Killing babies

Almost 200 posts in this thread. I'm not reading all that to find your claim. Supply a post# or external link, or at least quit making bullshit claims without proof.
Abortion in Colorado is legal at all stages of pregnancy. It is one of seven states without any term restrictions as to when a pregnancy can be terminated.[1]
to you,,

why do you ask questions you know neither of us can answer??

It is easy enough to answer if abortions occur up to birth.

as I said the law exists for a reason,,

you are free to not believe what you want,, but you cant deny the law exists to allow it,,
The law exists to regulate abortion. Period. You are choosing to interpret the lack of specific restrictions to mean it exists to allow abortions up to birth even though they don’t occur. The law doesn’t specifically address it because it doesn’t happen.
the fact they made a law with no restrictions shows its happening or they wouldnt need a law that allows it,,

the rest is just static from both directions,,
Which law dealing with late term abortions didn't include restrictions?
It is easy enough to answer if abortions occur up to birth.

The law exists to regulate abortion. Period. You are choosing to interpret the lack of specific restrictions to mean it exists to allow abortions up to birth even though they don’t occur. The law doesn’t specifically address it because it doesn’t happen.
I dont think they post people private medical information on the internet,,
so where do you suggest I get a list of women that have killed their children in those seven states??

regulate abortion???

they removed all regulations as per when you can get one,,

I dont think they post people private medical information on the internet,,
so where do you suggest I get a list of women that have killed their children in those seven states??

regulate abortion???

they removed all regulations as per when you can get one,,

Abortions done in the third trimester need to be done in hospitals and hospitals, like clinics, keep records. They provide data without identifying information on a variety of things. That is a false argument.
Abortions done in the third trimester need to be done in hospitals and hospitals, like clinics, keep records. They provide data without identifying information on a variety of things. That is a false argument.

who are they and where can that be found??

are you telling me no 3rd trimester abortions happen??
I gave you the link in the other comment you ignored,,
You gotta be doing drugs right now. Go back and read the second sentence in that WIKI page. You're starting to sound a little tense. Are your hormones still acting up at your age?
You gotta be doing drugs right now. Go back and read the second sentence in that WIKI page. You're starting to sound a little tense. Are your hormones still acting up at your age?
dont care what it says,,

the part that says no restrictions says all it needs to,,
As for Trump, I personally don't buy that he went from being radically pro-choice to pro-life. Romney did the same thing, flip flopped back and forth. All politicians who decide to run as an (R) suddenly become pro-life. :rolleyes:

Trump was never radically pro life. Like a lot of people, personally abortion is unacceptable, not to be imposed on anyone else.
Hahaha. You can't argue with the know nothings like Birdie here. The 2019 bill was a decoy to capture those know nothings who have to pretend care for all children born alive must be given care is not already the law of the land.

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The act went on to define “born alive” as: “the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.”
Do you or do you not object to the 2019 bill?
Nice opinion piece. Accurate data on reasons for third trimester abortions and how many are for either fetal defects or maternal health are hard to come by, but regardless, it is a tiny fraction of all abortions and if barriers to early abortion were removed, it would be even tinier.

Deceptive and dishonest terminology often obscures actual data:

When health care providers use language like "full term" and "late term" in the context of pregnancy, they're talking about how far along the pregnancy is (with "full term" meaning between 39 and 40 weeks and "late term" meaning 41+ weeks). It's important to note that they do not use these terms to categorize types of abortion care.
So when people use terminology like "late-term abortion," the discussion gets especially murky. The term sounds like the language used in medical settings, but when it comes to abortion care, it's simply vague and inaccurate—especially when you consider that most people who use the term aren't talking about abortions that are being performed after 41 weeks (or "late term").

Experts explain that using the gestational period, or the time in pregnancy when the abortion is taking place, is the most accurate way to categorize abortion care and is the standard in the medical community. For instance, an abortion taking place during the second trimester would be a second-trimester abortion, and an abortion during the third trimester would be described as a third-trimester abortion.2
Describing abortion by week or by trimester is also in line with how pregnancy care is provided. "We talk about care as pregnancy progresses in weeks from a person's last menstrual period, or in trimesters (1st: 0-13 weeks, 2nd: 14-26 weeks, 3rd: 27-40 weeks)," adds Chelsea Souder, MPH, director of Clinical Services and Communications Manager at
Like "late-term abortion," the term "partial-birth abortion" is another inaccurate and misleading term with no basis in medicine. The term first gained traction with the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003.3However, neither "late-term abortion" nor "partial-birth abortion" are recognized by leading medical groups, including the American College of Gynecology (ACOG).4
"'Partial-birth abortion' refers to a procedure known as dilation and extraction, or D&X, which involves attempting to remove the fetus intact through the cervix," explains Dr. Grossman. "The procedure is no longer legal unless medication is used to stop the fetal heartbeat first."
If by “late term, you are talking about third trimester, you are talking about 24-41 weeks gestation.

After 21 weeks, is rare, costly and legally restricted in most states, and also comes with greater maternal risks (though still lower than the risks of carrying to term and giving birth). Post Dobbs, they account for 1% of all abortions.

Source: Abortions Later in Pregnancy in a Post-Dobbs Era | KFF
  • Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon and represent 1% of all abortions in the U.S. The procedures are expensive and often require travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers.

In 2021, the last year of data prior to Dobbs, 622,108 abortions were performed. So…of that, 1% were after 21 weeks.

The reasons are varied:

  • Severe birth defects. Most fetal brain development occurs after 24 weeks so screening might not show lack of brain development until later. Other severe defects may also may not show until later as well.
  • Medical conditions where a woman might not know she is pregnant until late.
  • Substantial legal barriers preventing a woman from getting an early abortion.
  • Risk to the mother’s health/life - pregnancy complications.

There is really no such thing as abortion up to birth, though people like to point to one exceedingly rare case (32 weeks) to make that claim, and it is a case where it would have been cruel to deny her.

If you want to reduce the tiny fraction of abortions that occur later…remove barriers to early abortion.
You said earlier late term abortions are only allowed in extreme medical situations. Please prove this statement.
Almost 200 posts in this thread. I'm not reading all that to find your claim. Supply a post# or external link, or at least quit making bullshit claims without proof.
I’m not responsible to deal with the fact that you’re a lazy loser.

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