Iiitts Saturday Night

What exactly is it you'd like SNL to parody? Biden and Harris have been WORKING. Not mugging for the cameras. Or going to memorial walls and boasting about their inauguration crowd size.
So far, there's been nothing to hit them on. They've been boring. Just as I expect my politicians to be.
Working? Lol

They haven't even met with congress ffs. Biden has not changed his hiding in the basement routine.

The whole basement thing is getting more old than the dementia thing. As I understand it, there are a group of Republican Senators going to the White House today. They were invited there. And I'm sure there have been back channel phone calls to other members of Congress. Because that's how things are supposed to work.
What exactly is it you'd like SNL to parody? Biden and Harris have been WORKING. Not mugging for the cameras. Or going to memorial walls and boasting about their inauguration crowd size.
So far, there's been nothing to hit them on. They've been boring. Just as I expect my politicians to be.
Working? Lol

They haven't even met with congress ffs. Biden has not changed his hiding in the basement routine.

The whole basement thing is getting more old than the dementia thing. As I understand it, there are a group of Republican Senators going to the White House today. They were invited there. And I'm sure there have been back channel phone calls to other members of Congress. Because that's how things are supposed to work.

There are many things that are supposed to work, killing Americans Cuomo style is not one of them, losing thousands of jobs Biden style is not one of them, letting thousands of illegals into the country Biden style is not one of them...dumbass.

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