If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...

brothers and sisters: men must stand with women in making sure that women control their own bodies, not the government and politicians
I can sense your butt hurt.

I should have known better than to neglect an attention whore.

Don't fret.

I have some time off from work coming up. Your impatience will be rewarded soon.

Naw, man, you are great at avoiding issues...

So- Do you really want the case of Purvi Patel to be the norm?

What punishment are you going to impose on women who don't share your delusion that little globby is a person?

Because if you really think Fetuses are people, PLEASE GO ALL OUT AND CALL FOR THE EXECUTION OF WOMEN WHO HAVE THEM.

Right? I mean, that's the logical conclusion, isn't it.
Chuz Life, post: 23686151
It is scientifically inarguable that a human's life and their aging as a human organism begns at conception.

Your entire argument ends in a demand that the scientific community, the federal government and our entire system of laws must accept that the exact moment when an egg is fertilized in the womb it is a fact of life that said fertile embryo is an ‘individual’ human being and a citizen protected by the US Constitution. That embryo must be afforded the same rights as a fully developed individual human being and be protected by the government and all of society. Because you say so.

The onus is on you to explain why we the people of the United States of America should not laugh you off this message board for demanding that your political driven absurdity of thought must apply of all of us.
Your entire argument ends in a demand that the scientific community, the federal government and our entire system of laws must accept that the exact moment when an egg is fertilized in the womb it is a fact of life that said fertile embryo is an ‘individual’ human being and a citizen protected by the US Constitution...........

Thats right, assfuck. In other words, the law must recognize the scientific FACT of human life and not your leftwing political slogans. Isn't that what you people demand regarding climate change? .....that everybody recognize your science and then create laws around it? Well how much more important is the murder of millions of children than a fucking cloudy day!!!
It is always amusing to watch the Right foam at the mouth and rant over issues for which they have no solution. If they had their way, Roe would be reversed, and women would still get abortions with no punishment, and a handful of doctors would be sent to prison. Whopee-ti-yi-yah! Kind of like building a wall to keep aliens from overstaying their visas.
It is always amusing to watch the Right foam at the mouth and rant over issues for which they have no solution. If they had their way, Roe would be reversed, and women would still get abortions with no punishment, and a handful of doctors would be sent to prison. Whopee-ti-yi-yah! Kind of like building a wall to keep aliens from overstaying their visas.

But at least in their feeble little minds, they can take comfort in knowing that they live in a society that does not condone that kind of behavior.
It is always amusing to watch the Right foam at the mouth and rant over issues for which they have no solution.............

There is a solution you stupid piece of shit: Make abortion illegal just like all murder is illegal.

What a fucking idiot you are.

Terri, you are like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day!!!!! Pulling your trigger is like my first cup of coffee of the day!
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Thats right, assfuck. In other words, the law must recognize the scientific FACT of human life and not your leftwing political slogans. Isn't that what you people demand regarding climate change? .....that everybody recognize your science and then create laws around it? Well how much more important is the murder of millions of children than a fucking cloudy day!!!

Except the Science doesn't say an embryo is a person...

As a practical matter, once you cross that threshold, every Tampon becomes a potential crime scene.
Terri4Trump, post: 23716857
Well how much more important is the murder of millions of children

So was it ok for TrumpO to support a woman’s right to choose to legally terminate a pregnancy. He even co-sponsored a dinner for the president of NARAL.

So why are you 4TrumpO?

“I am very pro-choice,” Trump told NBC’s Tim Russert back in 1999. “I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still – I just believe in choice.”

Back in those days, Trump was so close to the pro-choice movement that he co-sponsored a dinner for the president emeritus of the National Abortion Rights Action League at the Plaza hotel, which he owned at the time. He didn’t show up because he received death threats from anti-abortion protesters.

Trump's only fixed position on abortion is his disdain for women | Richard Wolffe
There is a solution you stupid piece of shit: Make abortion illegal just like all murder is illegal.

Will terminating a pregnancy be first degree, second degree murder, or fetuslaughter?

What will be penalty for this criminal atrocity in your righteous world?

.....the death penalty?

Do all women that had legal abortions in the past become convicted murderers as well?
Thats right, assfuck. In other words, the law must recognize the scientific FACT of human life

Why did you respond with ‘that’s right” and assert that the law must recognize the fact of human life.

why can’t you TrumpVoters carry on a rational discussion.

This is what you were responding to:

“Your entire argument ends in a demand that the scientific community, the federal government and our entire system of laws must accept that the exact moment when an egg is fertilized in the womb it is a fact of life that said fertile embryo is an ‘individual’ human being and a citizen protected by the US Constitution...........”

You make no sense. The law recognizes human life - that is much of what it is about,
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the law must recognize the scientific FACT of human life

Fertilization of an egg inside the fallopian tube of a human female is probably never in dispute to the scientific and legal community that it is the beginning of the development of another individual human being.

So what is your point? A fertilized egg cannot be scientifically classified as the same thing as a newborn baby a few seconds after birth when the cord is cut.

Are you just an idiot spewing right wing trash to make yourself feel good.

Try being just a nice person and decent human being. Then you won’t feel the need to post idiotic moronic statements on a message board.

If anyone thinks she actually DOES have a point, then that proves how utterly uneducated and stupid they are. Basic biology 101...which clearly anyone who posts that meme failed miserably. And they unwittingly makes themself look like an idiot.
Except the Science doesn't say an embryo is a person...

You're an idiot.

Science is self evident that an embryo is a human being. No court has the moral right to deny personhood to any human being. Right now SCOTUS is just as illegitimate by denying personhood to the unborn as it was to deny personhood to the slaves.

I know you are too stupid and ignorant to understand this but you are doing to the unborn what slave owners did to the slaves: Denying them their basic human rights.

Roe v Wade makes America far more evil than Nazi Germany, and thats why Democrats are every bit as evil as Nazis

I am a woman too you ignorant fuck, so don't think that you understand this better than me



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