If Your Not Giddy Over Romney,Will You Settle For A Romney/McDonnell or Ryan Ticket ?

The average voter has no idea who McDonnel is.

And Romney is going to have the same problem as McCain in 2008 (among many other problems…), he’s going to need to appease the radical rightwing base.

That would be a Romney/Santorum ticket.

Santorum would certainly do the trick with regard to the base, he is Palinesque in that regard; and unlike Palin marginally more qualified.
assuming its Romney, to add fuel to the fire, he should plan to put the other three on the cabinet, especially with Ron Paul. Ron Paul working under Romney will ensure a chunk of the younger/college vote. Gingrich may be S.O.S. Santorm? no idea, where should Romney place him?

I think you are getting WAAAAY ahead of yourself. Romney is still trailing Obama not only in the national polls, but in most of the polls of the key swing states he needs to win.

Now, he might flip one of those states, like VA by picking a favorite son, but he can't flip all of them.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House

RCP Map. Obama already has 227 votes. He just needs 43 more. And there are 130 in "Toss up" states.

Four out of six polls have him leading Romney in VA. Five out of six have him leading Romney in PA. Four out of five in OH.
I wish conservative heroes would start calling Romney on those cable news interviews.."President Romney". Just to spite O'Bozo.
gallup and raz should take an updated poll of "Anyone But Obama" it's probably closer to 55% by now being Bozo refuses to do anything to bring gas prices down, he would rather spend the time campainging when HE SHOULD BE GOVERNING !!!
gallup and raz should take an updated poll of "Anyone But Obama" it's probably closer to 55% by now being Bozo refuses to do anything to bring gas prices down, he would rather spend the time campainging when HE SHOULD BE GOVERNING !!!

I'm curious what you think Obama should be doing, exactly, that will bring gas prices down right now?

Any new drilling would be a) a drop in the bucket and b) take years to see any fruit.

Oil is high right now because Japan is using 500K barrels a day since they shut down their nukes, and Iran and Israel rattling sabers is keeping speculation up. I can't see what Obama could do to really resolve either of those problems.
No wonder the White House is advocating Voter Fraud in Texas, they know by stealing Texas, they will beat Romney.
and like in 2008, regardless of whom Romney chooses, the right will be screaming to reverse the ticket, kinda like when McCain chose Palin. at least with McDonnell/Ryan on the ticket, the GOP will vote for it knowing the VP will be the 2016 nominee. that would happen with Rubio as well.

You know that Romney will become the favorite if he just picks Palin as his VP.

Oh, I think that he should go for Bachman:badgrin:
gallup and raz should take an updated poll of "Anyone But Obama" it's probably closer to 55% by now being Bozo refuses to do anything to bring gas prices down, he would rather spend the time campainging when HE SHOULD BE GOVERNING !!!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

RCP Average

3/7 - 3/16






3/14 - 3/16

1500 A




Rasmussen Reports

3/14 - 3/16

1500 LV




FOX News

3/10 - 3/12

912 RV





3/8 - 3/11

1002 A





3/8 - 3/11

1084 A




CBS News/NY Times

3/7 - 3/11

1009 A




Pew Research

3/7 - 3/11

1503 A




ABC News/Wash Post

3/7 - 3/10

1003 A


And that’s the problem.

Meant to exhibit your utter hate and disdain for the president, in that you’d vote for the republican candidate, regardless whom that may be, you actually undermine that candidate’s chances come November.

It’s not enough to say ‘Obama sucks,’ you’ve got to put forward compelling, specific reasons concerning a specific candidate as to why he or she should become president in order to attract the independents and weak (‘Reagan’) democrats needed for a republican to win.

There aren’t enough members of the ‘Obama Sucks Party’ to unseat the president.

Maybe so but what about the "anyone that is black" voters that voted 90%+ for the man who is in the White House today?
They get a free ride each and every election when they vote based solely on who looks like them.
gallup and raz should take an updated poll of "Anyone But Obama" it's probably closer to 55% by now being Bozo refuses to do anything to bring gas prices down, he would rather spend the time campainging when HE SHOULD BE GOVERNING !!!

I'm curious what you think Obama should be doing, exactly, that will bring gas prices down right now?

Any new drilling would be a) a drop in the bucket and b) take years to see any fruit.

Oil is high right now because Japan is using 500K barrels a day since they shut down their nukes, and Iran and Israel rattling sabers is keeping speculation up. I can't see what Obama could do to really resolve either of those problems.

When refined petroleum products, as in gasoline and diesel, have become our leading exports, it is difficult to make a case for more drilling or refinery capacity making any differance at all in the price of gasoline.
gallup and raz should take an updated poll of "Anyone But Obama" it's probably closer to 55% by now being Bozo refuses to do anything to bring gas prices down, he would rather spend the time campainging when HE SHOULD BE GOVERNING !!!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

RCP Average

3/7 - 3/16






3/14 - 3/16

1500 A




Rasmussen Reports

3/14 - 3/16

1500 LV




FOX News

3/10 - 3/12

912 RV





3/8 - 3/11

1002 A





3/8 - 3/11

1084 A




CBS News/NY Times

3/7 - 3/11

1009 A




Pew Research

3/7 - 3/11

1503 A




ABC News/Wash Post

3/7 - 3/10

1003 A


Polls mean nothing at this stage of the game comparing Obama to Republicans.
Gas goes up around October and Obama's #s go down
Gas goes down and his #s go up.
Same with many other factors such as the war, etc.
> the Obama Hidden Agenda,,,,get even with the white race for how they treated blacks during the slavery era. {derrrr,,,then again, we all know that}

And that’s the problem.

Meant to exhibit your utter hate and disdain for the president, in that you’d vote for the republican candidate, regardless whom that may be, you actually undermine that candidate’s chances come November.

It’s not enough to say ‘Obama sucks,’ you’ve got to put forward compelling, specific reasons concerning a specific candidate as to why he or she should become president in order to attract the independents and weak (‘Reagan’) democrats needed for a republican to win.

There aren’t enough members of the ‘Obama Sucks Party’ to unseat the president.

You will see won't ewe?
at least Romney has plenty of great candidates to choose from, but he and McDonnell are pretty good buddies,,if u google Romney/McDonnell 2012,,,there are plenty of pages to look over.

As already correctly noted: you’re entitled to your delusions.

yeah cause biden is such a great choice right? stupid asswipe.

Biden was a fine choice.

Look at the outcome. It wasn't even close.

Romney may not be most GOP's/Conservatives choice, but then again, we have to look at it as choosing the lesser of both evils and whether you want to see our nation become Greece by 2016.
Rasmussem should take some Romney/VP polls to see if the gap is better with either ticket.
Bob McDonnell as VP will give Romney the crucial states of Virginia and North Carolina, aside from the rust belt.
If not Rubio (unless he is bluffing about not wanting the VP spot) McDonnell is next in line.
Us conservatives can only pray for a Romney/McDonnell ticket !! (well, at least I do)

I like the governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño for second spot....
And he is conservative.

About 3.8 million Puerto Ricans also reside on the US Mainland.
As of 2010, Hispanics accounted for 16.3% of the national population, or around 50.5 million people.

That's an interesting choice.
Polls mean nothing at this stage of the game comparing Obama to Republicans.
Gas goes up around October and Obama's #s go down
Gas goes down and his #s go up.
Same with many other factors such as the war, etc.

But it seems that your scenarios almost always have to be something bad happening to Obama, they never seem to involved the Dog-Torturer's ability to impress anyone.

Since unemployment is going down, you all can't talk about that so much, so you think gas prices are the issue.

Here's the thing. Romney won't win because he isn't a unifying figure even for Republicans. Usually, the only way to dislodge an incumbant is to have a unified party combined with a divided base for the President. This is what happened in 1992 and 1980.

He has nowhere near the skill of a Reagan or a Clinton. While these two were silver tongued devils, Romney is more along the lines of weird Mormon Robot who occassional has his programming miss a beat, when he says things like "I like be able to fire people" "the trees are the right height" and "exterminate all humans!"

(okay, I made that last one up.)
VP choices do noting to help a given ticket; and as we saw with McCain in 2008, the choice can actually hurt.

That doesn't make any sense.

If a VP choice can hurt than logically it can also help.

Not really.

It can hurt because the thought of X being a heartbeat away is frightening.

It doesn't help because even a really qualified person usually has no real role. As John Nance Garner once said, "The vice Presidency isn't worth a bucket of warm spit."

Two points. He really said "Warm" piss. And most people forget he was FDR's first Vice president.
VP choices do noting to help a given ticket; and as we saw with McCain in 2008, the choice can actually hurt.

That doesn't make any sense.

If a VP choice can hurt than logically it can also help.

Not really.

It can hurt because the thought of X being a heartbeat away is frightening.

It doesn't help because even a really qualified person usually has no real role. As John Nance Garner once said, "The vice Presidency isn't worth a bucket of warm spit."

Two points. He really said "Warm" piss. And most people forget he was FDR's first Vice president.

Similarly, it can help if a competent VP is chosen as the VP is always just a heartbeat away.

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