IG: Audit of IRS actions limited to Tea Party groups at GOP request


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
IG: Audit of IRS actions limited to Tea Party groups at GOP request

The Treasury inspector general (IG) whose report helped drive the IRS targeting controversy says it limited its examination to conservative groups because of a request from House Republicans.

A spokesman for Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, said they were asked by House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) “to narrowly focus on Tea Party organizations.”

The inspector general’s audit found that groups seeking tax-exempt status with “Tea Party” and “patriots” in their name did receive extra attention from the IRS, with some facing years of delay and inappropriate questions from the agency.

But top congressional Democrats have wielded new information from the IRS this week that liberal groups were also flagged for extra attention on the sorts of “be on the lookout” lists (BOLOs) that also tripped up conservative groups.


Levin, the top Democrat on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, stressed to The Hill on Tuesday that the inspector general did not say the audit was limited to Tea Party groups when it was released in mid-May.


“You need to get at the facts. And those facts weren’t given to us, even when asked,” Levin said. “The Republicans used the failure of the IG to spell out what they knew as an opportunity to totally politicize this.”
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2 minutes is up time for another post:rolleyes:

you do understand, strike that, apparently you don't understand that you would have a point IF you had the stats that showed that those other grps were put under the same scrutiny and treated alike as to the other Con. grp.s by number and condition......

if such exists we should see it, then agreed, you have a point.

If I recall in the run up to one of the hearings a call went out for any progressive grp.s who had felt they had similar treatment/issues and none materialized to appear and testify(?)....
YUP what??

That you insist that the very people you so stupidly defend have admitted to what you deny!

WTF is wrong with you?
You didn't read it?

Darrell Issa ordered that only Rightwing groups be included in the report.

So,they are the groups that were treated differently

whats the stupid point your making?

apparently its ok IF other groups were treated alike to conservative grps .......:razz:
You didn't read it?

Darrell Issa ordered that only Rightwing groups be included in the report.

So,they are the groups that were treated differently

whats the stupid point your making?

apparently its ok IF other groups were treated alike to conservative grps .......:razz:

The IRS shouldn't be singling out anyone groups or groups,non of what they did was even close to right. The GOP is concerned about the GOP,if Harry Reid wants to audit the IRS let him.
So,they are the groups that were treated differently

whats the stupid point your making?

apparently its ok IF other groups were treated alike to conservative grps .......:razz:

The IRS shouldn't be singling out anyone groups or groups,non of what they did was even close to right. The GOP is concerned about the GOP,if Harry Reid wants to audit the IRS let him.

it is if the dems are in control it appears;)
Are you surprised that the Fascists Neo-cons and the Communist Progressives would unite against a Libertarian movement?

That fact that you're still in a PARTISAN fantasy when all this shit is going on, when Dick Cheney, Dianne Fienstien, John Mccain, Lindsay Grahmn, Obama and Schumer and Peter King are all UNITING to TERRORIZE America with the NSA invalidates your opinions.

You're in fantasy land with all the other partisans.

You're not part of power structure, nor will you ever be.

We are under an Authoritarian siege ont he Bill of Rights from the far-left and the far-right.

Wake the fuck up.
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It's no surprise that the GOP targeted the Tea Party.

They created this group of useful idiots to make the absurd attacks and sling the mud against Obama in the hopes that none of it would splash back on them. Now their creation is out of control and embarassing them and dragging them down.

Of course they want to discredit them and get rid of them.

Their karma is running over their dogma.

I have to laugh.

NBC's Lisa Myers reported [t]hat the IRS deliberately chose not to reveal that it had wrongly targeted conservative groups until after the 2012 presidential election:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hZqROJZTf3c]IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election - YouTube[/ame]

if they had done damage to other constituencies (progressive groups etc.), they would not have anything to cover-up....hello...
You didn't read it?

Darrell Issa ordered that only Rightwing groups be included in the report.

So,they are the groups that were treated differently

whats the stupid point your making?

apparently its ok IF other groups were treated alike to conservative grps .......:razz:

No - not that it's OK, just that there was no 'targeting' of conservative groups. If liberal groups are also targeted, then neither is actually targeted.

Targeting means to go after one but not the other. Absent that, it's just their procedure. Now, question the procedure all you want, but this has nothing to do with President Obama, his administration, or politics played by the IRS on behalf of the President.
Are you surprised that the Fascists Neo-cons and the Communist Progressives would unite against a Libertarian movement?

That fact that you're still in a PARTISAN fantasy when all this shit is going on, when Dick Cheney, Dianne Fienstien, John Mccain, Lindsay Grahmn, Obama and Schumer and Peter King are all UNITING to TERRORIZE America with the NSA invalidates your opinions.

You're in fantasy land with all the other partisans.

You're not part of power structure, nor will you ever be.

We are under an Authoritarian siege ont he Bill of Rights from the far-left and the far-right.

Wake the fuck up.

Libertarianism is certainly not the answer. :cuckoo:
How many threads will Assholic start to show there is no IRS scandal, there is an IRS scandal but the GOP caused it, Obama had nothing to do with it?
He is desperate. The noose must be tightening.
And NOW Darrell Issa is backtracking. :lol:

He is now claiming that he never implied or said that Obama or the administration had anything to do with this IRS story!

Speaking of backtracking, you have started more than one topic claiming there was no special targeting of right wing groups by the IRS.

Make up your mind!
And NOW Darrell Issa is backtracking. :lol:

He is now claiming that he never implied or said that Obama or the administration had anything to do with this IRS story!

Speaking of backtracking, you have started more than one topic claiming there was no special targeting of right wing groups by the IRS.

Make up your mind!
It wasn't any more special than the 'targeting' of Liberal groups and #Occupy groups.

Issa deliberately lied when he accused the White House of doing this for political purposes, and now he has been caught.

He should face an ethics investigation, at the least.

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