Ilhan Oman blasted as a racist for 'disgusting' remarks about white men

I blocked.twitter due to their treatment of me when I had 8000 folowers.and their elimination of Free Speech (which hurt America greatly). What did she say?
In a troll thread.

How is this a troll thread?

Seriously, for once - try to be a poster worthy of actually reading and coherently explain why discussing a sitting member of Congress besmirching an entire ethnic/gender-based demographic is just "trolling".

This oughta be really fucking good.

Can't wait for your intellectual thesis.
How is this a troll thread?

Seriously, for once - try to be a poster worthy of actually reading and coherently explain why discussing a sitting member of Congress besmirching an entire ethnic/gender-based demographic is just "trolling".

This oughta be really fucking good.

Can't wait for your intellectual thesis.

There is plenty of racism on the extreme left. There is also anti-Semitism and misogyny.

There are ways to alter such problematic thinking.

Tell me, have you tried: "White Guilt"?

It comes highly recommended.

One of our best sellers.
It's hard to take someone seriously that fucked their brother for immigration fraud. She's welcome to head back to somalia and be treated like diseased cattle.... I'll buy the 1-way ticket.

ilhan balls.jpg
Question: Is it still racist if a "diverse" person engages in racism?

I mean, she's a Muslim female immigrant who hates Israel and white heteros.

So she seems to be the perfect poster child for the new woke Progressive Left.

Is it possible for someone like her to be racist, or does her identity protect her from such proclivities?

Today's "Left" is so far removed from anything even vaguely resembling true liberalism that they may as well just start goosestepping and wearing totalitarian insignia.

Anyone who believes in the rights of the individual to freedom of thought and/or speech has no place in the contemporary Democrat Party.

And the Left will reap what it has sown.

Live by the sword of identity politics, die by the sword of identity politics.

That is as racist as it gets from Omar. She is a disgrace to our ancestors into the religion of Islam. But watch a week far left wing man on the US message board with excuse her. We’ve already heard from people like. francoHFW did the native Americans would have glorious fights with each other, what the hell is does even mean. And then Franco says our people as in white people were brutal. The epitome of a left-wing fanatic.

And by the way, she talks a big game to her Muslim supporters in Dearborn, Michigan when in reality, she voted in favor of the Israeli iron dome missile defense system.

Whenever she speaks out about Israelpalestine, I think she does so as an opportunist.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump helped to bring together Israel and the united Arab Emirati‘s so that’s a nice thing right there. Trump has done more for peace in the Middle East than Any democrat has in years.
Question: Is it still racist if a "diverse" person engages in racism?

I mean, she's a Muslim female immigrant who hates Israel and white heteros.

So she seems to be the perfect poster child for the new woke Progressive Left.

Is it possible for someone like her to be racist, or does her identity protect her from such proclivities?

Today's "Left" is so far removed from anything even vaguely resembling true liberalism that they may as well just start goosestepping and wearing totalitarian insignia.

Anyone who believes in the rights of the individual to freedom of thought and/or speech has no place in the contemporary Democrat Party.

And the Left will reap what it has sown.

Live by the sword of identity politics, die by the sword of identity politics.

I love it!
Shit like this will turn core Americans into some seriously racist motherfuckers…
Question: Is it still racist if a "diverse" person engages in racism?

I mean, she's a Muslim female immigrant who hates Israel and white heteros.

So she seems to be the perfect poster child for the new woke Progressive Left.

Is it possible for someone like her to be racist, or does her identity protect her from such proclivities?

Today's "Left" is so far removed from anything even vaguely resembling true liberalism that they may as well just start goosestepping and wearing totalitarian insignia.

Anyone who believes in the rights of the individual to freedom of thought and/or speech has no place in the contemporary Democrat Party.

And the Left will reap what it has sown.

Live by the sword of identity politics, die by the sword of identity politics.

The white racist is always quick to try calling a person of color a racist. Omar is not completely wrong, but she should have been more specific. White men with racist beliefs cause most of the deaths and it done in a wide variety of ways.


Omar is no race baiter, but the leading 2 republican presidential candidates are. Fox News is a race bait network, and talk radio is loaded with whitre race baiters.

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