IG has issued these reports since 2005 when GOP held ALL THREE branches of govt?



The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.
And I recall all sorts of venomous scorn from the warmonger Right about those cost estimates.

But hey, the Iraqis got to democratically establish their own Islamic theocracy, so I guess that's what the warmongers have to remind us it was worth it.
Since 2005, the VA has been falsifying reports about wait times? What?

It's this yet another story run through the RDean "<story> and it's all because of the Republicans" Filter?
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

And your dear leader campaigned in 2007 that when he became commander in chief he was going to make fixing it priority 1, 7 years later and the problem is larger than ever, just another testament to the mulatto messiahs incompetents. This lays squarely on his shoulders, you can make all the blame Bush excuses you want, they won't change the facts.
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The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Liar. Liar. Liar. The VA has gotten every penny it has asked for and more.

Honestly, I think lying on a continual basis, the spread of such lies should become a bannable offense.
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Horseshit. Nice try at blaming republicans. This goes back 50 or so years - EVERY administration - has been involved. EVERY ONE.

They are ALL guilty of doing nothing. So before you start pointing fingers - you might do well to look at YOUR side also, skippy.

Every one of these assholes should be spending time in federal prison - but they won't. They'll wring their collective hands and tell us all how "something must be done" until the story does down then it will go right back to where it was.

Wake the hell up.
It's like Benghazi, the issue isn't as much about the event, it's about Obama's Pathological lying about the event
One more time libs you can't make this one go away. Why? Because it's not political. It's criminal. It's fraud. They cooked the books for promotions and bonuses.
It's like Benghazi, the issue isn't as much about the event, it's about Obama's Pathological lying about the event

Granted. Barry is a lying piece of gutter trash. But this doesn't begin and end with Barry - he is just the latest "president" that has sit on his ass while Vets have been left in the cold. This goes back to (at least) JFK and probably further back.
It's like Benghazi, the issue isn't as much about the event, it's about Obama's Pathological lying about the event

Granted. Barry is a lying piece of gutter trash. But this doesn't begin and end with Barry - he is just the latest "president" that has sit on his ass while Vets have been left in the cold. This goes back to (at least) JFK and probably further back.

The issue here though is not that the VA has been poorly run since forever, this scandal is about doctors and management gaming the system to get mega bonuses (up to 63 grand in one year to one person that I have found so far) and big promotions.

Geeze louise I want to hurt these people that would do this to our best and bravest. I will settle for them dressed in orange jumpsuits with nice bracelets and ankle jewellry as well though.

How could these people do this? This is freaking criminal.

They keep trying to make it an R issue. You have to give them credit for trying.

And you keep trying to make it a D issue when it's an CA issue, CA for Cheap Americans.

What are you talking about? The VA has been loaded with money to the point that they have been carrying surpluses for the past five years.

This is a criminal case. Period full stop. They have been fudging the numbers on wait times to receive bonuses and promotions.
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Well, you see your expecting that the Republicans would be as equally outraged about what the reports dating back to '05 and that won't happen.

The reason is simple.

One - RePugs Controlled The House, The Senate and The White House, therefore Republicans don't give a shit.

Two - Obama is a Democrat and Obama is Black.

Three - If the shrug and dick(less) had not lied America into Two (02) Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars, there would be no V.A. Crisis right now.

It's really simple.

When the crisis started RePugs were in charge = good.

Democrats in charge = bad.
Could it be?
Is it possible?

Yes boys and girls and children of all ages.... It's time to ....


It seems Liberals are against any action to fix problems in the VA because it makes Obama look bad.
I'm waiting for Carney to come out and claim he was married to Morgan Fairchild too.

If the reports were available as far back as 2005, why didn't Obama take appropriate action in 2009?
President Bush on his way out the door told the guy in the WH now....
Dude there are problems in the VA...

Plain and simple...
This falls on this administration now.
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Well, you see your expecting that the Republicans would be as equally outraged about what the reports dating back to '05 and that won't happen.

The reason is simple.

One - RePugs Controlled The House, The Senate and The White House, therefore Republicans don't give a shit.

Two - Obama is a Democrat and Obama is Black.

Three - If the shrug and dick(less) had not lied America into Two (02) Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars, there would be no V.A. Crisis right now.

It's really simple.

When the crisis started RePugs were in charge = good.

Democrats in charge = bad.

I slapped you silly in your own thread on the bullshit that this was about Republicans and budgets.

Do you want me to slap you around again? I'm of the mind to do you. You piss me clean off.

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