IG Horowitz just testified to the Senate that FBI did not follow Woods procedures

At the time the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was opened in July 2016, the U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC), which includes the FBI, was aware of Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. elections. The Russian efforts included cyber intrusions into various political organizations, including the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). Throughout spring and early summer 2016, the FBI became aware of specific cyber intrusions for which the Russian government was responsible, through ongoing investigations into Russian hacking operations conducted by the FBI's Cyber Division and the FBI's Counterintelligence Division (CD).

In March and May 2016, FBI field offices identified a spear phishing campaign by the Russian military intelligence agency, known as the General Staff Intelligence Directorate (GRU), targeting email addresses associated with the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, as well as efforts to place malware on DNC and DCCC computer networks. In June and July 2016, stolen materials were released online through the fictitious personas "Guccifer 2.0" and "DCLeaks." In addition, in late July 2016, Wikileaks released emails obtained from DNC servers as part of its "Hillary Leak Series." By August 2016, the USIC assessed that in the weeks leading up to the 2016 U.S. elections, Russia was considering further intelligence operations to impact or disrupt the elections.

In addition to the Russian infiltration of DNC and DCCC computer systems, between March and August 2016, the FBI became aware of numerous attempts to hack into state election systems. These included confirmed access into elements of multiple state or local electoral boards using tactics, techniques, and procedures associated with Russian state-sponsored actors. 163 The FBI learned that Russian efforts also included cyber-enabled scanning and probing of election related infrastructure in several states.

It was in this context that the FBI received information on July 28, 2016, about a conversation between Papadopoulos and an official of a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) in May 2016 during which Papadopoulos "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion" from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to candidate Clinton and President Obama. As described below, the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation 3 days after receiving this information.

You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
The Russian interference that happened on Obama's watch was not coordinated with Trump or anyone in his campaign. This investigation isn't about Russian meddling, it is about corruption at the Obama DOJ.

Nice attempt to divert, Lickspittle.
This investigation has everything to do with Russian meddling. It is the precise reason the investigation was started, idiot.

Whether or not the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russian meddling was also a line of investigation.

Horowitz has not claimed there was any illegal spying. You tards are parroting a Trump hoax, and refuse to admit you were hoaxed.

The FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
This investigation is into the corruption of the Obama DOJ. Mueller looked into the Russian meddling, dumbfuck.

You keep trying to divert from the Obama regime corruption being discussed in the Senate today.
Lock him up.
This is a preview of when the faux impeachment goes to the senate.

It'll be on TV for all to see...and I can't wait for obama & hillary to be placed UNDER OATH! :)

Then they can go to prison for lying or they can go to prison for telling the truth :auiqs.jpg:
You missed:

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Barr has been saying it for over 6 months. Man, you really are ignorant on this subject.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Hey dumbass. Notice the word "illegal" is missing?
Someone needs to ask Obama what he knew and when he knew it....under oath....
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.

Stop lying.

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign
Wray is not The AG, who is Wray's boss. Both Horrowitz and Wray are internal to The FBI.

Wray also said that there were serious issues with FBI management, and that he is going to have to make massive reforms to correct all the "issues" that were exposed.
I see you are backtracking now.

Please provide a link with Barr saying there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Look dummy. You have never made a truthful statement on this forum since the first time I have seen you post. It's 24-7 Anti-Trump Propaganda with you.

No one is backtracking.

We are telling you that Horrowitz "internal" nice guy investigation without any Subpoena Power found 17 Infractions committed by The FBI to get at Carter Page and The Trump Campaign, did not even notify The Trump Campaign of Counter Intelligence Operations which is STANDARD PRACTICE, and they found an additional 10 Ommissions, Falsifications in FISA for renewals for all of their "targets" which they INDEED DID SPY UPON.

Because of The FBI ABUSE and FRAUD they committed with FISA. FISA may be completely ABOLISHED.

FISA was designed to deal with TERRORISTS and now, that tool will probably be mothballed or severely limited.

Horrowitz regarding Wray and The FBI and FISA Abuse: "THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER OCCURRED!"

Do you understand English?
G5000: Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

The Original Tree: Horrowitz' boss did

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
AG Barr: Trump's 2016 Campaign "Was Clearly Spied On," Why Didn't FBI Talk To The Campaign?
This is a preview of when the faux impeachment goes to the senate.

It'll be on TV for all to see...and I can't wait for obama & hillary to be placed UNDER OATH! :)

Then they can go to prison for lying or they can go to prison for telling the truth :auiqs.jpg:
You missed:

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Barr has been saying it for over 6 months. Man, you really are ignorant on this subject.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Hey dumbass. Notice the word "illegal" is missing?
Link me up to "legal spying", asshat.
Isn't it funny how the schizos claimed that Obama did nothing to stop the Russian meddling, and now they are claiming the FBI's investigation into Russian meddling was bad, illegal, etc., etc?

Positively schizophrenic.
This is a preview of when the faux impeachment goes to the senate.

It'll be on TV for all to see...and I can't wait for obama & hillary to be placed UNDER OATH! :)

Then they can go to prison for lying or they can go to prison for telling the truth :auiqs.jpg:
You missed:

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Barr has been saying it for over 6 months. Man, you really are ignorant on this subject.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Hey dumbass. Notice the word "illegal" is missing?
Link me up to "legal spying", asshat.

You're welcome.
This is a preview of when the faux impeachment goes to the senate.

It'll be on TV for all to see...and I can't wait for obama & hillary to be placed UNDER OATH! :)

Then they can go to prison for lying or they can go to prison for telling the truth :auiqs.jpg:
You missed:

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Barr has been saying it for over 6 months. Man, you really are ignorant on this subject.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Hey dumbass. Notice the word "illegal" is missing?
Hey, maybe listen to the hearing. Horowitz stated there was illegal surveillance.
This is a preview of when the faux impeachment goes to the senate.

It'll be on TV for all to see...and I can't wait for obama & hillary to be placed UNDER OATH! :)

Then they can go to prison for lying or they can go to prison for telling the truth :auiqs.jpg:
You missed:

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Barr has been saying it for over 6 months. Man, you really are ignorant on this subject.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Hey dumbass. Notice the word "illegal" is missing?
Link me up to "legal spying", asshat.

You're welcome.
Thanks, you just lost.

He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Last edited:
This is a preview of when the faux impeachment goes to the senate.

It'll be on TV for all to see...and I can't wait for obama & hillary to be placed UNDER OATH! :)

Then they can go to prison for lying or they can go to prison for telling the truth :auiqs.jpg:
You missed:

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Barr has been saying it for over 6 months. Man, you really are ignorant on this subject.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Hey dumbass. Notice the word "illegal" is missing?
Link me up to "legal spying", asshat.

You're welcome.
G5000's fixation on using The word "Messiah" as a weapon on Conservatives and Republicans:

Search Results for Query: Messiah | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.

Stop lying.

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign
Wray is not The AG, who is Wray's boss. Both Horrowitz and Wray are internal to The FBI.

Wray also said that there were serious issues with FBI management, and that he is going to have to make massive reforms to correct all the "issues" that were exposed.
I see you are backtracking now.

Please provide a link with Barr saying there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Look dummy. You have never made a truthful statement on this forum since the first time I have seen you post. It's 24-7 Anti-Trump Propaganda with you.

No one is backtracking.

We are telling you that Horrowitz "internal" nice guy investigation without any Subpoena Power found 17 Infractions committed by The FBI to get at Carter Page and The Trump Campaign, did not even notify The Trump Campaign of Counter Intelligence Operations which is STANDARD PRACTICE, and they found an additional 10 Ommissions, Falsifications in FISA for renewals for all of their "targets" which they INDEED DID SPY UPON.

Because of The FBI ABUSE and FRAUD they committed with FISA. FISA may be completely ABOLISHED.

FISA was designed to deal with TERRORISTS and now, that tool will probably be mothballed or severely limited.

Horrowitz regarding Wray and The FBI and FISA Abuse: "THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER OCCURRED!"

Do you understand English?
It did, so what now? What are the consequences of spying? Please, someone explain.
One key point that I'm glad miss lindsey is hammering on...

Klinesmith doctored an email from the CIA that said "YES, carter page is a trusted CIA informant".

Klinesmith changed the email to say "NO carter page is NOT a CIA informant" and then he presented that email to the FISA court!
Well that guy sure as hell should be going to jail.
You missed:

Please provide a link showing Barr said there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Barr has been saying it for over 6 months. Man, you really are ignorant on this subject.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Hey dumbass. Notice the word "illegal" is missing?
Link me up to "legal spying", asshat.

You're welcome.
G5000's fixation on using The word "Messiah" as a weapon on Conservatives and Republicans:

Search Results for Query: Messiah | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
No matter how hard you try, you cannot hide your failure to show Barr said the FBI spied illegally.

You lied.

The end.

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