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Il Papa Francesco: animals go to heaven

Do animals go to heaven?

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Catholic doctrine seems to be fine tuned to popular opinion. My priest never would have condescended to this junk. But you know what, I still have a tug at my heart at dear old Quasi, that one eyed hound of my youth that died in my arms. If god didn't let him to heaven I don't want to go. He was as much a catholic as Father O'Malley that drunk skunk. God rest his soul. Anyone watch Blue Bloods? My family, not NY cops, but, close.
We all love our pets. If they can't get into heaven,
Do cockroaches, spiders, and bacteria also go to Heaven then?
Damned good question, How do most humans rate? Like Eleanor Rigby. Lived alone, died alone. Like a bacteria or a spider spinning her web. It's a Zen thing.
There is no evidence to support what the Pope said.
What we do know is there are animals in heaven. Their origin isn't revealed.
That God has a covenant with the animals on earth. Its content isn't revealed.
And that God withholds no good thing from His children. Pets are good things.
Noah's Ark was a collective warning for all humanity, for their Admission to the Everlasting ... it is extremely disingenuous for "christians" to believe by their failure, Heaven will cease to exist as they are its only residents - just plain stupid.

I speak from the Islamic perspective.

In heaven, one has all he wants. If he wants a pet, he needs only to say be and it will be. This is not just a fact of the afterlife. Islam guides you to achieving that in this life.
There is no evidence to support what the Pope said.
What we do know is there are animals in heaven. Their origin isn't revealed.
That God has a covenant with the animals on earth. Its content isn't revealed.
And that God withholds no good thing from His children. Pets are good things.
really? did you read what he said or are you just mouthing off?
The Bible doesn't actually say way one way or the other. I would like to believe that the souls of pets would reach Heaven but wouldn't bank on it.

Do pets animals go to Heaven Do pets animals have souls

who then cleans up the dog shit in heaven

The spirit body does not require food, and does not crap.
how will we fertilize the Garden?........

That is something that never came up during the trance lectures I attended at the spiritualist association.
But I read a book about the afterlife which says there are gardens, so the plants grow somehow.
There is no evidence to support what the Pope said.
What we do know is there are animals in heaven. Their origin isn't revealed.
That God has a covenant with the animals on earth. Its content isn't revealed.
And that God withholds no good thing from His children. Pets are good things.
really? did you read what he said or are you just mouthing off?

Care4, there's no need to get nasty. The question has been around for a long time, because we have no definitive information to answer it. "All of God's creatures go to Heaven", is an incorrect answer. Not all of God's creatures go to Heaven. He has some of his creatures chained in the deepest abyss, not all humans are going to Heaven, and we are not privy to the destination of animals. That covenant remains between God and the animals.
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There is no evidence to support what the Pope said.
What we do know is there are animals in heaven. Their origin isn't revealed.
That God has a covenant with the animals on earth. Its content isn't revealed.
And that God withholds no good thing from His children. Pets are good things.
really? did you read what he said or are you just mouthing off?

Care4, there's no need to get nasty. The question has been around for a long time, because we have no definitive information to answer it. "All of God's creatures go to Heaven", is an incorrect answer. Not all of God's creatures go to Heaven. He has some of his creatures chained in the deepest abyss, not all humans are going to Heaven, and we are not privy to the destination of animals. That covenant remains between God and the animals.

You are right Irish Ram, I should not have gotten snippy with you, I am sorry I did.

The serpent is the only Creature that we can say with certainty, is not in Heaven or left on earth when there is a new heaven and new earth, the serpent ''bites the dust'' in Isaiah 65 I believe?

Man is not considered a "creature" in the Bible for the most part...we are Sons of God, we are man, we are humans, created in the image of God, again, we are not usually the "creatures" when God is speaking about creatures, so when creatures of God are mentioned, he is for the most part speaking about the animals and fish and birds created by God....at least from most of what I have read in the Bible.


18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the ''sons of God''. (man, those who are redeemed thru Christ)

20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

23 And not only they,
(the Creatures) but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

So the Biblical writer separates the Creatures, from ourselves and this passage does imply that it will be all Creatures created by God, with those men/women who have been redeemed by God...and yes, like you said, it does not say all men, but those saved thru Christ's blood.

So what the Pope said is not in any way, out of line with the Bible and what Scripture has said regarding the animals etc, that God has created as you seem to think, imo....
All living creatures share this journey here on earth.

He created us all.

Animals have a collective soul according to their species...and yes....animals also go to a Higher realm when they die.
No need to apologize, Care4, and I agree with the difference between creatures and humans. There is a distinct difference. For some reason my thoughts went to creator, creations instead of creator, creature.
There is much debate about creatures, and Heaven. Pets, and other creatures are not addressed in the Bible beyond their earthly lives, so speculation results. Some believe animals have mortal souls that cease to exist when the animal dies, while humans have immortal souls. We just don't know.

The desire for them to be with us in Heaven may create a sort of bias in that direction. One I share, but because of something that is in the Bible. Our loving Father keeps no good thing from us. And animals are good things. While the fate of animals that lived here on earth isn't laid out for us, we know there are animals in Heaven. Some are described in Rev. And there is the white horse that Christ returns on. But the thing that is the most convincing is that God has a covenant with the animals. We only know 1/2 of it. The half that places man over animal while they are here. Wouldn't the second 1/2 of the covenant, God's part, take place once they have completed their half? Or when the bird sings in the morning, and God provides them with their daily bread, is He fulfilling His part? We aren't told, but I tend to think there is more. The Bible doesn't say one way or the other.
No need to apologize, Care4, and I agree with the difference between creatures and humans. There is a distinct difference. For some reason my thoughts went to creator, creations instead of creator, creature.
There is much debate about creatures, and Heaven. Pets, and other creatures are not addressed in the Bible beyond their earthly lives, so speculation results. Some believe animals have mortal souls that cease to exist when the animal dies, while humans have immortal souls. We just don't know.

The desire for them to be with us in Heaven may create a sort of bias in that direction. One I share, but because of something that is in the Bible. Our loving Father keeps no good thing from us. And animals are good things. While the fate of animals that lived here on earth isn't laid out for us, we know there are animals in Heaven. Some are described in Rev. And there is the white horse that Christ returns on. But the thing that is the most convincing is that God has a covenant with the animals. We only know 1/2 of it. The half that places man over animal while they are here. Wouldn't the second 1/2 of the covenant, God's part, take place once they have completed their half? Or when the bird sings in the morning, and God provides them with their daily bread, is He fulfilling His part? We aren't told, but I tend to think there is more. The Bible doesn't say one way or the other.

I didn't have time this morning to research this prophetic vision but if it's an indication of God's millennial Kingdom then this verse may add some food for thought:

Isaiah 11:6, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."
That's a good scripture. It is what's to come when Christ returns. Prior to it we nearly destroy everything alive on this earth. How nice it will be to have all of the hate set aside and replaced with true love for our brothers and sisters. Right before that verse it describes the one that will bring it about, Jesus the Christ.

Kind of off topic but, there is a confusing passage in the description prior to the one you quoted, about the Spirit and the fear of the Lord. That word fear has a lot of different uses/meanings in the Bible. We think of just one. It can mean fear (as we know it) but also reverence, awe, amazement, astonishment and it also means worship. Christ used it in that capacity. It's that kind of 'OH MY GOD' glory and worth and beauty of the Father, you feel when you stand on the edge of the grand Canyon, or see the ocean for the first time. That kind of spontaneous credit is what caused the delight Isaiah was referring to.

Do you think Christ ever delighted in puppy breath? I hope so. It's a good thing... :)
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