If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...

I didn't say anything about rights one way or the other. I said that scientifically the preborn baby is a human being, a member of the human species, that is not even debatable from a scientific standpoint. You can argue that the preborn is not a "person," but you can't say the preborn is not a human, without looking like an ignoramus.

If you say I can argue that a preborn is not a person then why the attack on what I wrote.

I’m not arguing that a fertilized egg is not human. I am arguing that a fertilized egg is not a human being the same as me.

Why is use of language so difficult for you people?

Of course when a human being’s sperm fertilizes another human being’s egg we have a very much human fertilized egg, Because that fertilized egg becomes a developmentally inseparable part of a female human being’s reproductive system for a period of time, that does not mean that the fertilized egg has immediately or scientifically become a human being in a legal or scientific sense.

No true scientist would ignore the biological developmental stage that takes place in all mammals and tell you they confirm that a living , breathing, thinking, self aware individual human being is created at the moment of conception.

The US Constitution does not convey citizenship to a human being until birth. Until then the fetus has rights accorded through the mother.

The true debate is whether the mother has the right to choose what to do with her very own body.

That you offer the false claim of scientific certainty to your highly politicized opinion shows the weakness and fallacy of the extremist pro-life movement.
I am a woman too you ignorant fuck, so don't think that you understand this better than me

I understand that you are not willing to put in writing why you support TrumpO who for most of his adult life was (in your terms) a self confessed member of the murderous Nazi baby killing machine.

So if the man you so cult-like adore has the blood of millions of murdered preborn humans on his hands why should we take one word of your rabid crusade for the unborn to be credible and serious.

You appear to be a maniac ranting about incoherently in the name of Trump. A good definition of deplorable I may add.
The worst excuses are used by them....
"I don't want a baby" = then let someone adopt it!
"I'm embarrassed." = which would you be more embarrassed for? people know you killed the child to hide your pregnancy ir grow up and take the leap and the that child live with another family
"I don't want to get fat" - It will. go away!
I need to work so I can't get pregnant" - work until you are do and give the baby up
"But it will hurt!" Grow up. They have so many drugs now, you don't even feel it!

"I don't believe that thing inside me is a baby!" Wait nine month and see if a truck emerges, you incredibly selfish sloth.

80% of women who get abortions do so because they can’t afford to have a baby or care for one.

The women getting abortions aren’t selfish or heartless, teenagers. They’re poor working women - wives and mothers, who will be fired if they get pregnant and have no way of supporting themselves or their existing children.

No paid maternity leave, no universal health care, no subsidized day care, no job protections for pregnant women.

You want to cut abortions, start protecting pregnant women.
The worst excuses are used by them....
"I don't want a baby" = then let someone adopt it!
"I'm embarrassed." = which would you be more embarrassed for? people know you killed the child to hide your pregnancy ir grow up and take the leap and the that child live with another family
"I don't want to get fat" - It will. go away!
I need to work so I can't get pregnant" - work until you are do and give the baby up
"But it will hurt!" Grow up. They have so many drugs now, you don't even feel it!

"I don't believe that thing inside me is a baby!" Wait nine month and see if a truck emerges, you incredibly selfish sloth.

80% of women who get abortions do so because they can’t afford to have a baby or care for one.

The women getting abortions aren’t selfish or heartless, teenagers. They’re poor working women - wives and mothers, who will be fired if they get pregnant and have no way of supporting themselves or their existing children.

No paid maternity leave, no universal health care, no subsidized day care, no job protections for pregnant women.

You want to cut abortions, start protecting pregnant women.

Let's see the link for the 80%. What I just looked up puts that number at 19%.
The worst excuses are used by them....
"I don't want a baby" = then let someone adopt it!
"I'm embarrassed." = which would you be more embarrassed for? people know you killed the child to hide your pregnancy ir grow up and take the leap and the that child live with another family
"I don't want to get fat" - It will. go away!
I need to work so I can't get pregnant" - work until you are do and give the baby up
"But it will hurt!" Grow up. They have so many drugs now, you don't even feel it!

"I don't believe that thing inside me is a baby!" Wait nine month and see if a truck emerges, you incredibly selfish sloth.

80% of women who get abortions do so because they can’t afford to have a baby or care for one.

The women getting abortions aren’t selfish or heartless, teenagers. They’re poor working women - wives and mothers, who will be fired if they get pregnant and have no way of supporting themselves or their existing children.

No paid maternity leave, no universal health care, no subsidized day care, no job protections for pregnant women.

You want to cut abortions, start protecting pregnant women.

Let's see the link for the 80%. What I just looked up puts that number at 19%.

In 2014, three-fourths of abortion patients were low income—49% living at less than the federal poverty level, and 26% living at 100–199% of the poverty level.

Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients in 2014 and Changes Since 2008
You photoshopped a baby inside of a circle. Congratulations!

There you go you piece of shit, a live shot of a baby in the womb. Thank your pagan gods that you are not in the same room as me right now you filthy pig

Looks like a fetus to me. Babies live - and most important, biblically - when they are breathing outside of the womb.

How many abortions did Trump pay for over the years? Please give me a good chuckle, Cult-Girl, and tell me “none”. :laugh:
The right to lifers are at it again pretending they care about the unborn. Now the already born? They could care less and when a piece of shit like trump kicks kids off of food stamps and tries to get rid of programs like ACA that helps millions of kids? So what. Get over it. Or like when he separated kids from their parents at the border and many of them haven't been reunited? So what. The 401 k's of his base are doing great and no, Obama didn't separate kids from parents unless it was necessary like when the parent was a felon.

Which kids did Trump kick off food stamps?

So you advocate letting adults use children to get across the border?
Libs pretend to care about those kids...but could careless about human trafficking of said children.
Go on...tell us more.

Two can play this idiotic game:

If you believe a magical sky daddy will just forgive your sins when asked, then you are willing to do anything. Murder, pedophilia, theft, rape, anything.
Dumbest post I've read all day. Maybe even all week. Scientifically, there is no question that the embryo/fetus is a human being, a member of the human species.

Are you saying an embryo has been scientifically proven to be an individual possessing the same rights as a child born in the United States.

if you are you are a whacko too.

I didn't say anything about rights one way or the other. I said that scientifically the preborn baby is a human being, a member of the human species, that is not even debatable from a scientific standpoint. You can argue that the preborn is not a "person," but you can't say the preborn is not a human, without looking like an ignoramus.

A "human being" is a stand alone creature, able to eat, breathe, and think for themselves. There is no such thing as an "unborn" or "preborn" baby. A "baby" can breathe on it's own. A "fetus" is a developing human which cannot suvive outside the womb.

Conservatives keep trying to "humanize" this development process in order to discourage women from terminating their pregnancies, but it's a false narrative and one that serves no useful purpose. They changed their name from the "anti-abortion" to "pro-life" because marketers told them that being in favour of something (life), was more publically acceptable to opposing rights for women.

The harsh reality is that in Canada, we have half the number of abortions than the USA, even though abortions are paid for by our health insurance with no copays, and there are no abortion laws in Canada at all. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. One year paid maternity leave, job security for pregnant women, child tax benefits to help low income families with child care, subsidized day care for low income families, universal health care with no co-pays. A $14 minimum wage. Canada makes it possible for women to carry and keep their babies.

The USA harasses and vilifies working women who get pregnant, providing no job security and no paid maternity leave. You also have the highest rate of maternal death in childbirth, and the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

Conservatives only care about babies while they're in the womb. Once they're born, it's open season on those babies - school shootings, and lack of gun control, no universal health care, no subsidized day care, high infant mortality rates, and a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

Yeah conservatives are all about those babies. Right up until the moment of birth.
The closest one could come to killing the unborn would be to kill the woman holding the eggs.
Here’s a dilemma for them:

What do we do with a pregnant illegal who slips across the border and is about to give birth.

Do we

a. Force her to abort


b. Let her give birth to an instant and new US citizen
You don't understand shit asshole

looks like I understand you wont tell why you cult worship TrumpO knowing full well he has (according to you) the blood of millions of murderered unborn humans on his hands.

you run from this point, why?

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