If Your Not Giddy Over Romney,Will You Settle For A Romney/McDonnell or Ryan Ticket ?

Mar 16, 2012

Romney may not be most GOP's/Conservatives choice, but then again, we have to look at it as choosing the lesser of both evils and whether you want to see our nation become Greece by 2016.
Rasmussem should take some Romney/VP polls to see if the gap is better with either ticket.
Bob McDonnell as VP will give Romney the crucial states of Virginia and North Carolina, aside from the rust belt.
If not Rubio (unless he is bluffing about not wanting the VP spot) McDonnell is next in line.
Us conservatives can only pray for a Romney/McDonnell ticket !! (well, at least I do)
and like in 2008, regardless of whom Romney chooses, the right will be screaming to reverse the ticket, kinda like when McCain chose Palin. at least with McDonnell/Ryan on the ticket, the GOP will vote for it knowing the VP will be the 2016 nominee. that would happen with Rubio as well.
VP choices do noting to help a given ticket; and as we saw with McCain in 2008, the choice can actually hurt.
The problem with a Romney/McDonnel ticket is the problem with Eggs, sausage and spam, spam, spam. It still has spam in it.. err Romney.
at least Romney has plenty of great candidates to choose from, but he and McDonnell are pretty good buddies,,if u google Romney/McDonnell 2012,,,there are plenty of pages to look over.
at least Romney has plenty of great candidates to choose from, but he and McDonnell are pretty good buddies,,if u google Romney/McDonnell 2012,,,there are plenty of pages to look over.

As already correctly noted: you’re entitled to your delusions.

Romney may not be most GOP's/Conservatives choice, but then again, we have to look at it as choosing the lesser of both evils and whether you want to see our nation become Greece by 2016.
Rasmussem should take some Romney/VP polls to see if the gap is better with either ticket.
Bob McDonnell as VP will give Romney the crucial states of Virginia and North Carolina, aside from the rust belt.
If not Rubio (unless he is bluffing about not wanting the VP spot) McDonnell is next in line.
Us conservatives can only pray for a Romney/McDonnell ticket !! (well, at least I do)


Romney may not be most GOP's/Conservatives choice, but then again, we have to look at it as choosing the lesser of both evils and whether you want to see our nation become Greece by 2016.
Rasmussem should take some Romney/VP polls to see if the gap is better with either ticket.
Bob McDonnell as VP will give Romney the crucial states of Virginia and North Carolina, aside from the rust belt.
If not Rubio (unless he is bluffing about not wanting the VP spot) McDonnell is next in line.
Us conservatives can only pray for a Romney/McDonnell ticket !! (well, at least I do)

Everyone has accused Romney of not being conservative enough for them. BUT--he does have a very FISCAL conservative record. He did cut the spending in MASS.--& he made up for a 2 billion dollar deficit before he left office.

From what I can tell--is when people say he's not conservative enough--they are attacking him on his once pro-choice stance and or of course Romneycare.

So--in my opinion once Romney wins the nomination he will go for someone who is considered a "cough-cough" real conservative--but I think the better choice for him would be to pick a Republican Latino-Latina--to be his running mate.
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The problem with a Romney/McDonnel ticket is the problem with Eggs, sausage and spam, spam, spam. It still has spam in it.. err Romney.

You've already outed yourself in the other thread of being a RELIGIOUS bigot--so why not stop with your little charade.

You stated you hated MORMONS and would never vote for one.
at least Romney has plenty of great candidates to choose from, but he and McDonnell are pretty good buddies,,if u google Romney/McDonnell 2012,,,there are plenty of pages to look over.

Great and all, but if that was something Romney was seriously thinking about, he'd have bought up all those domain names by now.
The problem with a Romney/McDonnel ticket is the problem with Eggs, sausage and spam, spam, spam. It still has spam in it.. err Romney.

You've already outed yourself in the other thread of being a RELIGIOUS bigot--so why not stop with your little charade.

You stated you hated MORMONS and would never vote for one.

I've only been saying that since last July... but I know you're a bit slow.

I also don't like him because he routinely screws over working folks, because he's aloof and kind of creepy, because he talks out of both sides of his mouth on every issue, and oh, yeah, he's cruel to animals.

But, yeah, Mormonism was the deal killer for me, before I even had to look at that other stuff.

And that’s the problem.

Meant to exhibit your utter hate and disdain for the president, in that you’d vote for the republican candidate, regardless whom that may be, you actually undermine that candidate’s chances come November.

It’s not enough to say ‘Obama sucks,’ you’ve got to put forward compelling, specific reasons concerning a specific candidate as to why he or she should become president in order to attract the independents and weak (‘Reagan’) democrats needed for a republican to win.

There aren’t enough members of the ‘Obama Sucks Party’ to unseat the president.
and like in 2008, regardless of whom Romney chooses, the right will be screaming to reverse the ticket, kinda like when McCain chose Palin. at least with McDonnell/Ryan on the ticket, the GOP will vote for it knowing the VP will be the 2016 nominee. that would happen with Rubio as well.

You know that Romney will become the favorite if he just picks Palin as his VP.
assuming its Romney, to add fuel to the fire, he should plan to put the other three on the cabinet, especially with Ron Paul. Ron Paul working under Romney will ensure a chunk of the younger/college vote. Gingrich may be S.O.S. Santorm? no idea, where should Romney place him?

Romney may not be most GOP's/Conservatives choice, but then again, we have to look at it as choosing the lesser of both evils and whether you want to see our nation become Greece by 2016.
Rasmussem should take some Romney/VP polls to see if the gap is better with either ticket.
Bob McDonnell as VP will give Romney the crucial states of Virginia and North Carolina, aside from the rust belt.
If not Rubio (unless he is bluffing about not wanting the VP spot) McDonnell is next in line.
Us conservatives can only pray for a Romney/McDonnell ticket !! (well, at least I do)


Like I've said before, rw's will follow their marching orders even though they know the GObP will put us into an endless downward spiral.

Stoopid sheeples.

Romney may not be most GOP's/Conservatives choice, but then again, we have to look at it as choosing the lesser of both evils and whether you want to see our nation become Greece by 2016.
Rasmussem should take some Romney/VP polls to see if the gap is better with either ticket.
Bob McDonnell as VP will give Romney the crucial states of Virginia and North Carolina, aside from the rust belt.
If not Rubio (unless he is bluffing about not wanting the VP spot) McDonnell is next in line.
Us conservatives can only pray for a Romney/McDonnell ticket !! (well, at least I do)

mcdonnell is finished as far as being a national candidate. he's the vaginal probe guy now. he adds nothing in terms of getting votes from moderates and women.... which is really what you need to win.

it isn't going to happen. rubio has a better shot at it except he lied about his family history and the GOP has already turned off hispanics in droves.
So long as Obama keeps speaking to Americans as if we are all naive four year olds, he's just gonna continue to make a jackass of himself. Even a shoe will beat obama in 2012.

Romney may not be most GOP's/Conservatives choice, but then again, we have to look at it as choosing the lesser of both evils and whether you want to see our nation become Greece by 2016.
Rasmussem should take some Romney/VP polls to see if the gap is better with either ticket.
Bob McDonnell as VP will give Romney the crucial states of Virginia and North Carolina, aside from the rust belt.
If not Rubio (unless he is bluffing about not wanting the VP spot) McDonnell is next in line.
Us conservatives can only pray for a Romney/McDonnell ticket !! (well, at least I do)

I like the governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño for second spot....
And he is conservative.

About 3.8 million Puerto Ricans also reside on the US Mainland.
As of 2010, Hispanics accounted for 16.3% of the national population, or around 50.5 million people.
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