If you're Jewish or look Jewish and live in one of our liberal cities be prepared for possible violence on Friday October 13th

In much of the world flying the Israeli star of David flag is equally offensive as flying the Nazi flag with the swastika.
Yes, antisemitism is prevalent throughout the world, especially in countries with lots of Muslim immigrants.
So…let’s be calm and rational here. Likely nothing will come of this, but also keep in mind, not all Muslims are violent people. Some just want to live in peace. Please be mindful of that before you get all riled up.

Be angry of those who would cause harm, be supportive of those who also condemn that harm.

Just food for thought..
Me and our truck militia are all going to dress Jewish and go in front of White House and see what ass wipes want to take on grown armed men instead of babies, children and women. Look for us on TV, we will have pickups with snow plows on them
And for true Americans-you are welcome
So you're gonna continue to LIE and pretend to be something that you really are not.


ALL TALK, no action.
We won't be seeing you on TV.
The leader of Hamas has put out a call for all Muslims to attack & kill for Jihad all zionists and Jews.

And with sympathizer leftists who aren't right in the head who knows what if anything may be a threat to you.

Also his video was left on YouTube despite YouTube banning the rights channels for "threats"

Right on board with it, right fascist?
It's time to grab some high ranking Hamas Imams, put them on live television and inject them with pig's blood..

Tell them that will happen to all of them if they don't stop this shit.
The leader of Hamas has put out a call for all Muslims to attack & kill for Jihad all zionists and Jews.

And with sympathizer leftists who aren't right in the head who knows what if anything may be a threat to you.

Also his video was left on YouTube despite YouTube banning the rights channels for "threats"

Proud Boys et al need to be monitored.
Might make it harder to identify them as a Jew if they would quit wearing that saucer plate on their head. ... :dunno:
I'm sure some will remove it just in case they run into scum like you.

At least they don't hide behind a white hood.
The antisemitism is reaching a fevered pitch in Australia. Here we have a man threatening to kill four Jewish teens for displaying the Israel flag on their car.

Wow. That is disgraceful, and this is what will be the downfall of the West. When you open your doors to animals, and allow them to do as they please, your country, your culture will die.
Hopefully this piece of shit will spend at least some time in jail.

All of us need to understand something here. These people are not Westerners. They do not think like us, they do not see the world the way we do. They have no compassion for non-believers, and see nothing in mutilating even children.
These radicals believe death is greater than life, and they will not hesitate to take yours.
They will NEVER assimilate into our countries and become us, become part of the melting pot. They believe one thing. They believe their way is the only way and the superior way and they believe they are glorified dying when they take you with them.
They are indeed TRULY the 'death cult', and the sooner Western countries acknowledge it, the sooner we can rid ourselves with them. I sincerely however doubt that day will ever come. They are the ones producing the children today, and we are not. Already in our own country we are seeing evidence that a growing population of young people are either them, or are supporting them, and of course as with all generations, the future is theirs.

Young Americans Pose a Problem for Israel​

Wow. That is disgraceful, and this is what will be the downfall of the West. When you open your doors to animals, and allow them to do as they please, your country, your culture will die.
Hopefully this piece of shit will spend at least some time in jail.

All of us need to understand something here. These people are not Westerners. They do not think like us, they do not see the world the way we do. They have no compassion for non-believers, and see nothing in mutilating even children.
These radicals believe death is greater than life, and they will not hesitate to take yours.
They will NEVER assimilate into our countries and become us, become part of the melting pot. They believe one thing. They believe their way is the only way and the superior way and they believe they are glorified dying when they take you with them.
They are indeed TRULY the 'death cult', and the sooner Western countries acknowledge it, the sooner we can rid ourselves with them. I sincerely however doubt that day will ever come. They are the ones producing the children today, and we are not. Already in our own country we are seeing evidence that a growing population of young people are either them, or are supporting them, and of course as with all generations, the future is theirs.

Young Americans Pose a Problem for Israel​

I’m concerned that Biden will let in tens of thousands of Jew-Hating Palestinian “refugees.”
The European countries like Germany, Russia, Ukraine, etc. didn't have muslims but had pogroms against Jews or centuries.
yup….true….antisemites preceded Muslims, but what Muslim children are taught in school is creating another generation of Jew-haters.
yup….true….antisemites preceded Muslims, but what Muslim children are taught in school is creating another generation of Jew-haters.
Jews historically have been kicked out of dozens of countries.
But it never seems to occur to the Jews that maybe the problem is with them and quit blaming everyone else for being anti-semitic.

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