If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...

What’s an unborn baby? Is that like an ungrown tree?

My God your frighteningly retarded. Pieces of shit like you are not women. You're a disgrace.

Does this look like an ungrown tree you asshole

If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...]

Like what? Shoot someone on 5th ave? Rob a bank? Murder a Mexican illegally crossing the border??? Rape a 12 year old boy? Beat your mother to a pulp? Shoplift?

What exactly is ANYTHING?
That's what progressives do all right. They should be put out of our misery.
Except the Science doesn't say an embryo is a person...

You're an idiot.

Science is self evident that an embryo is a human being. No court has the moral right to deny personhood to any human being. Right now SCOTUS is just as illegitimate by denying personhood to the unborn as it was to deny personhood to the slaves.

I know you are too stupid and ignorant to understand this but you are doing to the unborn what slave owners did to the slaves: Denying them their basic human rights.

Roe v Wade makes America far more evil than Nazi Germany, and thats why Democrats are every bit as evil as Nazis

I am a woman too you ignorant fuck, so don't think that you understand this better than me


Can I drop the baby off at your house, or find another place.
Science is self evident that an embryo is a human being.

You are a whacko. There is nothing self evident, scientifically or otherwise, to confirm that an embryo is a human being.

You need that to be so, but you are a whacko for TrumpO. .
Science is self evident that an embryo is a human being. No court has the moral right to deny personhood to any human being. Right now SCOTUS is just as illegitimate by denying personhood to the unborn as it was to deny personhood to the slaves.

I know you are too stupid and ignorant to understand this but you are doing to the unborn what slave owners did to the slaves: Denying them their basic human rights.

Roe v Wade makes America far more evil than Nazi Germany, and thats why Democrats are every bit as evil as Nazis

I am a woman too you ignorant fuck, so don't think that you understand this better than me
Can I drop the baby off at your house, or find another place.

Right. I am not allowed to expose murder as being murder unless I take in all the unwanted. That pathetic attempt at being clever exposes you as the imbecile and idiot you are.

If you have a baby then get your lazy fuck ass off the couch and get to work and take care of it, asshole.

You are a whacko...........

Why, because I think innocent children should not be murdered? Fuck off you piece of shit. Go abort yourself and do us a favor.
Science is self evident that an embryo is a human being. No court has the moral right to deny personhood to any human being. Right now SCOTUS is just as illegitimate by denying personhood to the unborn as it was to deny personhood to the slaves.

I know you are too stupid and ignorant to understand this but you are doing to the unborn what slave owners did to the slaves: Denying them their basic human rights.

Roe v Wade makes America far more evil than Nazi Germany, and thats why Democrats are every bit as evil as Nazis

I am a woman too you ignorant fuck, so don't think that you understand this better than me
Can I drop the baby off at your house, or find another place.

Right. I am not allowed to expose murder as being murder unless I take in all the unwanted. That pathetic attempt at being clever exposes you as the imbecile and idiot you are.

If you have a baby then get your lazy fuck ass off the couch and get to work and take care of it, asshole.

You are a whacko...........

Why, because I think innocent children should not be murdered? Fuck off you piece of shit. Go abort yourself and do us a favor.

Stopping abortion will not stop the problem with pregnancy.
Roe v Wade makes America far more evil than Nazi Germany, and thats why Democrats are every bit as evil as Nazis

So your cult master, Donald J Trump, was far more evil than Nazis for most of his adult life, yet you worship the Nazi now as if he never was.

perhaps you believe TrumpO has changed since his pro choice days but you don’t seem like the kind of obsessed fanatic that can forgive TrumpO for all the human beings you think he helped murder,
Science is self evident that an embryo is a human being.

You are a whacko. There is nothing self evident, scientifically or otherwise, to confirm that an embryo is a human being.

Dumbest post I've read all day. Maybe even all week. Scientifically, there is no question that the embryo/fetus is a human being, a member of the human species.

Whenever this topic comes up, I'm always amazed at the terrible "arguments." There actually are one or two decent arguments* for your position, but you guys always use the worst, most ignorant arguments.

*still not valid enough to justify killing an innocent human being, in my opinion, but decent only in comparison to the other idiotic arguments.
Why, because I think innocent children should not be murdered? Fuck off you piece of shit.

No, because you think people who don’t vote your whacky hate filled politics think innocent children should be murdered. You are whacko because they don’t think that at all.
I agree, they start throwing insults, to make themselves seem better. Maybe they should get together and devise some kind of place where the babies can be delivered after birth, a drop off place. Seems their time would be better spent than running around throwing insults. Hope it makes you feel good when you do that.
This is Planned Parenthood's ONE YEAR revenue from killing children.
1 to 12 week old babies - $159,429,000
13 to 15 week old babies - $13,410,150
16 to 20 week old babies - $12,265,650
21 week babies or older - $5,169,570

Literal blood money. They must be immediately shut down.


If you're willing to give government power over the contents of a woman's body, you're willing to give government power over anything.
Abortion Activist Admits Pro-Lifers are Winning: “It’s Been a Rough Decade for Supporters of Abortion”
Abortion Activist Admits Pro-Lifers are Winning: “It’s Been a Rough Decade for Supporters of Abortion”

Pro-life policies within the United States are growing “like a steady drumbeat,” according to an abortion analyst.

State trend analyst for the Guttmacher Institute Elizabeth Nash spoke out about the increase in pro-life legislation across the United States in an interview with BuzzFeed News. The analyst, who works in Guttmacher’s Washington, D.C., office and has studied abortion legislation at the state level since 1999, noted that pro-abortion policies took a hit in 2019.

“It’s been a rough decade for those that support abortion rights,” Nash told Buzzfeed, adding that pro-life policies are growing “like a steady drumbeat getting louder each year.”

“In January 2011, the bills just started flying; the restrictions started moving very quickly,” Nash said. “It kick-started the wave of abortion restrictions we’ve been seeing to this day, and because the pendulum hasn’t fully swung back on the state level, it’s been hard to push back.”

Pro-abortion advocates thought for the first half of the decade that “extreme” bans on abortion would never hold up to court challenges, BuzzFeed reports, but after the election of President Donald Trump and the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, they began to see differently.

“After this large wave of restrictions moving across the country for the past several years, legislators in those states were primed to start passing abortion bans because they’d already passed every other restriction,” Nash said.

“There was not much left to do besides ban abortion … to finally take a real step toward their ultimate goal, to ban abortion, whether it’s piling on restrictions or banning it entirely.”

The publication notes that there have been 27 bans on abortion since Kavanaugh’s confirmation—“at rates this country has never seen before.” And three states have adopted legislation in 2019 immediately banning abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned: Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee.

The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute is “a leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and globally.”

This is Planned Parenthood's ONE YEAR revenue from killing children.
1 to 12 week old babies - $159,429,000
13 to 15 week old babies - $13,410,150
16 to 20 week old babies - $12,265,650
21 week babies or older - $5,169,570

Literal blood money. They must be immediately shut down.


Sounds like you should take that up with Trump. He promised to shut down PP over 3 years ago.....
I didn't know the abortion issue was in the hands of the people. I thought the Supreme Court ruled on that years and years ago.

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