Ilhan Oman blasted as a racist for 'disgusting' remarks about white men

The white racist is always quick to try calling a person of color a racist. Omar is not completely wrong, but she should have been more specific. White men with racist beliefs cause most of the deaths and it done in a wide variety of ways.


Omar is no race baiter, but the leading 2 republican presidential candidates are. Fox News is a race bait network, and talk radio is loaded with whitre race baiters.
Didn't people in her district vote to stop the flying of gay flags in public buildings? She may be an Islamic mole who is there to help the United States to decline.
I'm starting to better understand why I never liked or trusted that bitch. She'll never be an American, no matter what the dipshits that elected her think..
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Didn't people in her district vote to stop the flying of gay flags in public buildings? She may be an Islamic mole who is there to help the United States to decline.
People in her district beat innocent pedestrians and burn and loot immigrant businesses.
Question: Is it still racist if a "diverse" person engages in racism?

I mean, she's a Muslim female immigrant who hates Israel and white heteros.

So she seems to be the perfect poster child for the new woke Progressive Left.

Is it possible for someone like her to be racist, or does her identity protect her from such proclivities?

Today's "Left" is so far removed from anything even vaguely resembling true liberalism that they may as well just start goosestepping and wearing totalitarian insignia.

Anyone who believes in the rights of the individual to freedom of thought and/or speech has no place in the contemporary Democrat Party.

And the Left will reap what it has sown.

Live by the sword of identity politics, die by the sword of identity politics.

Yes, she's a racist, hateful pig...and that's why the DemoKKKrats LOVE her.
Question: Is it still racist if a "diverse" person engages in racism?

I mean, she's a Muslim female immigrant who hates Israel and white heteros.

So she seems to be the perfect poster child for the new woke Progressive Left.

Is it possible for someone like her to be racist, or does her identity protect her from such proclivities?

Today's "Left" is so far removed from anything even vaguely resembling true liberalism that they may as well just start goosestepping and wearing totalitarian insignia.

Anyone who believes in the rights of the individual to freedom of thought and/or speech has no place in the contemporary Democrat Party.

And the Left will reap what it has sown.

Live by the sword of identity politics, die by the sword of identity politics.

These people put white supremacists to shame.
And there are hundreds of thousands of self-loathing white men who would vote for her. They are called 'Dimocrats'.
White men like the OP in this forum need to shut up about someone else being a racist.
In this day and age I'd have to agree with you, since most "white supremacy" has to be manufactured by the Establishment Left to prop up a straw man enemy that largely no longer exists.

Patriot Front is one classic example.
White supremacy isn't manufactured by anyone but you white supremacists.
White men like the OP in this forum need to shut up about someone else being a racist.

White men like the OP in this forum need to shut up about someone else being a racist.
Based on that statement, you are saying that non-whites get a pass for being racist which is bullshit. Some of the most vile and racist comments I’ve heard have come from non-whites.
Many people (including me) feel that anyone who is lucky enough to escape from Somalia and come here to live should get on one's knees every morning to thank the American people for their kindness and generosity.
White men like the OP in this forum need to shut up about someone else being a racist.

How do you know I'm white?

I'm actually Angry Samoan on my mother's side.

They Saved Hitler's Cock.
Well she is a race baiting attention whore that only exists by getting attention for saying inflammatory things. She has nothing to offer, does nothing of value, has no insight or savvy, and is pretty much useless. Her only purpose is to spout hateful and completely false things to push the democratic narrative. She is pretty much exactly what aoc is, a useless tit.
She's a Somalian Muslim politician in a Somalian Muslim area with a population of 100K+ seeded in Minnesota by Clinton and Obama.

Half of Somalia is in the US in Minnesota and Tennesee. Cloward-Piven.

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