If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...

...you have no morals or scruples whatsoever.
No one is ‘killing babies’; no one advocates for ‘killing babies’ – ‘unborn’ or otherwise.


n. pl. children (chĭl′drən)
A person between birth and puberty.
b. A person who has not attained maturity or the age of legal majority.
a. An unborn infant; a fetus.
An infant; a baby.
3. A son or daughter; an offspring.

Child - FindLaw

child n

pl: chil·dren
1 : a son or daughter of any age and usually including one formally adopted compare issue NOTE: The word child as used in a statute or will is often held to include a stepchild, an illegitimate child, a person for whom one stands in loco parentis, or sometimes a more remote descendant, such as a grandchild. In interpreting the word child as used in a will, the court will try to effectuate the intent of the person who made the will as it can be determined from the language of the will.
2 : a person below an age specified by law
: infant minor [assault on a under 16 years of age] compare adult NOTE: A person who is below the statutory age but is married will usually be considered an adult.

Here's a biology question for you Clayton. . . . .

When does a child first start to age and develop?

HINT: "when you can no longer stomach the denial of the fact that they are a child" is not an acceptable answer.
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The worst excuses are used by them....
"I don't want a baby" = then let someone adopt it!
"I'm embarrassed." = which would you be more embarrassed for? people know you killed the child to hide your pregnancy ir grow up and take the leap and the that child live with another family
"I don't want to get fat" - It will. go away!
I need to work so I can't get pregnant" - work until you are do and give the baby up
"But it will hurt!" Grow up. They have so many drugs now, you don't even feel it!

"I don't believe that thing inside me is a baby!" Wait nine month and see if a truck emerges, you incredibly selfish sloth.

Nobody is telling you that you can't have all the children you want. Go for it.
Then DONT FUCK UNPROTECTED....Is this rocket science???....and I am an agnostic....religion plays no part in this, morality and ethics do!
Tell all the guys that...! Then no girl would get pregnant out of wedlock....and then abortion would not be an issue... :D
Not a guys RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL he can give birth....stupid women do stupid things!

Tubal ligation should work for women 99.999% Of the time!....Cheaper and easier than continual abortions!

Wait, men aren't responsible for women getting pregnant? :lmao:
The worst excuses are used by them....
"I don't want a baby" = then let someone adopt it!
"I'm embarrassed." = which would you be more embarrassed for? people know you killed the child to hide your pregnancy ir grow up and take the leap and the that child live with another family
"I don't want to get fat" - It will. go away!
I need to work so I can't get pregnant" - work until you are do and give the baby up
"But it will hurt!" Grow up. They have so many drugs now, you don't even feel it!

"I don't believe that thing inside me is a baby!" Wait nine month and see if a truck emerges, you incredibly selfish sloth.

Nobody is telling you that you can't have all the children you want. Go for it.
Then DONT FUCK UNPROTECTED....Is this rocket science???....and I am an agnostic....religion plays no part in this, morality and ethics do!
Tell all the guys that...! Then no girl would get pregnant out of wedlock....and then abortion would not be an issue... :D
Not a guys RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL he can give birth....stupid women do stupid things!

Tubal ligation should work for women 99.999% Of the time!....Cheaper and easier than continual abortions!
Women are the gatekeepers of the pussy; and fully aware of the consequences they expose themselves to by engaging in unprotected sex. As such they are the final word in any sexual interlude. The “yeah? But what about the guy?” Is just one more excuse on the heap of excuses that drive this so called freedom of choice farce they are selling. When in reality all they want is freedom from the consequences of bad choices. At no time in history have women had more choices when it comes to shirking their responsibility than today. From the Abandonment of their children on a firehouse stoop, to the Adopting out of their newborn, and even the murder of their child via Abortion. All of which free them of any future responsibility, or recourse. A grim AAA insurance plan. That’s not to mention the basic preventive measures of avoidance through birth control, or abstinence. So next time some sinister harpy drones on about “freedom of choice”... Correctly remind them of what they’re really after. “Freedom from consequence”. For no truthful solution can be had until everyone in the conversation is being honest...
Here's you baby. Aren't you proud?


Bulldog ain't gonna be having any babes.
I wouldn't want her to be a mother, just stop the killing of babies.

Jesus Christ.

That's unnecessary.

No one said anything about HIM killing babies.

That's what you can expect from religious nut Trump supporters. Not much mystery in how they became to be known as deplorable.

Yeah well, there are a lot of deplorables on the skin of this world and they ain't all Trump supporters or even conservatives by
a long shot.
I know it's a subject that can get heated, but when you include stuff like that or other over the top stuff, you've just lost your argument, probably.

I'm not the one who posted that picture. A deplorable trump supporter did. Don't even try to say he isn't representative of the vast majority of deplorable trump supporters here. We both know he is.
What’s the matter with the picture? It’s what you’re advocating. Funny how you want the results of your efforts hidden from view. It’s almost like you know it’s wrong. Oh... That’s right. You do...
I want to know this:

How many more babies have to die before Democrats/liberals admit they've made a tragic mistake?
The worst excuses are used by them....
"I don't want a baby" = then let someone adopt it!
"I'm embarrassed." = which would you be more embarrassed for? people know you killed the child to hide your pregnancy ir grow up and take the leap and the that child live with another family
"I don't want to get fat" - It will. go away!
I need to work so I can't get pregnant" - work until you are do and give the baby up
"But it will hurt!" Grow up. They have so many drugs now, you don't even feel it!

"I don't believe that thing inside me is a baby!" Wait nine month and see if a truck emerges, you incredibly selfish sloth.

Nobody is telling you that you can't have all the children you want. Go for it.
Then DONT FUCK UNPROTECTED....Is this rocket science???....and I am an agnostic....religion plays no part in this, morality and ethics do!
Tell all the guys that...! Then no girl would get pregnant out of wedlock....and then abortion would not be an issue... :D
Not a guys RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL he can give birth....stupid women do stupid things!

Tubal ligation should work for women 99.999% Of the time!....Cheaper and easier than continual abortions!

Wait, men aren't responsible for women getting pregnant? :lmao:
No asshole, women are responsible unless you are a guy giving birth. Keeping you legs together has the effect, unless raped of stopping pregnancy....too bad you never learned that!
Women does the voting to kill babies

Women does the voting to bring into a nation the women’s worst nightmare .. Muslims !!

Adam and Eve

Eve is easily fooled so the evil wants them free to make decisions

When Adam type men don’t stop Eve the nation falls
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The right to lifers are at it again pretending they care about the unborn. Now the already born? They could care less and when a piece of shit like trump kicks kids off of food stamps and tries to get rid of programs like ACA that helps millions of kids? So what. Get over it. Or like when he separated kids from their parents at the border and many of them haven't been reunited? So what. The 401 k's of his base are doing great and no, Obama didn't separate kids from parents unless it was necessary like when the parent was a felon.
Nobody is telling you that you can't have all the children you want. Go for it.
Then DONT FUCK UNPROTECTED....Is this rocket science???....and I am an agnostic....religion plays no part in this, morality and ethics do!
Tell all the guys that...! Then no girl would get pregnant out of wedlock....and then abortion would not be an issue... :D
Not a guys RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL he can give birth....stupid women do stupid things!

Tubal ligation should work for women 99.999% Of the time!....Cheaper and easier than continual abortions!

Wait, men aren't responsible for women getting pregnant? :lmao:
No asshole, women are responsible unless you are a guy giving birth. Keeping you legs together has the effect, unless raped of stopping pregnancy....too bad you never learned that!

Well, I hate to break it to you, but women don't get pregnant spontaneously...it takes a man, too...too bad you never learned that! :rofl:

You know what also stops pregnancy? A guy keeping it in his pants. But it's only the responsibility of the woman, according to you. Got it. :lol:
Then DONT FUCK UNPROTECTED....Is this rocket science???....and I am an agnostic....religion plays no part in this, morality and ethics do!
Tell all the guys that...! Then no girl would get pregnant out of wedlock....and then abortion would not be an issue... :D
Not a guys RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL he can give birth....stupid women do stupid things!

Tubal ligation should work for women 99.999% Of the time!....Cheaper and easier than continual abortions!

Wait, men aren't responsible for women getting pregnant? :lmao:
No asshole, women are responsible unless you are a guy giving birth. Keeping you legs together has the effect, unless raped of stopping pregnancy....too bad you never learned that!

Well, I hate to break it to you, but women don't get pregnant spontaneously...it takes a man, too...too bad you never learned that! :rofl:

You know what also stops pregnancy? A guy keeping it in his pants. But it's only the responsibility of the woman, according to you. Got it. :lol:
You ever hear of in vitro fertilization?....asshole!...all LESBIANS LOVE IT...YOU SHOULD TOO!...ROTFLMFAO!
If you are willing to overpopulate planet Earth because you are too dumb to understand basic math, you should be SHOT.
If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...]

Like what? Shoot someone on 5th ave? Rob a bank? Murder a Mexican illegally crossing the border??? Rape a 12 year old boy? Beat your mother to a pulp? Shoplift?

What exactly is ANYTHING?
Marry three times. Cheat on all your wives. Fuck a porn star with no protection. Rob the elderly of their retirement nest eggs at your fake university. Barge into underaged girls dressing rooms. Lie about your height and weight. Ogle a ten year old with lust. Consider fucking your own daughter.

Lie about WMDs in Iraq to start a war. Become a gym coach and molest underaged boys. Impeach a President for cheating on his wife while cheating on your own wife at the same time.

Shit like that. Anything goes.
Shouldn't you let your God be the judge of that?

What did Jesus say about when it's okay to choose to stop the development of a zygote or fetus in the womb?

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