IG report proves whole investigation was as corrupt as Comey: Goodwin

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It’s now official: Russia, Russia, Russia really was fake news from the start. There was no factual basis for the FBI to spy on Donald Trump’s campaign.

That means there was no need for the appointment of a special counsel and that Robert Mueller should have stayed in retirement. It means the two years of rumors and accusations and the giant cloud of suspicions over the White House produced by Mueller’s headhunters were unfair and unjustified.

It also means J. Edgar Hoover can finally rest in peace. James Comey is now revealed to be the dirtiest cop ever to run the FBI.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...


He's a son-of-the-mother-of-lies.

I’m confused, didn’t Whore-O-Witz say that the FBI investigation was legitimate and followed the rules?

This AG Barr statement:

“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.

Interestingly, the President has authorized Barr to release everything, why hasn’t he? Perhaps it needs to play out more with Congressional impeachment, and will be used AFTER the Senate acquittal of our president and it gets MUCH CLOSER TO THE 2020 ELECTION....And we’ve yet to see the original document, outlining the initial reason for this never ending farce. Every criminal and civil case starts with someone reporting something and making some type of criminal or civil complaint. The cops and prosecutors don’t just open up the White Pages and throw a dart at them to find their next victim......WE DO HAVE A LIST OF PRIME CANDIDATES.....Pay attention to who LAWYERS UP in the start of the new year.....I can hardly wait!

yup, congressperson Ted Lieu of California said Carter Page was a russian agent. LOL
Loonatick is lucky if page don't sue his ass off.

Surveillance on 4 persons, all associated with the Trump campaign. A political opponent btw, but hey, it wasn't spying.
Youth at risk that end up in jail usually start out with this pattern of behavior of redefining
It’s now official: Russia, Russia, Russia really was fake news from the start. There was no factual basis for the FBI to spy on Donald Trump’s campaign...
That is correct; however, presuming that the FBI will be staffed and headed by folks of the UTMOST honesty, trustworthiness and integrity they are given tremendous latitude to start investigations, which is what Horowitz dealt with, COULD they, and the answer is yes.

Barr and Durham are referring to the whether there was endemic corruption Comey on down and answering whether the SHOULD have, and they are hinting very strongly that the answer is no.

They are answering differently because they are answering different questions. The idea that there is this great disagreement between Horowitz/Barr/Durham is yet another Fake News Creation Propaganda talking point.
... That means there was no need for the appointment of a special counsel and that Robert Mueller should have stayed in retirement. It means the two years of rumors and accusations and the giant cloud of suspicions over the White House produced by Mueller’s headhunters were unfair and unjustified...
That is exactly right. The claim that Trump was in collusion with Russia completely collapsed BEFORE the election. Horowitz testified that EVERY bit of evidence they found EXONERATED Trump and that NO evidence that they found implicated Trump as they attempted to prove the case that Trump was in a criminal conspiracy with Putin. They resurrected the case with the completely piece of crap Dossier and deliberately concealed from FISA that it was funded by Crooked Hillary. They deliberately inserted "NOT A" in an email stating that Carter Page was a highly valued source FOR the CIA who collected information on the Russians, so OF COURSE he had Russian Connections!

They violated procedures, ethics and common decency on 17 different points, and one of which would have likely resulted in their spy request on a rival Presidential Campaign to be denied. That's a lot of lying and unethical behavior by a corrupt FBI directed at a political opponent. But, That's Not All!

The very same FBI that told lied and misdirected the FISA court about its Trump–Russia investigation, in 17 different ways, also took pains to conceal the probe’s existence from the congressional Gang of Eight — which would have been much quicker to spot and object to political spying, and to ask hard questions about the flimsiness of the stated probable cause, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY THE CORRUPT ROGUE FBI CONCEALED THEIR LAWLESS BEHAVIOR FROM CONGRESS.

FISA Reform: An Excerpt from 'Ball of Collusion'
 | National Review

The Gang of Eight is a set of eight leaders within the United States Congress who are briefed on classified intelligence matters by the executive branch. Specifically, the Gang of Eight includes the leaders of each of the two parties from both the Senate and House of Representatives, and the chairs and ranking minority members of both the Senate Committee and House Committee for intelligence as set forth by 50 U.S.C. § 3093(c)(2).
... It also means J. Edgar Hoover can finally rest in peace. James Comey is now revealed to be the dirtiest cop ever to run the FBI...
It also means that between Mueller, Comey and Hoover, the FBI has spent most of it's history Completely Corrupt and working illegally against the interests of the American People. We need to give serious thought to disbanding the agency and rolling it's essential roles into the US Marshall's Service.
.... (Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...


He's a son-of-the-mother-of-lies.

I’m confused, didn’t Whore-O-Witz say that the FBI investigation was legitimate and followed the rules?

This AG Barr statement:

“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.

Interestingly, the President has authorized Barr to release everything, why hasn’t he? Perhaps it needs to play out more with Congressional impeachment, and will be used AFTER the Senate acquittal of our president and it gets MUCH CLOSER TO THE 2020 ELECTION....And we’ve yet to see the original document, outlining the initial reason for this never ending farce. Every criminal and civil case starts with someone reporting something and making some type of criminal or civil complaint. The cops and prosecutors don’t just open up the White Pages and throw a dart at them to find their next victim......WE DO HAVE A LIST OF PRIME CANDIDATES.....Pay attention to who LAWYERS UP in the start of the new year.....I can hardly wait!

These abuses of The American People, by this Rogue Agency, have been going on for YEARS!

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