IG Horowitz Finds FBI, DOJ Broke Law In Clinton Probe

some info on what the IG was investigating:

The report is not yet finalized, however, as lawyers for the various individuals criticized in it have an opportunity to review it with their clients and submit rebuttal points for consideration. That process is underway with several witnesses having been notified they can review it later this week, according to sources familiar with the matter, but its precise conclusions and recommendations have largely been kept under wraps.
When Horowitz first launched the investigation in January 2017, he made clear that the report would tackle then-FBI Director James Comey's controversial move to announce, without Justice Department approval, that he was not recommending criminal charges against Clinton for her handling of classified information, as well as Comey's subsequent letters to lawmakers in the days leading up to the presidential election, essentially reopening and then closing the investigation once again.


And then there's perhaps the most nebulous subject on Horowitz's list that has received far less of a public resolution to date, "allegations that the Department and FBI employees improperly disclosed non-public information."
One source familiar with the scope of the report said that accusations that FBI agents in New York leaked information about the Clinton investigation to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani have been examined. Giuliani, then an adviser to the Trump campaign, drew attention in late October 2016 when he went on Fox News -- two days before Comey revealed he was reopening the Clinton email investigation -- to say Trump had "a surprise or two that you're going to hear about in the next two days."

DOJ Inspector General report on FBI handling of Clinton email probe entering final stages - CNNPolitics
It's not even released............and already makes it to the media............

Leaks galore in gov't...................amazing the ship can stay afloat with so many leaks.....................
true, it has not been released to the public, but it was released to those involved to give them a chance of rebuttal or clarification, and they are not necessarily still in government, and there is no binding restriction for them to leak it.
some info on what the IG was investigating:

The report is not yet finalized, however, as lawyers for the various individuals criticized in it have an opportunity to review it with their clients and submit rebuttal points for consideration. That process is underway with several witnesses having been notified they can review it later this week, according to sources familiar with the matter, but its precise conclusions and recommendations have largely been kept under wraps.
When Horowitz first launched the investigation in January 2017, he made clear that the report would tackle then-FBI Director James Comey's controversial move to announce, without Justice Department approval, that he was not recommending criminal charges against Clinton for her handling of classified information, as well as Comey's subsequent letters to lawmakers in the days leading up to the presidential election, essentially reopening and then closing the investigation once again.


And then there's perhaps the most nebulous subject on Horowitz's list that has received far less of a public resolution to date, "allegations that the Department and FBI employees improperly disclosed non-public information."
One source familiar with the scope of the report said that accusations that FBI agents in New York leaked information about the Clinton investigation to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani have been examined. Giuliani, then an adviser to the Trump campaign, drew attention in late October 2016 when he went on Fox News -- two days before Comey revealed he was reopening the Clinton email investigation -- to say Trump had "a surprise or two that you're going to hear about in the next two days."

DOJ Inspector General report on FBI handling of Clinton email probe entering final stages - CNNPolitics
It's not even released............and already makes it to the media............

Leaks galore in gov't...................amazing the ship can stay afloat with so many leaks.....................
true, it has not been released to the public, but it was released to those involved to give them a chance of rebuttal or clarification, and they are not necessarily still in government, and there is no binding restriction for them to leak it.
Should be..............
Reconcile these two statements

1} Hillary Clinton Never used the govt email system
2} Hillary Clinton never sent or received classified info on her server.
Reconcile these two statements

1} Hillary Clinton Never used the govt email system
2} Hillary Clinton never sent or received classified info on her server.

Why is that difficult to reconcile?

Classified material is not allowed in any email, government or otherwise.

(To be clear, I am not arguing the veracity of her statements - just the fact that they are not contradictory)
We know classified info was found in her email...next.....

Re-read my post, and this time try not to miss the point.
Take your own advice

Ok. This is your post:

Reconcile these two statements

1} Hillary Clinton Never used the govt email system
2} Hillary Clinton never sent or received classified info on her server.

I responded to your question very directly - you asked me to reconcile the two statements, I showed that they are not contradictory.

What point did I miss, exactly?
We know classified info was found in her email...next.....

Re-read my post, and this time try not to miss the point.
Take your own advice

Ok. This is your post:

Reconcile these two statements

1} Hillary Clinton Never used the govt email system
2} Hillary Clinton never sent or received classified info on her server.

I responded to your question very directly - you asked me to reconcile the two statements, I showed that they are not contradictory.

What point did I miss, exactly?
YOu pulled rabbit out of your ass ,,,,have never heard anyone advance the line that classified info is not sent on govt servers
We know classified info was found in her email...next.....

Re-read my post, and this time try not to miss the point.
Take your own advice

Ok. This is your post:

Reconcile these two statements

1} Hillary Clinton Never used the govt email system
2} Hillary Clinton never sent or received classified info on her server.

I responded to your question very directly - you asked me to reconcile the two statements, I showed that they are not contradictory.

What point did I miss, exactly?
YOu pulled rabbit out of your ass ,,,,have never heard anyone advance the line that classified info is not sent on govt servers



You didn't pay much attention to the news in 2016, did you?

Classified material can only be viewed in a SCIF, and cannot be transmitted via the internet in any form. "Government" email is just email - it's no more, and arguably less, secure than having a gmail address.
while you run to the clinton news network????

i dont give A FUCK who the source is.


screamibg at the source doesnt change the news.
Aren’t you doing that same thing to CNN?

but, to me, cnn has never been unbiased. they have an agenda n zerohedge may also.

but im not going to run down a questionable news source with another.

we will see if true soon im sure.
We know classified info was found in her email...next.....

Re-read my post, and this time try not to miss the point.
Take your own advice

Ok. This is your post:

Reconcile these two statements

1} Hillary Clinton Never used the govt email system
2} Hillary Clinton never sent or received classified info on her server.

I responded to your question very directly - you asked me to reconcile the two statements, I showed that they are not contradictory.

What point did I miss, exactly?
YOu pulled rabbit out of your ass ,,,,have never heard anyone advance the line that classified info is not sent on govt servers



You didn't pay much attention to the news in 2016, did you?

Classified material can only be viewed in a SCIF, and cannot be transmitted via the internet in any form. "Government" email is just email - it's no more, and arguably less, secure than having a gmail address.
Riiighhhttttt….that's it......
while you run to the clinton news network????

i dont give A FUCK who the source is.


screamibg at the source doesnt change the news.

Somebody should tell our president that.
so fuckng many are guilry of it its self serving n hypocritical to bag on trump.

Trump is our president. He's not supposed to be childish and petty. It's reasonable and even patriotic to call the fool out for his childish behavior.

You are SO right, Bulldog! The only people with the right to be childish and petty are the ones who backed Hillary Clinton and lost! How DARE Trump act like them!
Re-read my post, and this time try not to miss the point.
Take your own advice

Ok. This is your post:

Reconcile these two statements

1} Hillary Clinton Never used the govt email system
2} Hillary Clinton never sent or received classified info on her server.

I responded to your question very directly - you asked me to reconcile the two statements, I showed that they are not contradictory.

What point did I miss, exactly?
YOu pulled rabbit out of your ass ,,,,have never heard anyone advance the line that classified info is not sent on govt servers



You didn't pay much attention to the news in 2016, did you?

Classified material can only be viewed in a SCIF, and cannot be transmitted via the internet in any form. "Government" email is just email - it's no more, and arguably less, secure than having a gmail address.
Riiighhhttttt….that's it......

That's the rules. This is from the NOAA's procedures for handling classified material - it's all I could find - but these rules are universal.

E-mail and the Internet create many opportunities for inadvertent disclosure of classified information. Before sending an e-mail, posting to a bulletin board, publishing anything on the Internet, or adding to an existing Web page, you must be absolutely certain none of the information is classified or sensitive unclassified information. Be familiar with your organization's policy for use of the Internet. Many organizations require prior review of ANY information put on the Internet.

Handling Classified Information

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