If you've ever thought.... "There aught to be a law..." Post it here.


Thanks, but I can't thare are to many laws. Do you realize that your tax dollars are paying for people to spend life in prison for pot possession? Yep, under the "three strikes" laws.

Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​

Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE F**KING LAWS!


The Mean Old USMB Software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Article 15 again.



Why, there aught to be a LAW!!! :evil:
There ought to be a law against uttering the phrase "There ought to be a law..." Here in the People's Republic of NJ, every time that is spoken in earshot of a politician, the next thing you know... :evil:

Too much crankiness, not enough fun.

Proposed: A license tax on pet peeves.



No way. I wouldn't have 2 nickels to rub together. :redface:

How about a minimum of 30 days in the pokey for blocking the aisle in the grocery store to have a loud cell phone conversation about your drunken sexual exploits the night before while a line of parents with loaded carts and little kids are giving you the evil eye?

That one would get my average vote! Unfortunately, common sense cannot be legislated.

OMG Art, you're not serious. You can't be serious. You have got to be the stupidest person ever if you get involved with that shit. Haven't you seen how many lives it's destroyed? Don't you see the evidence all around about how lazy and complacent that makes people become?

I'm talking, of course, about the wedding ring.

There ought to be a law against uttering the phrase "There ought to be a law..." Here in the People's Republic of NJ, every time that is spoken in earshot of a politician, the next thing you know... :evil:

Oh Chanel, just get the hell out of there. I did, and it's so much more even than I thought it would be.

I have a 5 mile commute to work and in about 14 months, I've still not seen a cop between my home and work.
Is that a good thing? Personally, I love having cops at my job.

NJ is a nanny state. No doubt about dat.
Is that a good thing? Personally, I love having cops at my job.

NJ is a nanny state. No doubt about dat.

I think it's more fair to characterize it as a "Gotcha" state. You do something wrong... They gotcha. The cops are very predatory, far more than anywhere else I've ever been.

Usually they try to justify the ever-increasing penalties with a guise of sorts, usually 'Safefty,' but my favorite is the failure to present documents. That is, you HAVE a license, in good standing, but you just don't have it on you at the time you're pulled over - Left it in your other pants or something. I remember when that jumped from like $30 to like $200.00. I've never heard anyone offer justification for it.

I remember getting yanked once in Audubon at like 1:00AM on my way to the drug store... Had nothing on me. I hadn't done anything wrong (except failing to affix the new registration sticker to my plates), but I wound up with 1 failure to present docs ticket, and one driving without insurance; A towed truck and a $210 impound fee for the 7/10 mile it was towed. So I had to go to court with my docs and they were nice enough to downgrade the insurance to a second failure to present. All in all the incident cost me over $700.00.

I told the cop my house was 1/2 mile up the road... Could we just go there for docs and at least not tow my effin truck... His answer "Do you have insurance?" Yes. "Can you prove it to me right now?" Fuckin prick.

That's just one story among dozens. It was around the time of this incident I began to think seriously about getting out of that chicken hawk state, though.
Truth in advertising laws should be extended to cover user names on inter-net message boards.
If you're going to call yourself "Truthmatters", it really should.
I believe that you post yourself as a "middle class intellectual". Certainly you have some degree of intellect to share on this subject. Tell me why.

Not anymore. Are you gonna tell me what a liberal is or not? I need to see if I've been characterizing myself properly.

Cuyo, did review my guide and and identify your political philosophy? Don't tell me, let me guess. A "Fascist Democrat", the furthermost philosophy from that of a real liberal. Am I right?
I believe that you post yourself as a "middle class intellectual". Certainly you have some degree of intellect to share on this subject. Tell me why.

Not anymore. Are you gonna tell me what a liberal is or not? I need to see if I've been characterizing myself properly.

Cuyo, did review my guide and and identify your political philosophy? Don't tell me, let me guess. A "Fascist Democrat", the furthermost philosophy from that of a real liberal. Am I right?

Dude, stop being an idiot. Any time you ask someone if they're a 'liberal,' they generally think you're asking in terms of contemporary usage of the word; Not any of the various definitions it's had throughout history.

Also, stop reading shit that was written in an underground bunker filled with canned goods and rifles.
Ahem. More great laws that have never been but should be.

If you buy your teenaged son a skateboard, and you live within 5 miles of me, you must send me roses. A sort of consolation prize and a bribe not to run him over as he illegally rides that thing into the street.

Also, if you place your children in any sort of danger in hopes of a reality show, you must undergo sterilization surgery.
There ought to be a law that prevents neighborhood kids from defecating in my rose bushes!

Those wiley whippersnappers!

EEwwwwww! Don't they get pricked by the thorns? Well, I guess you don't have to fertilize....
There ought to be a law that if you get stopped by LE for speeding and you can make him laugh, you don't get a ticket.

I was once stopped by a cop and he told me that if I could tell him a good joke, he'd let me off.

I told him, "There was once a woman who was stopped by the State Patrol for speeding, and she said 'I know why you stopped me, you wanted me to buy a ticket to the State Patolmans Ball.' The State Patrolman said, 'State Patrolman have no balls!'

At which time, the patrolman put his head down and slowly walked back to his car.

I didn't get a ticket, but he got a great laugh.
There ought to be a law that if you get stopped by LE for speeding and you can make him laugh, you don't get a ticket.

I was once stopped by a cop and he told me that if I could tell him a good joke, he'd let me off.

I told him, "There was once a woman who was stopped by the State Patrol for speeding, and she said 'I know why you stopped me, you wanted me to buy a ticket to the State Patolmans Ball.' The State Patrolman said, 'State Patrolman have no balls!'

At which time, the patrolman put his head down and slowly walked back to his car.

I didn't get a ticket, but he got a great laugh.
Gotta try that on a couple motorcop friends.
Not anymore. Are you gonna tell me what a liberal is or not? I need to see if I've been characterizing myself properly.

Cuyo, did review my guide and and identify your political philosophy? Don't tell me, let me guess. A "Fascist Democrat", the furthermost philosophy from that of a real liberal. Am I right?

Dude, stop being an idiot. Any time you ask someone if they're a 'liberal,' they generally think you're asking in terms of contemporary usage of the word; Not any of the various definitions it's had throughout history.

Also, stop reading shit that was written in an underground bunker filled with canned goods and rifles.

Would you say the basis for an idiot would be someone that can't fully grasp the definition of his/her own philosophies? You are a "progressive" you idiot!

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