If you're serious about states rights and limited government


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
If you're serious about states rights and limited government then you CAN NOT support the war on drugs or keeping pot illegal. States should have the right to sell it and the individual should they be foolish enough should have the right to consume it.

The war on drugs is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! It is a severe over reach of the power of the federal government as no one has the right to kick your door down for smoking a leaf.

You want to sit their and tell me how government should be out of our lives and it should all fall on you the indivual? Well, you can't throw granny onto the street screaming about constitutional limits while supporting the fbi kicking your neighbors door down for smoking a leaf.
You want government to do everything,but control illegal drugs. It doesn't work that way son.
I honestly don't care one way or another if it is legal or illegal. We got bigger fish to fry. Islamists are trying to destroy our culture and you morons just want to sit around smoking pot.

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