If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

Republicans should leave it alone. Folks being gay isn't a pressing issue. If being gay makes em happy, so be it. Life is short. Ya gotta try to be as happy as you can with the short time you're on this earth. If you're gay, just be open about it and find someone you can live a nice life with. I just don't get why the Republicans need to obsess over the issue.

1. because you retards force the rest of America to deny 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching that sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is wrong

2. because you fools set the stage for gender-self-identification for bathroom usage; setting the stage for dirty old men to go into little girls bathrooms, etc.

Americans want that filthy shit kept away from their children...

You went too far.

Every action has an equal and opposite REaction.

You're about to see that REaction now.

Should have quit short of those marks, while you were still ahead.

Arrogant fools.

Your consequences are about to unfold.

You don't have to deny anything. Nobody is asking you to live your life any differently than you do today, as far as this subject goes.

And, you need to remember that we don't make law on the basis of what ANY religion thinks is "sin".

If we did, then there would be laws corresponding to more than half the 10C.

If we did, then there would be laws corresponding to the worst sins of the lot, the "seven deadly sins" - yet there are NO such laws, nor will there be.

If we did, there would be discussion of how to resolve the differences between the old and new testaments and the total, freaking INSANITY of Leviticus as it could possibly be applied today.

But, we do not. So, figure it out.
None of that shit matters.

You are now out of power; driven there in large part by your overly-zealous social re-engineering agenda, your moral relativism, and your faux equivalencies.

They now have power, and they're going to reverse much of what you've accomplished; and that, in damned short order.

You just had to keep pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing America, until America finally pushed back.

Damned fools.

The truly sad and pathetic part of that, is that you will dodge and deflect and deny that your agenda is a huge part of the reason for your epic and humiliating loss of power.

That denial will keep you out of power, now, for quite some time to come.

Much of the rest of America has had enough of you, and has stopped listening, and will ignore you now, for quite some time to come.

You become the butt of jokes, and, more importantly, you become unimportant and irrelevant, on Friday, at noon.

Enjoy your exile.
- Clinton got more than a couple MILLION votes than did Trump.

- a few short years ago, Dems had a super majority in the Senate and a majority in the House. These things go back and forth.

- Republicans have been working hard to deny the vote to large numbers of Americans, and the tide is against them due to a number of demographic and opinion changes.

Plus, your idea that you have the power to foist your hatred on Americans is ridiculous.
You're still in denial... come back in a year or two when even you can no longer deny that your foolhardy social re-engineering agenda was not a huge part of your defeat.
You're totally dreaming. I'm fully aware that there are bible belt idiots who just can't get beyond their total bigotry as well as their ignorance and disdain of science.

The catch is that those numbers are decreasing. Evangelical hard liners are in retrograde.

As for your bigotry toward the LBGT world, the USA is accepting same sex marriage and more and more it is seen as unacceptable to impose on people's private lives.
The OP forgets that there was a coalition of gay supporters of Trump called the Log House Republicans. Suppose they are just "mediocre faggots".
The OP forgets that there was a coalition of gay supporters of Trump called the Log House Republicans. Suppose they are just "mediocre faggots".

The Log Cabin Republicans didn't endorse Trump. I don't believe they endorsed anyone this last cycle. That being said, the OP is known for being overly-dramatic.
The OP forgets that there was a coalition of gay supporters of Trump called the Log House Republicans. Suppose they are just "mediocre faggots".
No, they are "Log Cabin Republicans". And, apparently you know less about them than most.

The thing is, there are a lot of issues and opinions out there, and persons who are same sex oriented don't think any more alike than people how are heterosexually oriented.

The real problem here is that you think that sexual orientation somehow dictates an "agenda". Yet, the only "agenda" is that they not be subjected to your ocean of bigotry.
Gays are out and about, and nothing can but them in the closet again.
The right wings positions on gays isn't to drive them back into to the closet. It's always been to destroy their lives.
Won't happen.
With a conservative Supreme Court Judge, you would be amazed at what the right wing can do.

Really? Because that right wing supreme court that you are so worried about allowed obamacare and gay marriage through.
Gays are out and about, and nothing can but them in the closet again.
The right wings positions on gays isn't to drive them back into to the closet. It's always been to destroy their lives.

Wrong again....we.dont care about who you fuck as long as it's consensual, but we don't think people should people should act like they do in.gay pride parades......
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

It will be the democrats. They see how useless you are in the political realm.

Sad really.
You can come out from under the bed anytime now.

You can be as gay as you want.

Nobody will take your penises away from you.
if moochelle obama got to keep hers while pretending to be first lady, there should be no fear anywhere in that community of anyone else losing theirs either.
You can come out from under the bed anytime now.

You can be as gay as you want.

Nobody will take your penises away from you.

They'll take my penises when they pry them from cold sticky hands.

In all seriousness, I am not too worried about a sudden and massive roll back when it comes gay rights with Trump's victory. At the end of the day most people care about the economy, providing for their families, and, getting the government off their backs.
Pence passed legislation in his state to destroy the rights of gays. What the Right wing doesn't understand is when Right wingers target one group, you don't know who their second group will be.
Look at Republicans and Obamacare. Now possibly 18 million or more could lose their insurance. Not just that, without Obamacare, caps come back. If you have surgery and it costs 50 grand but you are only insured for 25 grand, then you have to pay the 25 grand. Obamacare took away caps. That affects everyone.
And remember how suprised people were to find out about how coal miners will get screwed.

It's just the beginnig.
see, I warned about this bullshit before the insurance theft became reality. when it would finally be taken back because its a failure, the left would star crying about people losing their insurance.
Wake up idiot, nobody has to lose their insurance, they only have to fucking pay for it themselves, Got IT???
The working class are getting tired of watching every penny they own stole from them to be given to some worthless piece of shit that contributes nothing to society in the first place. Those that PAY for their insurance are the ones that deserve insurance. Those that sit on their ass and expect others to provide for them might be better off getting some serious illness without insurance. Puts them out of our misery.
of course there is nothing that stops you from buying a policy for some other family that you dont even know,. So put up or just admit you really dont care enough to provide coverage unless you can steal the money from someone else first.
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

I bet you believe your mom actually lived in a shoe huh?
Gays are out and about, and nothing can but them in the closet again.
The right wings positions on gays isn't to drive them back into to the closet. It's always been to destroy their lives.
Won't happen.
With a conservative Supreme Court Judge, you would be amazed at what the right wing can do.

Here's what your new president is looking for in a justice.

Appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold our laws and our Constitution. The replacement for Justice Scalia will be a person of similar views and principles who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.

  • Defend the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States. Nobody is above the law.
  • Uphold our freedoms, constitutional values and principles that our country was founded on.
  • Protect our Constitutional liberties.
  • Protect and defend the bill of rights, including the freedom of religion, speech, press and right to bear arms.
Constitution and Second Amendment
You can come out from under the bed anytime now.

You can be as gay as you want.

Nobody will take your penises away from you.

They'll take my penises when they pry them from cold sticky hands.

In all seriousness, I am not too worried about a sudden and massive roll back when it comes gay rights with Trump's victory. At the end of the day most people care about the economy, providing for their families, and, getting the government off their backs.
Not so. Homophobia and racism from the right wing are central to the lives of many.

Look at how afraid they are now to lose their Obamacare. In many Red States, 80% of those who voted for Trump have Obamacare. That's hate for the black guy.
Gays are out and about, and nothing can but them in the closet again.
The right wings positions on gays isn't to drive them back into to the closet. It's always been to destroy their lives.
Won't happen.
With a conservative Supreme Court Judge, you would be amazed at what the right wing can do.

Here's what your new president is looking for in a justice.

Appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold our laws and our Constitution. The replacement for Justice Scalia will be a person of similar views and principles who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.

  • Defend the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States. Nobody is above the law.
  • Uphold our freedoms, constitutional values and principles that our country was founded on.
  • Protect our Constitutional liberties.
  • Protect and defend the bill of rights, including the freedom of religion, speech, press and right to bear arms.
Constitution and Second Amendment
When Republicans talk about freedom and rights, they aren't talking about for all Americans.
The rafied replacement for Justice Scalia will not "be a person of similar views and principles" but will be much like a Merrick Brian Garland.
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

You lefties are afraid of Christians who are anti-homosexual, yet you defend and promote Islam.

Smells like bullshit.
Gays are out and about, and nothing can but them in the closet again.
The right wings positions on gays isn't to drive them back into to the closet. It's always been to destroy their lives.
Too many gays voted Republican for me to feel sorry for what happens to them. We give them marriage and they vote GOP?

Same way poor people didn't vote in 2010 after we got them the aca.

Republicans will let gays be married but that doesn't mean they can adopt or share healthcare.

Maybe Americans like these people will wake up and stop voting gop
How did it get to be in this country that it seams like the minority of people are ruling the majority of people.
Why are we standing for this.
Gay, trans, lgbt, y'all are pissing folks off. Your days of pushing people around are numbered, there's a new sheriff coming.
No body wants y'all back in closet, just shut up and stop trying to force your lifestyle on everyone.
Maybe us rednecks should start forcing something on y'all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is Trump anti-gay? Don't consider this a rhetoric question, the gay agenda has been one I've tried my best to avoid but it seems to have been shoved down our throats these past years. Socially Trump seems to me as rather liberal and my impression is that their biggest complaint with Trump is that he'll treat gays as normal folks and not coddle them as Obama and the liberals have done. But then I could be wrong there as well: Advisers urge Trump to dance with Caitlyn Jenner at inauguration | Page Six
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

OMG You are still tree stump dumb.

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