If you've ever thought.... "There aught to be a law..." Post it here.

I believe that you post yourself as a "middle class intellectual". Certainly you have some degree of intellect to share on this subject. Tell me why.
I believe that you post yourself as a "middle class intellectual". Certainly you have some degree of intellect to share on this subject. Tell me why.

Not anymore. Are you gonna tell me what a liberal is or not? I need to see if I've been characterizing myself properly.
There ought to be a law that prevents neighborhood kids from defecating in my rose bushes!

Those wiley whippersnappers!
There ought to be a law against taking a light-hearted thread so fucking seriously and posting spittle drenched angry rants where they do not belong.

Looking at you Sail-Away.....
OK, here's one we touched on around the holidays but it never came to fruition - A tax penalty for buying your loved ones stupid crap for Christmas, birthdays, etc.

H.R. 623 - Consumer Revenue from Abhorrent Purchases Act. The CRAP act would require a full 50% tax on the retail value of items the panel have identified as crap; Effectively doubling the price of said crap. The revenues would be used strictly for deficit reduction. Aunt Betty would think twice before buying you that stupid crap this year. And that poor Steve Jobs would be on unemployment! :lol:
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I believe that you post yourself as a "middle class intellectual". Certainly you have some degree of intellect to share on this subject. Tell me why.

Not anymore. Are you gonna tell me what a liberal is or not? I need to see if I've been characterizing myself properly.

OK from a world perspective, the term liberal is synonymous with libertarian, neo-liberal, libertere' (spelling) and leviathanism. All of these political philosophies are similar in their focus on personal liberty (lib–er–al ..... lib–er–ty; get it?). They all base themselves on limited government, natural equality of all men and enhanced civil liberties. Heyek, von Mises, Hume, Locke, Freidman all advocated a "liberal" political philosophy. What has happened in the US, over the past 30-40 years, has been a stealthy progression to collective authoritarianism. This progression (from the Democratic Left)is actually the opposite of any liberal philosophy. The Democratic Left has basically hijacked the term "liberal" since “collectivist” and “socialist” are not popular terms. The Tea Party people are more ”liberal”, by the world definition.

Think of it a a X/Y axis that divides a plane into four quadrants. the extremes of the vertical axis are authoritarian (up) and anarchism (down). The extremes of the horizontal axis are collectivist (left) and capitalist (right). Hence, the "upper left quadrant" would define Authoritarian Democrats (socialist, collectivist, communists), the "upper right quadrant" would define Authoritarian Republicans (mainly where the US hierarchy resides today), the "lower right quadrant" would define Liberal Conservatives (the Tea Party people), the lower Left is an unclaimed quadrant in the US political philosophy. I believe this quadrant is where most Americans (who call themselves Independents) would like to reside but can’t, as they are sucked-in by populist vote. Leaders like Dali Lama, Gandhi and Mandela reside in this quadrant.

Well, are you liberal or are you an Authoritarian Democrat? I think I know the answer.
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There ought to be a law against taking a light-hearted thread so fucking seriously and posting spittle drenched angry rants where they do not belong.

Looking at you Sail-Away.....

Never look directly at Sail Away!

You may get spittle in your eyes and be (temporarily) blinded!!!

Plus, you might get The AIDS!
There ought to be a law against taking a light-hearted thread so fucking seriously and posting spittle drenched angry rants where they do not belong.

Looking at you Sail-Away.....

Never look directly at Sail Away!

You may get spittle in your eyes and be (temporarily) blinded!!!

Plus, you might get The AIDS!

Dreadfully sorry, I have a pet peeve for fucked up government agencies. I'll play your silly game:

There aught to be a law to prevent the progression of fucked up government agencies.
This could be a fun thread -- I like Avg-Joe's idea.

Here's mine:

You should be allowed to take someone to court, prove they've been an asshole to you and collect damages. That's it, no assault, no trespass....just "he's been an asshole to me".

Imagine the impact on the workplace!

I agree. And if it was made a law then Cuyo would own everything Sail Away has.

And I would own everything that Divecon and Daveman has.

Too much crankiness, not enough fun.

Proposed: A license tax on pet peeves.

stupidity should be punished hard. including kin's joint guarantee. and morality crimes too, especial for greedy businesses including personal punishment of their responsible persons.

Lobbyism should be equatet to corruption.
There ought to be a law that Congress should refrain from passing laws. Especially 60,000 pages a year. I say that when 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints (fed, state and muni) that there quite are enough laws. Take that you fascist pig.

Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​

Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE F**KING LAWS!

DUDE, lighten up, watch the Carlin video, have a laugh and realize that Congress and the local good ol' boys clubs can go fuck themselves while We, The People of USMB construct the perfect set of reasonable laws here in http://www.usmessageboard.com/law-a...ght-there-aught-to-be-a-law-post-it-here.html
There ought to be a law that Congress should refrain from passing laws. Especially 60,000 pages a year. I say that when 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints (fed, state and muni) that there quite are enough laws. Take that you fascist pig.

Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​

Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE F**KING LAWS!

Remember, I'm the idiot. So you tell me. Tell me how more government, more vague laws, more security/policing, more prisons/lists, more oppression, more spying, more breeches in privacy, less protection of our civil liberties are going help our society. Inquiring idiots need to know.

The whole point of this thread SA, is to propose laws that are reasonable instead of the usual lobbyist spew that Congress regularly signs off on.

:eusa_think: I would think that someone with your angry mindset would be all over this... you almost had the spirit when you supported the idea of a law requiring the removal of laws when new ones were proposed.

:thup: Keep trying, Buddy.... You're almost there!

Too much crankiness, not enough fun.

Proposed: A license tax on pet peeves.



No way. I wouldn't have 2 nickels to rub together. :redface:

How about a minimum of 30 days in the pokey for blocking the aisle in the grocery store to have a loud cell phone conversation about your drunken sexual exploits the night before while a line of parents with loaded carts and little kids are giving you the evil eye?
There ought to be a law against taking a light-hearted thread so fucking seriously and posting spittle drenched angry rants where they do not belong.

Looking at you Sail-Away.....

The Mean Old USMB Software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to RadiomanATL again.



There aught to be a law that The Mean Old USMB Software should mind its own fucking business when I'm handing out well deserved reputation.
There oughta be a law that anyone who has to confirm they have locked their car with a loud horn beep - just as you are walking in front of said car - is placed in a padded cell and loudly read the most boring romance novel over and over again.
Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​

Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE F**KING LAWS!


OMG Art, you're not serious. You can't be serious. You have got to be the stupidest person ever if you get involved with that shit. Haven't you seen how many lives it's destroyed? Don't you see the evidence all around about how lazy and complacent that makes people become?

I'm talking, of course, about the wedding ring.

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