If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...

Here’s a dilemma for them:

What do we do with a pregnant illegal who slips across the border and is about to give birth.

Do we

a. Force her to abort


b. Let her give birth to an instant and new US citizen
It is rhetorical if a question at all. What is one more U.S. citizen compared to the suffering a woman would go through? Operating otherwise is a level somewhere below human.
Unborn baby is an oxymoron
Like Republican family values!
Trump voters are primarily made up of old people who are mad they didn't get rich, and young people mad they didn't get laid.

You never post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge, Synthaholic.
Republicans stand for marriage between man and woman.
Leftists, like you, are pro-homosexual, pro-transgender, pro-abortion, pro-illegal immigration, pro-socialism, and anti-American on most all things.

As far as your constant badmouthing of "the rich," there is Democrat John Kerry, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Michael Bloomberg, Democrat George Soros, Democrats Clinton and Obama, millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders with three houses, Hollywood Leftists super rich galore and the people who get laid least of all are fat, ugly (but I repeat myself) *feminists* (sic). They're Democrats like you and they hate men.

Incidentally, President Trump's brilliant policies have earned him the respect of more blacks than any other Republican in a generation. That must really piss you off, Sinaholic.

Now to my Ignore List you go, for I have no time to read any more of your serial inanities.

Arriverderci brutto
...you have no morals or scruples whatsoever.

If you talk to many doctors and nurses they have a very different opinion. For one a fetus (especially at early stages) cant think, its not human, it has no conciousness. Medically speaking your not killing anyone. Many doctors and nurses think to call this murder is very stupid and ignorant of science. A rat has a brain and conciousness, it can think. So using this logic killing a rat should be even worse than killing a fetus.
...you have no morals or scruples whatsoever.

If you talk to many doctors and nurses they have a very different opinion. For one a fetus (especially at early stages) cant think, its not human, it has no conciousness. Medically speaking your not killing anyone. Many doctors and nurses think to call this murder is very stupid and ignorant of science. A rat has a brain and conciousness, it can think. So using this logic killing a rat should be even worse than killing a fetus.
I'll tell you what is very stupid and ignorant of science. Pretending that boys can be girls and girls can be boys is stupid and ignorant of science. So is claiming that a growing baby with a beating heart isn't human.
Many adults have been aborted and born alive, their hack abortion doctors screwed up. They're grateful to be alive.

Andrea Bocelli's mother was advised by her doctor to abort him due to medical complications. She had him anyway and he gives his voice to the world, no thanks to people like you.
Murdering babies was envisioned by Margaret Sanger as a way to eliminate blacks that she despised, as did Charles Darwin. He said before too long, the savage races of Africa would be replaced by the civilized. Adolf Hitler and Stalin loved the idea and murdered tens of millions, as Democrats have done since.

Savages all.
ChemEngineer, post: 23751211
I'll tell you what is very stupid and ignorant of science. ..... So is claiming that a growing baby with a beating heart isn't human.

Trying to comprehend your sloppy and unscientific choice of words there.

Is it your contention that a fertilized human egg inside a living breathing self aware human being is not ”human” until such a moment in time that said fertilized egg produces a separate, individual beating heart that can be detected by viable, living breathing self aware humans?
ChemEngineer, post: 2375121
I'll tell you what is very stupid and ignorant of science. ...... So is claiming that a growing baby with a beating heart isn't human.

A human embryo/fetus/fertilized egg with a beating human heart is not recognized by the US Constitution to be an individual human being or person having constitutionally protected rights or citizenship.

I’ve addressed your type of absurd hate infested logic earlier.

NotfooledbyW, post: 23703281
Where in the US constitution does it read:

All fertilized eggs conceived or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

NotfooledbyW, post: 2372776
The US Constitution does not convey citizenship to a human being until birth..

I’ll amend that just for you:

Do you think the US Constitution reads as follows?

All fertilized human eggs with a beating human heart residing inside a human female’s womb or a human being naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
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the left care more about the well being of harmful animals than harmless unborn babies, my friends!
BUT you are standing on your pedestal of indignation of one group and you refuse to refute the other.
Your argument is weak and non-existent.

"Why do we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?"

Now who said that, and does that say anything about respecting “life”?

Well, in a world where it is ok to deny rights to and kill children in the womb. . . . How much respect for other lives do you expect there to be?

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