinions are just that.

Facts are either true or false. It's binary whether you like it or not. You can't draw a logical conclusion if all your variables have no certain value.

It's WRONG to steal from people.

It's WRONG to rape them.

It's WRONG to murder.

As a society we generally agree people must pay some tax, for some government. That's where opinion enters the equation. How much tax, for how much government. Those on the right promote minimal, leftists are never satisfied with anything less that 100%, except not THEIR money. It's always someone else's shit that needs to be taxed. That is why they're WRONG.

Well, you just about had it there. "Some". That's where opinion enters the conversation.

Therefore, the level of taxation lies on a continuum. It's then up to us to decide where on that continuum we'll be. Based on our opinions.

A continuum is not black or white.

And saying that leftists want 100% taxation simply isn't true. Straw man arguments like that only slow progress, and make wingers less credible.

Perhaps you're right, I have yet to hear a libturd draw a line though. Have you ever heard one say 50% is enough?



If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know, because no one is communicating. Everyone is just screaming the party line like trained seals.

Nothing happens until we can communicate.

I don't have a "party line" and that is why I voted for Trump. He is rather noncommittal to any social justice issues, which I like. Government should not be involved in "social justice." He is concerned about unfairness to US in some of our tariff deals with other countries, which seem to completely benefit them but do not do a whole heck of a lot for us. He is concerned with job creators (businesses) being driven out of our country by higher and higher and higher taxes and regulations (while I agree with regulations, I also see where the government goes overboard with their regulations).

The feds are getting involved in all kinds of things that are really OUT of their jurisdiction according to the constitution, and a lot of things that they ARE responsible for, they ignore or take the side of people in OTHER COUNTRIES. :cuckoo:

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know, because no one is communicating. Everyone is just screaming the party line like trained seals.

Nothing happens until we can communicate.

I am communicating, you don't listen sometimes. You just like to smugly look down on everyone else and lecture them like some condescending pseudo intellectual.

So I'll repeat myself.

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

Yes, that's a good description.

Do you really believe that there are many people who want everything produced to belong to the state?
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?

If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

I find it very curious how people can just tow the party line in every single instance? I am starting this thread to find out exactly how much do people disagree with the respective parties? Do they disagree with them about any of their stances or policies? Are you always in COMPLETE agreement with your party, no matter their policies or their ways of going about getting what they want? Perhaps there are some tactics that your party uses that you might disagree with? I started this in the CDC because I actually want some answers instead of our usual battering of one another's views and party affiliations. :D

Thanks for your input.

I’m a liberal (not a democrat) but I’ll swing at it….

Democrats in the past have been in favor of the following policies:

Allowing people use restrooms based on their gender identities; not their anatomical realities. I’m against that. It’s not society’s job to make you comfortable

Changing admission policies of college to accommodate minority students. I’m against that. It cheapens the enterprise.

It’s not spelled out in the Platform but the Democrats have supported being able to vote without ID. I oppose that. For one thing, we have the technology to make the voting process as sterile as possible; why not use it? Secondly, our nation shouldn’t reward those who are so lethargic that they cannot do the bare minimum necessary to cast a ballot.

2016 Party Platform
“We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour”. I’m against $15 an hour. I do think the minimum wage needs to be raised but nearly doubling it is crazy

“That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it.” Insane. Like all enterprises, they have to change with the times. We don’t need weekend delivery of mail for starters. We certainly do not need as many post offices as we currently have.

"Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.” While I support Universal Healthcare, the ACA was the wrong way to go about it. As I have always said, I don’t see how you can be legally forced to buy anything in this country.

"We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote-by-mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration and same day voter registration, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday.” We have enough holidays.
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?

If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

I find it very curious how people can just tow the party line in every single instance? I am starting this thread to find out exactly how much do people disagree with the respective parties? Do they disagree with them about any of their stances or policies? Are you always in COMPLETE agreement with your party, no matter their policies or their ways of going about getting what they want? Perhaps there are some tactics that your party uses that you might disagree with? I started this in the CDC because I actually want some answers instead of our usual battering of one another's views and party affiliations. :D

Thanks for your input.
By far one of the better thread topics thank you! I wish I had nmore time to answer and I ill answer later. I noticed some gave truthfull answers and wd like to thank them.
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?

If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

I find it very curious how people can just tow the party line in every single instance? I am starting this thread to find out exactly how much do people disagree with the respective parties? Do they disagree with them about any of their stances or policies? Are you always in COMPLETE agreement with your party, no matter their policies or their ways of going about getting what they want? Perhaps there are some tactics that your party uses that you might disagree with? I started this in the CDC because I actually want some answers instead of our usual battering of one another's views and party affiliations. :D

Thanks for your input.

I’m a liberal (not a democrat) but I’ll swing at it….

Democrats in the past have been in favor of the following policies:

Allowing people use restrooms based on their gender identities; not their anatomical realities. I’m against that. It’s not society’s job to make you comfortable

Changing admission policies of college to accommodate minority students. I’m against that. It cheapens the enterprise.

It’s not spelled out in the Platform but the Democrats have supported being able to vote without ID. I oppose that. For one thing, we have the technology to make the voting process as sterile as possible; why not use it? Secondly, our nation shouldn’t reward those who are so lethargic that they cannot do the bare minimum necessary to cast a ballot.

2016 Party Platform
“We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour”. I’m against $15 an hour. I do think the minimum wage needs to be raised but nearly doubling it is crazy

“That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it.” Insane. Like all enterprises, they have to change with the times. We don’t need weekend delivery of mail for starters. We certainly do not need as many post offices as we currently have.

"Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.” While I support Universal Healthcare, the ACA was the wrong way to go about it. As I have always said, I don’t see how you can be legally forced to buy anything in this country.

"We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote-by-mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration and same day voter registration, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday.” We have enough holidays.

Wow! You are like the only "leftist" to reply I think, so I thank you sincerely for your honest reply.
Yes, that's a good description.

Do you really believe that there are many people who want everything produced to belong to the state?

I know some personally.

I used to know even more of them when I was a moonbat myself.

The universities are crawling with drones who believe in turning the earth into a "human" ant colony.

Granted, some of them begin rejecting the concept when they start to work for a living. However most of them still embrace the idea of a 90% tax rate (on someone else) after a million dollar annual salary is achieved.

If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?

If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

I find it very curious how people can just tow the party line in every single instance? I am starting this thread to find out exactly how much do people disagree with the respective parties? Do they disagree with them about any of their stances or policies? Are you always in COMPLETE agreement with your party, no matter their policies or their ways of going about getting what they want? Perhaps there are some tactics that your party uses that you might disagree with? I started this in the CDC because I actually want some answers instead of our usual battering of one another's views and party affiliations. :D

Thanks for your input.

If I was a democrat, and I used to be one, I’d disagree with most of the current platform. I’d disagree with illegal immigration, increased taxes, Increased regulation of businesses, taking in Muslim refugees, giving non-residents the right to vote.

What I would agree with and actually do, is freedom and liberty for all. I’d be the only actual liberal and shunned by my party.
Marriage should be a social contract, not a government authorized relationship in the first place.

From working on my ancestry family tree, gvt marriage was necessary for birth rights and inheritance.

Marriage was a legal bond, giving inheritance, when the head household person died, to his heirs, when he died without a will....the estate was given to a State or Colony appointed administrator to pay all the deceased's debts owed then disperse according to their laws of inheritance priority.

There will be a record on most all of your male relatives, in the gvt files on them....a death/ PROBATE record,

all the way back in to the 1600s...on some of my relatives....


I found no marriage records of any relative for the past 4 centuries in the USA that was a CHURCH record, all were in gvt county, justice of Peace..they were ALL Marriage BONDS with the Justice of P.
Last edited:
I’m a liberal (not a democrat) but I’ll swing at it….

Democrats in the past have been in favor of the following policies:

Allowing people use restrooms based on their gender identities; not their anatomical realities. I’m against that. It’s not society’s job to make you comfortable

Changing admission policies of college to accommodate minority students. I’m against that. It cheapens the enterprise.

It’s not spelled out in the Platform but the Democrats have supported being able to vote without ID. I oppose that. For one thing, we have the technology to make the voting process as sterile as possible; why not use it? Secondly, our nation shouldn’t reward those who are so lethargic that they cannot do the bare minimum necessary to cast a ballot.

2016 Party Platform
“We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour”. I’m against $15 an hour. I do think the minimum wage needs to be raised but nearly doubling it is crazy

“That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it.” Insane. Like all enterprises, they have to change with the times. We don’t need weekend delivery of mail for starters. We certainly do not need as many post offices as we currently have.

"Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.” While I support Universal Healthcare, the ACA was the wrong way to go about it. As I have always said, I don’t see how you can be legally forced to buy anything in this country.

"We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote-by-mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration and same day voter registration, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday.” We have enough holidays.

Yes, that's a good description.

Do you really believe that there are many people who want everything produced to belong to the state?

I know some personally.

I used to know even more of them when I was a moonbat myself.

The universities are crawling with drones who believe in turning the earth into a "human" ant colony.

Granted, some of them begin rejecting the concept when they start to work for a living. However most of them still embrace the idea of a 90% tax rate (on someone else) after a million dollar annual salary is achieved.


I think it's pretty funny when celebrities, politicians or other rich people talk about taxing others, when, if they were really serious, they could just donate MOST of their own wages to the government. :D They don't though, do they?

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know, because no one is communicating. Everyone is just screaming the party line like trained seals.

Nothing happens until we can communicate.

I am communicating, you don't listen sometimes. You just like to smugly look down on everyone else and lecture them like some condescending pseudo intellectual.

So I'll repeat myself.

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

Yes, that's a good description.

Do you really believe that there are many people who want everything produced to belong to the state?

Yes. There are people out there who agree with socialism, whereby the government is in control of taking and distributing monies equally amongst the people. Or at least that is what they THINK would happen. Lol.
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?

If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

I find it very curious how people can just tow the party line in every single instance? I am starting this thread to find out exactly how much do people disagree with the respective parties? Do they disagree with them about any of their stances or policies? Are you always in COMPLETE agreement with your party, no matter their policies or their ways of going about getting what they want? Perhaps there are some tactics that your party uses that you might disagree with? I started this in the CDC because I actually want some answers instead of our usual battering of one another's views and party affiliations. :D

Thanks for your input.

I’m a liberal (not a democrat) but I’ll swing at it….

Democrats in the past have been in favor of the following policies:

Allowing people use restrooms based on their gender identities; not their anatomical realities. I’m against that. It’s not society’s job to make you comfortable

Changing admission policies of college to accommodate minority students. I’m against that. It cheapens the enterprise.

It’s not spelled out in the Platform but the Democrats have supported being able to vote without ID. I oppose that. For one thing, we have the technology to make the voting process as sterile as possible; why not use it? Secondly, our nation shouldn’t reward those who are so lethargic that they cannot do the bare minimum necessary to cast a ballot.

2016 Party Platform
“We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour”. I’m against $15 an hour. I do think the minimum wage needs to be raised but nearly doubling it is crazy

“That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it.” Insane. Like all enterprises, they have to change with the times. We don’t need weekend delivery of mail for starters. We certainly do not need as many post offices as we currently have.

"Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.” While I support Universal Healthcare, the ACA was the wrong way to go about it. As I have always said, I don’t see how you can be legally forced to buy anything in this country.

"We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote-by-mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration and same day voter registration, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday.” We have enough holidays.

Wow! You are like the only "leftist" to reply I think, so I thank you sincerely for your honest reply.

Well, you’re welcome I suppose. I’ve stated the same things time and again.

Not my place to say but you should remind everyone about the OP….
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?
If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

Few seem to be willing to bear their soul and examine their beliefs in the light of where the party they support stands on them.
It is not the most charitable way to put it but I think it is because they are scared. The sad thing is that stating that you don’t support the Democratic party (which you may vote for) or the Republican party (which you may vote for) on a topic or group of topics DOES NOT mean that your support the other major party’s stand. You’re entitled to have a novel opinion.
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?

If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

I find it very curious how people can just tow the party line in every single instance? I am starting this thread to find out exactly how much do people disagree with the respective parties? Do they disagree with them about any of their stances or policies? Are you always in COMPLETE agreement with your party, no matter their policies or their ways of going about getting what they want? Perhaps there are some tactics that your party uses that you might disagree with? I started this in the CDC because I actually want some answers instead of our usual battering of one another's views and party affiliations. :D

Thanks for your input.

I’m a liberal (not a democrat) but I’ll swing at it….

Democrats in the past have been in favor of the following policies:

Allowing people use restrooms based on their gender identities; not their anatomical realities. I’m against that. It’s not society’s job to make you comfortable

Changing admission policies of college to accommodate minority students. I’m against that. It cheapens the enterprise.

It’s not spelled out in the Platform but the Democrats have supported being able to vote without ID. I oppose that. For one thing, we have the technology to make the voting process as sterile as possible; why not use it? Secondly, our nation shouldn’t reward those who are so lethargic that they cannot do the bare minimum necessary to cast a ballot.

2016 Party Platform
“We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour”. I’m against $15 an hour. I do think the minimum wage needs to be raised but nearly doubling it is crazy

“That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it.” Insane. Like all enterprises, they have to change with the times. We don’t need weekend delivery of mail for starters. We certainly do not need as many post offices as we currently have.

"Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.” While I support Universal Healthcare, the ACA was the wrong way to go about it. As I have always said, I don’t see how you can be legally forced to buy anything in this country.

"We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote-by-mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration and same day voter registration, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday.” We have enough holidays.

Wow! You are like the only "leftist" to reply I think, so I thank you sincerely for your honest reply.

Well, you’re welcome I suppose. I’ve stated the same things time and again.

Not my place to say but you should remind everyone about the OP….
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?
If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

Few seem to be willing to bear their soul and examine their beliefs in the light of where the party they support stands on them.
It is not the most charitable way to put it but I think it is because they are scared. The sad thing is that stating that you don’t support the Democratic party (which you may vote for) or the Republican party (which you may vote for) on a topic or group of topics DOES NOT mean that your support the other major party’s stand. You’re entitled to have a novel opinion.

I think it is because they feel like if they disagree with ANY of their party's stances, then they feel as if they are showing "weakness" to the opposition, and that the opposition would capitalize on this weakness.
Do you think there is a part of the Republican Party that supports segregation, opposes inter-racial and gay marriages, opposes

Yes, and I am sure there are some in the Democratic party that believes the same. If you think otherwise, your simply naive.

Many who call themselves "Democrats" do so simply because they hate "Republicans", and many who call themselves "Republicans" do so simply because they hate "Democrats".

The true description of either is not Republican or Democrat, it is Sheep.
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?

If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

I find it very curious how people can just tow the party line in every single instance? I am starting this thread to find out exactly how much do people disagree with the respective parties? Do they disagree with them about any of their stances or policies? Are you always in COMPLETE agreement with your party, no matter their policies or their ways of going about getting what they want? Perhaps there are some tactics that your party uses that you might disagree with? I started this in the CDC because I actually want some answers instead of our usual battering of one another's views and party affiliations. :D

Thanks for your input.

I’m a liberal (not a democrat) but I’ll swing at it….

Democrats in the past have been in favor of the following policies:

Allowing people use restrooms based on their gender identities; not their anatomical realities. I’m against that. It’s not society’s job to make you comfortable

Changing admission policies of college to accommodate minority students. I’m against that. It cheapens the enterprise.

It’s not spelled out in the Platform but the Democrats have supported being able to vote without ID. I oppose that. For one thing, we have the technology to make the voting process as sterile as possible; why not use it? Secondly, our nation shouldn’t reward those who are so lethargic that they cannot do the bare minimum necessary to cast a ballot.

2016 Party Platform
“We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour”. I’m against $15 an hour. I do think the minimum wage needs to be raised but nearly doubling it is crazy

“That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it.” Insane. Like all enterprises, they have to change with the times. We don’t need weekend delivery of mail for starters. We certainly do not need as many post offices as we currently have.

"Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.” While I support Universal Healthcare, the ACA was the wrong way to go about it. As I have always said, I don’t see how you can be legally forced to buy anything in this country.

"We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote-by-mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration and same day voter registration, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday.” We have enough holidays.

Wow! You are like the only "leftist" to reply I think, so I thank you sincerely for your honest reply.

Well, you’re welcome I suppose. I’ve stated the same things time and again.

Not my place to say but you should remind everyone about the OP….
If you are a democrat, what democratic policies do you disagree with?
If you are a republican, what republican policies do you disagree with?

Few seem to be willing to bear their soul and examine their beliefs in the light of where the party they support stands on them.
It is not the most charitable way to put it but I think it is because they are scared. The sad thing is that stating that you don’t support the Democratic party (which you may vote for) or the Republican party (which you may vote for) on a topic or group of topics DOES NOT mean that your support the other major party’s stand. You’re entitled to have a novel opinion.

I think it is because they feel like if they disagree with ANY of their party's stances, then they feel as if they are showing "weakness" to the opposition, and that the opposition would capitalize on this weakness.

I think you’re right about that.
Yes, that's a good description.

Do you really believe that there are many people who want everything produced to belong to the state?

I know some personally.

I used to know even more of them when I was a moonbat myself.

The universities are crawling with drones who believe in turning the earth into a "human" ant colony.

Granted, some of them begin rejecting the concept when they start to work for a living. However most of them still embrace the idea of a 90% tax rate (on someone else) after a million dollar annual salary is achieved.

The people on the fringes are not going to be part of any solution.

The question is how many people will choose to communicate honestly and work together.

As long as we equate communication and cooperation with capitulation, nothing gets done.

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

I don't know, because no one is communicating. Everyone is just screaming the party line like trained seals.

Nothing happens until we can communicate.

I am communicating, you don't listen sometimes. You just like to smugly look down on everyone else and lecture them like some condescending pseudo intellectual.

So I'll repeat myself.

If you understand Marxism, you would know it's 100% across the board. That's what collectivism is. Everything you produce belongs to the state.

Or am I wrong?

Yes, that's a good description.

Do you really believe that there are many people who want everything produced to belong to the state?

Yes. There are people out there who agree with socialism, whereby the government is in control of taking and distributing monies equally amongst the people. Or at least that is what they THINK would happen. Lol.
That depends on your definition of socialism. Bernie Sanders' definition, for example, is the Euro-social democracies. Not Venezuela.

In those democracies, government does not own and control sources of production and distribution, which is the REAL definition of the socialism.

So until we can agree on terms, we won't get anywhere. And that will require honest communication.
Do you think there is a part of the Republican Party that supports segregation, opposes inter-racial and gay marriages, opposes

Yes, and I am sure there are some in the Democratic party that believes the same. If you think otherwise, your simply naive.

Many who call themselves "Democrats" do so simply because they hate "Republicans", and many who call themselves "Republicans" do so simply because they hate "Democrats".

The true description of either is not Republican or Democrat, it is Sheep.

I apologize for the blurb you responded to. As you may have seen, it’s a partially formed sentence. It was to see where Mac1958 would place the far right republicans and see if he would call them “regressive republicans”. I didn’t want to hijack the thread though

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