If your boss at your accounting firm made you take your clothes off, what would happen?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
this is the insane part..... Evangeline Lilly, actress, says she was pressured to do a nude scene on the show "Lost" to the point that she was crying and shaking afterward........

Why on earth isn't everyone involved sued into extinction and put in jail...

If your accounting firm insisted that you take your clothes off, you would own them..... in Hollywood, they can make you take your clothes off, or engage in simulated sex as conditions of employment...and nothing happens to them..

Where in the f**k is #metoo on this.....

Nowhere, it is a fake movement......

‘Lost’ Star Evangeline Lilly ‘Mortified’ After Being Pressured into Partially Nude Scenes

The Ant-Man and the Wasp star opened up about her deep discomfort with the scene on the Lost Boys podcast saying that she felt coerced to do the nude scene, according to Variety.

“In Season 3, I’d had a bad experience on set with being basically cornered into doing a scene partially naked, and I felt had no choice in the matter,” Lilly told the podcast hosts. “And I was mortified, and I was trembling when it finished. I was crying my eyes out, and I had to go and do a very formidable, very strong scene thereafter.”

Lilly added that in Season four she again failed to “take control” of a nude scene.

“In Season 4, another scene came up where Kate was undressing, and I fought very hard to have that scene be under my control. And I failed to control it again,” she said. “So I then said, ‘That’s it, no more. You can write whatever you want — I won’t do it. I will never take my clothes off on this show again.’ And I didn’t.”

She also said she would never do a nude scene again.
If your boss at your accounting firm made you take your clothes off, what would happen?

Most everyone would run screaming out of the building....... Twenty years ago it might have been just the opposite....... :dunno:
An accounting firm requires employees to do accounting. Acting requires employees to play a part and that part may require nudity.

It would be like if you worked for an accounting firm and were mortified at having to do accounting.
this is the insane part..... Evangeline Lilly, actress, says she was pressured to do a nude scene on the show "Lost" to the point that she was crying and shaking afterward........

Why on earth isn't everyone involved sued into extinction and put in jail...

Because, um, sometimes acting requires you to perform nude...

I'm pretty sure when they wrote up her contract, they had this issue covered.
this is the insane part..... Evangeline Lilly, actress, says she was pressured to do a nude scene on the show "Lost" to the point that she was crying and shaking afterward........

Why on earth isn't everyone involved sued into extinction and put in jail...

Because, um, sometimes acting requires you to perform nude...

I'm pretty sure when they wrote up her contract, they had this issue covered.

There is no reason for an actor to perform nude.... that they get them to sign a contract under pressure should be an issue they get sued into the poor house over.
this is the insane part..... Evangeline Lilly, actress, says she was pressured to do a nude scene on the show "Lost" to the point that she was crying and shaking afterward........

Why on earth isn't everyone involved sued into extinction and put in jail...

Because it's not illegal to "pressure" someone.
There is no reason for an actor to perform nude.... that they get them to sign a contract under pressure should be an issue they get sued into the poor house over.

Sure there is. What amazes me is that they have these sex scenes on TV where both people are mostly or fully clothed...

Now, do they put a lot of gratuitous nudity in films.. Um, yeah, I guess. They also have a lot of gratuitous violence to appeal to the gun nuts.
this is the insane part..... Evangeline Lilly, actress, says she was pressured to do a nude scene on the show "Lost" to the point that she was crying and shaking afterward........

Why on earth isn't everyone involved sued into extinction and put in jail...

Because, um, sometimes acting requires you to perform nude...

I'm pretty sure when they wrote up her contract, they had this issue covered.

There is no reason for an actor to perform nude.... that they get them to sign a contract under pressure should be an issue they get sued into the poor house over.

Isn't "pressured" the same as "talked into"?

Cops get pressured into not reporting their fellow officers.
Nurses get pressured into not reporting doctors.
Those matter.

That an actress allows herself to be talked into doing a nude scene (Evangeline Lilly is worth an estimated $15 million btw) is not the same.
I believe she used the word "coerced", except didn't provide specifics. I would have to know more details to form much of an opinion.

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