If you're Pro Gun do you carry?

Living in a urban city with the racial division that democrats have created it would be crazy for me to carry.
I see it in the opposite.

I would not live there anyway.

I would carry every moment for sure if I had to live there, in my own house.

I reiterate: get help soon.
We have a right to protect our selves, would you like to rewatch the videos of blacks attacking whites that was played last week?
Win an election
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.
I see it in the opposite.

I would not live there anyway.

I would carry every moment for sure if I had to live there, in my own house.

I reiterate: get help soon.
We have a right to protect our selves, would you like to rewatch the videos of blacks attacking whites that was played last week?
Win an election
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.
You didn’t win where it mattered trump
Is stacking the courts.
All of rumpys selections will be removed when he is found to be a treasonous person and the election of him is voided.
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.

You just LOST some in Georgia.


Are you an actual individual posting this inane shit, or are you a posting bot?

It's alarming that there are people who appear as stupid as you do walking around in public with access to car keys and household chemicals.

All of rumpys selections will be removed when he is found to be a treasonous person and the election of him is voided.

Speaking of posting bots and dangerously stupid people...

Whoever programmed that piece of shit is a malevolent parasite and a poster child legalizing back alley coat hanger abortions, as well as retroactive abortions into the 295'th Trimester.


I reiterate: get help soon.
We have a right to protect our selves, would you like to rewatch the videos of blacks attacking whites that was played last week?
Win an election
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.
You didn’t win where it mattered trump
Is stacking the courts.
We will just remove them for cause. Most of them aren't qualified and Bart O'kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly.
We have a right to protect our selves, would you like to rewatch the videos of blacks attacking whites that was played last week?
Win an election
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.
You didn’t win where it mattered trump
Is stacking the courts.
We will just remove them for cause. Most of them aren't qualified and Bart O'kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly.
When do you think democrats are ever going to win an election? Lol have you seen the crazy shiat they are saying??
If not, why not?

I will admit that many times I leave Karl in the truck and run in and out of a store or while I'm at work. I did downsize to a Walther 9mm (I call it Karl) because the Springfield .45 XD is just a lot of gun unless we are in the winter season and a coat is comfortable.

The main reason I ask is because of the 2 most recent shooting in TX of all places, where we are known for hauling guns everywhere we go. I was amazed at how these 2 assholes did not have a single round returned at them until police arrived. Of course I wasn't at either place and have no idea what the scene looked like, nor am I the sort to run towards gunfire.

I know at least 1/3 of the people in the country are at least Pro-Gun enough to own more than a .38 or 12Ga. What I wonder is why there aren't a lot more people carrying. When the founders wrote the COTUS, I think they expected most of the God fearing law abiding good citizens would have weapons handy when some rouge turd reared it's head. It seems to me that we ended up complacent as a society when most of the rouge turds got put down quickly by regular people and police. So many people stopped encumbering themselves with a Colt SAA .45 or a 1911.

By the 1960's we forgot that we are a nation of militia, that every man is supposed to be trained and supposed to be ready to put down nefarious assholes. So if you are pro-gun, why do you not have a LTC if you can get one, or if you even need one? Why aren't more people carrying? I can usually spot a fellow carrier by how they're dressed and I do believe we need the government to promote the concept that the public is responsible for their safety. We need High Schools to teach seniors how to safely handle weapons in order to graduate, and teach them tactics of self defense, how to de-escalate conflict, and how to respond to aggressive criminals.

We would wipe out these mass shootings completely if we as a society could count on 1 in 3 or even 1 in 5 people having the capacity to engage in and win a gunfight.

Plus all the bed wetters would flee to Canada or Cuba and leave us the fuck alone.

You named your pistol?

Get help dude.

What's wrong with naming your guns? I named the one I carry daily "Shooty." I also named the two knives I carry: The one in my pocket is named "Stabby" and the one in my boot is named "Pokie."

Then there's the contents of gun safe, but I don't have time to list all their names right now. But come to my house uninvited some night and I can introduce you to a couple of them. :04:
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.

You just LOST some in Georgia.


Are you an actual individual posting this inane shit, or are you a posting bot?

It's alarming that there are people who appear as stupid as you do walking around in public with access to car keys and household chemicals.

Lol, you don't really know what happened in georgia do you?
Only cowards carry

And on that note.....
I hope on the night you suffer a home invasion and call the COPS (who carry).....they will remember your comment and finish their donuts instead.

Last edited:
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.
You didn’t win where it mattered trump
Is stacking the courts.
We will just remove them for cause. Most of them aren't qualified and Bart O'kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly.
When do you think democrats are ever going to win an election? Lol have you seen the crazy shiat they are saying??
Ok, once more for the hard-of-thinking: we just won a bunch, hang around there will be more.
Win an election
We just won a bunch of them.

You ready for us to win more? ''Cause it's coming.
You didn’t win where it mattered trump
Is stacking the courts.
We will just remove them for cause. Most of them aren't qualified and Bart O'kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly.
When do you think democrats are ever going to win an election? Lol have you seen the crazy shiat they are saying??
Ok, once more for the hard-of-thinking: we just won a bunch, hang around there will be more.
You took less seats then normal, and didn’t win where you needed it
If not, why not?

I will admit that many times I leave Karl in the truck and run in and out of a store or while I'm at work. I did downsize to a Walther 9mm (I call it Karl) because the Springfield .45 XD is just a lot of gun unless we are in the winter season and a coat is comfortable.

The main reason I ask is because of the 2 most recent shooting in TX of all places, where we are known for hauling guns everywhere we go. I was amazed at how these 2 assholes did not have a single round returned at them until police arrived. Of course I wasn't at either place and have no idea what the scene looked like, nor am I the sort to run towards gunfire.

I know at least 1/3 of the people in the country are at least Pro-Gun enough to own more than a .38 or 12Ga. What I wonder is why there aren't a lot more people carrying. When the founders wrote the COTUS, I think they expected most of the God fearing law abiding good citizens would have weapons handy when some rouge turd reared it's head. It seems to me that we ended up complacent as a society when most of the rouge turds got put down quickly by regular people and police. So many people stopped encumbering themselves with a Colt SAA .45 or a 1911.

By the 1960's we forgot that we are a nation of militia, that every man is supposed to be trained and supposed to be ready to put down nefarious assholes. So if you are pro-gun, why do you not have a LTC if you can get one, or if you even need one? Why aren't more people carrying? I can usually spot a fellow carrier by how they're dressed and I do believe we need the government to promote the concept that the public is responsible for their safety. We need High Schools to teach seniors how to safely handle weapons in order to graduate, and teach them tactics of self defense, how to de-escalate conflict, and how to respond to aggressive criminals.

We would wipe out these mass shootings completely if we as a society could count on 1 in 3 or even 1 in 5 people having the capacity to engage in and win a gunfight.

Plus all the bed wetters would flee to Canada or Cuba and leave us the fuck alone.


Yup. I carry almost everywhere. Only government buildings where I can't.
I didn't in California because A: I never felt the need and B: getting a CCP would have been a pain in the ass.

I didn't in New Mexico because A: I never felt the need and B: even though it's an open carry state, I never felt the need.

I don't in South Carolina because A: I haven't felt the need and B: it's not an open carry state and I haven't bothered to get a CCP and I don't feel the need.

That's my whole point.

You don't feel the need until you REALLY HAVE THE NEED.

It's always amazed me as a volunteer fire fighter how many houses I've been too that sustained worse damage because the owner brought the garden hose in to put out a grease fire, because they never bothered to buy a $25 chemical extinguisher.

Out here it can take 10 minutes no matter how close you are to the fire station for a crew to get there, and suppress a fire. Even in a city with crews sitting by the trucks waiting for a call, you're looking at several minutes for a response, but you still need a new kitchen even after they show up with their chemical extinguishers.

It's the same thing at a Subway Sandwich shop. By the time the police show up to take pictures of the scene, you've already wished you had that .38 which you could have pulled when the tatted face guy turned around for a second.

You took less seats then normal, and didn’t win where you needed it

Unfortunately, the old guard (traditional Republicans) are dying off and not replacing their numbers while Democrats are gaining young voters mesmerized by Hollywood and it's ultra anti-American message.
So it's only a matter of time. I lived to see the best America had to offer and it gets ugly from here. Glad I wasn't born 25 years later TBH.

What will become of America will be a sad place. Think Chicago and Venezuela coast to coast. People like Creep etc will suffer too. They mistakenly believe they will be exempt.
You took less seats then normal, and didn’t win where you needed it

Unfortunately, the old guard (traditional Republicans) are dying off and not replacing their numbers while Democrats are gaining young voters mesmerized by Hollywood and it's ultra anti-American message.
So it's only a matter of time. I lived to see the best America had to offer and it gets ugly from here. Glad I wasn't born 25 years later TBH.

What will become of America will be a sad place. Think Chicago and Venezuela coast to coast. People like Creep etc will suffer too.
I think the internet is is working to switch the young minds corroded with democrat ideology cramped in their heads. People like Candace Owens, info wars, turning point USA, Ben Shapiro, and many more are some of the most searched people. Democrats are desperately trying to shut the voices down with algorithms but we are winning, and every 20 something, is still switching to republican. But I think trump will win the black vote in 2020
Unfortunately, the old guard (traditional Republicans) are dying off and not replacing their numbers while Democrats are gaining young voters mesmerized by Hollywood and it's ultra anti-American message.
So it's only a matter of time. I lived to see the best America had to offer and it gets ugly from here. Glad I wasn't born 25 years later TBH.

What will become of America will be a sad place. Think Chicago and Venezuela coast to coast. People like Creep etc will suffer too. They mistakenly believe they will be exempt.

Stupidity transcends party lines.

Indeed I will assert that the dumbest fucking pieces of shit on the planet are democrooks, they're genetic garbage and a liability to humanity. They're only here because of generations of safety measure put in place to keep clumsy and stupid people from walking into machinery.

5000 years ago, they were the kids who wandered away from the village chasing butterflies only to be played with and eaten by lion cubs.

That said I perceive them to be dwindling in numbers thanks to abortion and a trendy cultural appeal of the weakest and dumbest to engage in butt piracy and other deviance that makes reproduction impossible. Natural selection finds a way no matter how much we thwart it. I don't see the entire nation collapsing. Perhaps the coasts and some major cities, and indeed turds like Creep will be eaten by superior species than himself such as rats or cock roaches but the rest of humanity will survive just fine.

That's if there even is a collapse. I see a lot of people having kids and taking the time to make sure the leftist indoctrination is minimized. I remain optimistic.

Liveleak.com - Soph Banned from Youtube for Wrongthink
I think the internet is is working to switch the young minds corroded with democrat ideology cramped in their heads. People like Candace Owens, info wars, turning point USA, Ben Shapiro, and many more are some of the most searched people. Democrats are desperately trying to shut the voices down with algorithms but we are winning, and every 20 something, is still switching to republican. But I think trump will win the black vote in 2020

That would be nice. But too many on the Right like to let others "do it for them".
EVERY vote will count next November....yet MANY will sit it out hoping others get it done for them.

The left will be stealing votes every where possible and Trump hatred will have them out in mass.
Stupidity transcends party lines.

Indeed I will assert that the dumbest fucking pieces of shit on the planet are democrooks, they're genetic garbage and a liability to humanity. They're only here because of generations of safety measure put in place to keep clumsy and stupid people from walking into machinery.

5000 years ago, they were the kids who wandered away from the village chasing butterflies only to be played with and eaten by lion cubs.

That said I perceive them to be dwindling in numbers thanks to abortion and a trendy cultural appeal of the weakest and dumbest to engage in butt piracy and other deviance that makes reproduction impossible. Natural selection finds a way no matter how much we thwart it. I don't see the entire nation collapsing. Perhaps the coasts and some major cities, and indeed turds like Creep will be eaten by superior species than himself such as rats or cock roaches but the rest of humanity will survive just fine.

That's if there even is a collapse. I see a lot of people having kids and taking the time to make sure the leftist indoctrination is minimized. I remain optimistic.

Liveleak.com - Soph Banned from Youtube for Wrongthink

For the sake of future generations, I hope these dumbfucks lose at every corner.

They have most of the cards (Social Media, News Media, Hollywood) all in their favor.

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