Ilhan Omar arrested and jailed!

Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

seems to me that she was asked to move by a police officer and REFUSED. --and THEN CONTINUED TO RESIST. <<<reasonable if she is 14 years old-----but not for a CONGRESS"WOMAN"
According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

She was being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.

do you know the name of the IMAM?
Was she a Congresswoman in 2013? I think she was just elected this past year. I'll betcha she was pissed the hotel made all those Muslims get out--she probably thought if they'd all been white teeny boppers they could have stayed and gotten their selfies with the Imam.
He was the president of Somalia, not an imam.
Just using the language in the post. But yeah, that guy was no imam by a long shot, was he?
Rosie hates Muslims. Maybe she's Jewish--I dunno what her problem is and I don't care. But as an educator, I know enough to stay away from biased sources when I am trying to educate myself.

I do not "hate" muslims------it is shariah law that I hate. I don't hate germans----it is Nazism that I hate. As an EDUCATOR----it might interest old lady to take a look at the LAWS that Constantine imposed in PALESTINA (actually codified in
JUSTINIAN LAW ----Justin was his grandson.) -----then take a look at the PACT OF OMAR which describes the dhimmi status------and then ---the NUREMBURG LAWS 1935. It is a SMALL WORLD and some things DO NOT CHANGE.
As an educator-----you might be interested in knowing how it developed-----"IT"
is the group of ideologies that have resulted in the genocide of HUNDREDS
of millions
Rosie, I do not attempt to educate my students on such complex topics as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict; I have never, ever, pretended to know enough about it. What I do show students is general history of civilizations and the expansion and contraction of empires, as rhythmic and predictable as breathing, and the very human instinct to protect one's own via tribalism and distrust of others. Blood and blood and blood has been lost over it since humans figured out how to kill each other. What is happening now in the Middle East is another example of that. My students will most likely never step foot anywhere near the Middle East, nor will they ever have any impact on decisions made there. But they can think about and moderate their own instincts when confronted with a group who acts differently, can't they? That is all I attempt.

You see, if you actually educated yourself, you would know this story is repeated over and over, here in the US. Research the Holy Land Foundation, which was down the block from where I lived, then research CAIR fully, and then research how many other mosques have had their Imam’s charged, with supporting terror or their followers, or followers of other mosques. Some hide it better than others.
Yes, civilizations tend to want to protect their own. Just as we want to protect the US from extremism. Muslim extremists have no right to want to fundamentally change the US.
Holy Land Foundation Convictions
Federal Judge Hands Downs Sentences in Holy Land Foundation Case

Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it, she has written letters in defense of those charged with it, yet you still wish to present her as innocent of hatred.

Wake up. Or maybe it is your own hatred towards Israel and Jews that possesses you to support those that do. Which is it? Are you sleeping or do you support as they do?

Forgive my harshness, but I am flummoxed at this point, You still chose not to address my post #58.

I have always liked you irregardless our difference in views, but this one I just can’t wrap my head around.
Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it,
With all the links I've read and listened to this week, I don't recall this one. Can you link it for me?
I definitely have nothing whatever against Israel, Jews OR Palestinians. I've got no dog in that fight at all. What I am hoping to do is show people that one can indeed disagree with this or that position and not be a terrorist. But when it comes to a Muslim, that seems an impossible task.

I'm sorry you would think that of me.
It's interesting that you are so critical of the the far right's hyperbole. I agree with you.

She is VERY careful in public not to openly admit to support Islamic extremism or the Muslim Brotherhood, yet she has been seen in public with their representatives who show their support for her. This, is obviously done to appeal to her base, while at the same time, done to conceal her allegiances from the general public.

On the same token, TRUMP DOES THE SAME THING.

Yet? You are not as critical. Why is this?

Trump never does or says anything ostensibly racist, but. . . . it is coded as dog whistles for his base.

He never supported or showed support for "very bad people," but supported folks right to freely express themselves.

He is playing the same game. You see through his, why do you refuse to see through hers?

BOTH of them are typical two-faced politcos. Don't you be one too.

Good point. You could be right. I have been questioning, though, if Trump is really a racist, so your argument is kind of lost on me.
Hmm, Omar isn't so bad,
at least they aren't a war criminal, like Dumbya Bush, and all the people who supported his war crimes in Iraq.

Most people like Omar knew better, as they won't be brainwashed zombies by the Globalists.

They might be meek, and live more simple, as Jesus commanded,
but I think they might be more intelligent in many ways than you West Euros.

Omar & Infidel Blacks often are more anti-Gllobalist,
you Hillbillies are.

Just goes to show, perhaps you & your ilk are the real idiots.
Somalia/Africa = major shithole
black race = failure -undeniable

You're not acknowledging my points, how Omar is more anti-Globalist, than you'll ever be.

If you can't figure out who's destroying you, the Globalists, and pretend it's Omar who's the problem, you're not very bright, AKA West Euro morons.

Omar's Continent is supposed to balloon up to 4 billion by 2100 according to the UN,
while you
and your West Euros will hardly exist.

Who's the idiots who are killing themselves softly?

At least some East Euro states are trying to promote healthier birth rates.

It's not Omar who overpowered your culture to the point of decay, it's the Globalists killing you.
duh, Omar is a Muslim, and that's so wrong, because Globalists say so.
you're smoking dope and/or drinking
you're babbling

I find Blacks, and Muslims including Omar, make more sense than your West Euros who tend to be compliant in genocide, and compliant in killing your own culture.
But, but, but
Omar is the issue.... No, not really.
you're all over the place and insane with all of your other posts/threads

No wonder why you people are so easily brainwashed into what you are,
things like pretending Omar is the #1 issue, because Omar's not.
When the real issue is you & your West Euro Neocons & Globalists in their genocide abroad & at home.

There lies the problem, you & your ilk are very one track minded, and very OCD / fussy, you tend to lock on a singular ideas & can't think outside the box, having hysterical panic fussy attacks when anything outside the box comes into play.

You are a very simple race, who can't think at all.

Which explains why you & your ilk don't grasp basic things,
tend to be compliant twerps who latch onto things to even your own demise, and the demise of others, because you're just very
very dopey simpletons.

But, but, but, Omar's the problem, no the Globalists telling you Omar's the problem are the real problem.
Somalia/Africa = major shithole
black race = failure -undeniable

You're not acknowledging my points, how Omar is more anti-Globalist, than you'll ever be.

If you can't figure out who's destroying you, the Globalists, and pretend it's Omar who's the problem, you're not very bright, AKA West Euro morons.

Omar's Continent is supposed to balloon up to 4 billion by 2100 according to the UN,
while you
and your West Euros will hardly exist.

Who's the idiots who are killing themselves softly?

At least some East Euro states are trying to promote healthier birth rates.

It's not Omar who overpowered your culture to the point of decay, it's the Globalists killing you.
duh, Omar is a Muslim, and that's so wrong, because Globalists say so.
you're smoking dope and/or drinking
you're babbling

I find Blacks, and Muslims including Omar, make more sense than your West Euros who tend to be compliant in genocide, and compliant in killing your own culture.
But, but, but
Omar is the issue.... No, not really.
you're all over the place and insane with all of your other posts/threads

No wonder why you people are so easily brainwashed into what you are,
things like pretending Omar is the #1 issue, because Omar's not.
When the real issue is you & your West Euro Neocons & Globalists in their genocide abroad & at home.

There lies the problem, you & your ilk are very one track minded, and very OCD / fussy, you tend to lock on a singular ideas & can't think outside the box, having hysterical panic fussy attacks when anything outside the box comes into play.

You are a very simple race, who can't think at all.

Which explains why you & your ilk don't grasp basic things,
tend to be compliant twerps who latch onto things to even your own demise, and the demise of others, because you're just very
very dopey simpletons.

But, but, but, Omar's the problem, no the Globalists telling you Omar's the problem are the real problem.
our race is bad--but blacks good????!!!!!
Africa is a mega SHITHOLE
.....the Middle East/Arabs are just one level above Africa
...South America is one level above that
Europe, Scandinavia and White America are way above them
....Japan and China [ in general ] are way above Africa, etc
I do not "hate" muslims------it is shariah law that I hate. I don't hate germans----it is Nazism that I hate. As an EDUCATOR----it might interest old lady to take a look at the LAWS that Constantine imposed in PALESTINA (actually codified in
JUSTINIAN LAW ----Justin was his grandson.) -----then take a look at the PACT OF OMAR which describes the dhimmi status------and then ---the NUREMBURG LAWS 1935. It is a SMALL WORLD and some things DO NOT CHANGE.
As an educator-----you might be interested in knowing how it developed-----"IT"
is the group of ideologies that have resulted in the genocide of HUNDREDS
of millions
Rosie, I do not attempt to educate my students on such complex topics as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict; I have never, ever, pretended to know enough about it. What I do show students is general history of civilizations and the expansion and contraction of empires, as rhythmic and predictable as breathing, and the very human instinct to protect one's own via tribalism and distrust of others. Blood and blood and blood has been lost over it since humans figured out how to kill each other. What is happening now in the Middle East is another example of that. My students will most likely never step foot anywhere near the Middle East, nor will they ever have any impact on decisions made there. But they can think about and moderate their own instincts when confronted with a group who acts differently, can't they? That is all I attempt.

You see, if you actually educated yourself, you would know this story is repeated over and over, here in the US. Research the Holy Land Foundation, which was down the block from where I lived, then research CAIR fully, and then research how many other mosques have had their Imam’s charged, with supporting terror or their followers, or followers of other mosques. Some hide it better than others.
Yes, civilizations tend to want to protect their own. Just as we want to protect the US from extremism. Muslim extremists have no right to want to fundamentally change the US.
Holy Land Foundation Convictions
Federal Judge Hands Downs Sentences in Holy Land Foundation Case

Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it, she has written letters in defense of those charged with it, yet you still wish to present her as innocent of hatred.

Wake up. Or maybe it is your own hatred towards Israel and Jews that possesses you to support those that do. Which is it? Are you sleeping or do you support as they do?

Forgive my harshness, but I am flummoxed at this point, You still chose not to address my post #58.

I have always liked you irregardless our difference in views, but this one I just can’t wrap my head around.
Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it,
With all the links I've read and listened to this week, I don't recall this one. Can you link it for me?
I definitely have nothing whatever against Israel, Jews OR Palestinians. I've got no dog in that fight at all. What I am hoping to do is show people that one can indeed disagree with this or that position and not be a terrorist. But when it comes to a Muslim, that seems an impossible task.

I'm sorry you would think that of me.
It's interesting that you are so critical of the the far right's hyperbole. I agree with you.

She is VERY careful in public not to openly admit to support Islamic extremism or the Muslim Brotherhood, yet she has been seen in public with their representatives who show their support for her. This, is obviously done to appeal to her base, while at the same time, done to conceal her allegiances from the general public.

On the same token, TRUMP DOES THE SAME THING.

Yet? You are not as critical. Why is this?

Trump never does or says anything ostensibly racist, but. . . . it is coded as dog whistles for his base.

He never supported or showed support for "very bad people," but supported folks right to freely express themselves.

He is playing the same game. You see through his, why do you refuse to see through hers?

BOTH of them are typical two-faced politcos. Don't you be one too.

Good point. You could be right. I have been questioning, though, if Trump is really a racist, so your argument is kind of lost on me.

I agree.

I wonder about both Trump and these women congress critters.

Part of me believes they all have sympathies, OTH, I think they are not too far from the norm.

It is the corporate media that gains the most from sensationalizing every little thing for views and ratings. Creating, an epoch clash of world views and personalities and a real life drama to make everyone tune in and argue, while "they," quietly and secretly, behind the scenes, implement their planned for technocracy which will reduce and strip away everyone's civil liberties and civil rights.
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

I think you are a libtard plant to make conservatives look stupid. What else could be the purpose in posting this horseshit?
Rosie, I do not attempt to educate my students on such complex topics as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict; I have never, ever, pretended to know enough about it. What I do show students is general history of civilizations and the expansion and contraction of empires, as rhythmic and predictable as breathing, and the very human instinct to protect one's own via tribalism and distrust of others. Blood and blood and blood has been lost over it since humans figured out how to kill each other. What is happening now in the Middle East is another example of that. My students will most likely never step foot anywhere near the Middle East, nor will they ever have any impact on decisions made there. But they can think about and moderate their own instincts when confronted with a group who acts differently, can't they? That is all I attempt.

You see, if you actually educated yourself, you would know this story is repeated over and over, here in the US. Research the Holy Land Foundation, which was down the block from where I lived, then research CAIR fully, and then research how many other mosques have had their Imam’s charged, with supporting terror or their followers, or followers of other mosques. Some hide it better than others.
Yes, civilizations tend to want to protect their own. Just as we want to protect the US from extremism. Muslim extremists have no right to want to fundamentally change the US.
Holy Land Foundation Convictions
Federal Judge Hands Downs Sentences in Holy Land Foundation Case

Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it, she has written letters in defense of those charged with it, yet you still wish to present her as innocent of hatred.

Wake up. Or maybe it is your own hatred towards Israel and Jews that possesses you to support those that do. Which is it? Are you sleeping or do you support as they do?

Forgive my harshness, but I am flummoxed at this point, You still chose not to address my post #58.

I have always liked you irregardless our difference in views, but this one I just can’t wrap my head around.
Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it,
With all the links I've read and listened to this week, I don't recall this one. Can you link it for me?
I definitely have nothing whatever against Israel, Jews OR Palestinians. I've got no dog in that fight at all. What I am hoping to do is show people that one can indeed disagree with this or that position and not be a terrorist. But when it comes to a Muslim, that seems an impossible task.

I'm sorry you would think that of me.
It's interesting that you are so critical of the the far right's hyperbole. I agree with you.

She is VERY careful in public not to openly admit to support Islamic extremism or the Muslim Brotherhood, yet she has been seen in public with their representatives who show their support for her. This, is obviously done to appeal to her base, while at the same time, done to conceal her allegiances from the general public.

On the same token, TRUMP DOES THE SAME THING.

Yet? You are not as critical. Why is this?

Trump never does or says anything ostensibly racist, but. . . . it is coded as dog whistles for his base.

He never supported or showed support for "very bad people," but supported folks right to freely express themselves.

He is playing the same game. You see through his, why do you refuse to see through hers?

BOTH of them are typical two-faced politcos. Don't you be one too.

Good point. You could be right. I have been questioning, though, if Trump is really a racist, so your argument is kind of lost on me.

I agree.

I wonder about both Trump and these women congress critters.

Part of me believes they all have sympathies, OTH, I think they are not too far from the norm.

It is the corporate media that gains the most from sensationalizing every little thing for views and ratings. Creating, an epoch clash of world views and personalities and a real life drama to make everyone tune in and argue, while "they," quietly and secretly, behind the scenes, implement their planned for technocracy which will reduce and strip away everyone's civil liberties and civil rights.
I was with you until the last part there--it is no conspiracy, it is all about the Benjamins. As someone famous once said.
after AOC torched Pelosi with blistering eloquence, Trump got jealous and wanted in on the action!
no matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. GO FOR IT OMAR!

You're not acknowledging my points, how Omar is more anti-Globalist, than you'll ever be.

If you can't figure out who's destroying you, the Globalists, and pretend it's Omar who's the problem, you're not very bright, AKA West Euro morons.

Omar's Continent is supposed to balloon up to 4 billion by 2100 according to the UN,
while you
and your West Euros will hardly exist.

Who's the idiots who are killing themselves softly?

At least some East Euro states are trying to promote healthier birth rates.

It's not Omar who overpowered your culture to the point of decay, it's the Globalists killing you.
duh, Omar is a Muslim, and that's so wrong, because Globalists say so.
you're smoking dope and/or drinking
you're babbling

I find Blacks, and Muslims including Omar, make more sense than your West Euros who tend to be compliant in genocide, and compliant in killing your own culture.
But, but, but
Omar is the issue.... No, not really.
you're all over the place and insane with all of your other posts/threads

No wonder why you people are so easily brainwashed into what you are,
things like pretending Omar is the #1 issue, because Omar's not.
When the real issue is you & your West Euro Neocons & Globalists in their genocide abroad & at home.

There lies the problem, you & your ilk are very one track minded, and very OCD / fussy, you tend to lock on a singular ideas & can't think outside the box, having hysterical panic fussy attacks when anything outside the box comes into play.

You are a very simple race, who can't think at all.

Which explains why you & your ilk don't grasp basic things,
tend to be compliant twerps who latch onto things to even your own demise, and the demise of others, because you're just very
very dopey simpletons.

But, but, but, Omar's the problem, no the Globalists telling you Omar's the problem are the real problem.
our race is bad--but blacks good????!!!!!
Africa is a mega SHITHOLE
.....the Middle East/Arabs are just one level above Africa
...South America is one level above that
Europe, Scandinavia and White America are way above them
....Japan and China [ in general ] are way above Africa, etc

How does Omar who is very powerless in USA politics a main issue?

Omar's Somalia being the Third World isn't your problem at all.

Actually you should be happy about Omar for helping Trump.

Europeans are probably 3 races.
Blondes, Dark haired & Red haired..
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News



how evil.....

does it piss you off that they didn't beat her?
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

Criminals have many different things on their rap sheets.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

She was being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.
You think so? Could be she was waiting for an autograph or something. Maybe so. But that part of the story has never been explained in the police record or why she was so resistant to leaving. If YOU had been told to get out while you were waiting for an autograph by John Wayne, YOU would have given them a hard time too and don't try denying it.

Probably waiting to call him a motherfucker, but ok.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you're smoking dope and/or drinking
you're babbling

I find Blacks, and Muslims including Omar, make more sense than your West Euros who tend to be compliant in genocide, and compliant in killing your own culture.
But, but, but
Omar is the issue.... No, not really.
you're all over the place and insane with all of your other posts/threads

No wonder why you people are so easily brainwashed into what you are,
things like pretending Omar is the #1 issue, because Omar's not.
When the real issue is you & your West Euro Neocons & Globalists in their genocide abroad & at home.

There lies the problem, you & your ilk are very one track minded, and very OCD / fussy, you tend to lock on a singular ideas & can't think outside the box, having hysterical panic fussy attacks when anything outside the box comes into play.

You are a very simple race, who can't think at all.

Which explains why you & your ilk don't grasp basic things,
tend to be compliant twerps who latch onto things to even your own demise, and the demise of others, because you're just very
very dopey simpletons.

But, but, but, Omar's the problem, no the Globalists telling you Omar's the problem are the real problem.
our race is bad--but blacks good????!!!!!
Africa is a mega SHITHOLE
.....the Middle East/Arabs are just one level above Africa
...South America is one level above that
Europe, Scandinavia and White America are way above them
....Japan and China [ in general ] are way above Africa, etc

How does Omar who is very powerless in USA politics a main issue?

Omar's Somalia being the Third World isn't your problem at all.

Actually you should be happy about Omar for helping Trump.

Europeans are probably 3 races.
Blondes, Dark haired & Red haired..
that's the key = she's not really...but the MSM makes it that way
......however, she's a typical black who unwittingly tries to destroy American values
..they hate law and order and love criminals
I do not "hate" muslims------it is shariah law that I hate. I don't hate germans----it is Nazism that I hate. As an EDUCATOR----it might interest old lady to take a look at the LAWS that Constantine imposed in PALESTINA (actually codified in
JUSTINIAN LAW ----Justin was his grandson.) -----then take a look at the PACT OF OMAR which describes the dhimmi status------and then ---the NUREMBURG LAWS 1935. It is a SMALL WORLD and some things DO NOT CHANGE.
As an educator-----you might be interested in knowing how it developed-----"IT"
is the group of ideologies that have resulted in the genocide of HUNDREDS
of millions
Rosie, I do not attempt to educate my students on such complex topics as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict; I have never, ever, pretended to know enough about it. What I do show students is general history of civilizations and the expansion and contraction of empires, as rhythmic and predictable as breathing, and the very human instinct to protect one's own via tribalism and distrust of others. Blood and blood and blood has been lost over it since humans figured out how to kill each other. What is happening now in the Middle East is another example of that. My students will most likely never step foot anywhere near the Middle East, nor will they ever have any impact on decisions made there. But they can think about and moderate their own instincts when confronted with a group who acts differently, can't they? That is all I attempt.

You see, if you actually educated yourself, you would know this story is repeated over and over, here in the US. Research the Holy Land Foundation, which was down the block from where I lived, then research CAIR fully, and then research how many other mosques have had their Imam’s charged, with supporting terror or their followers, or followers of other mosques. Some hide it better than others.
Yes, civilizations tend to want to protect their own. Just as we want to protect the US from extremism. Muslim extremists have no right to want to fundamentally change the US.
Holy Land Foundation Convictions
Federal Judge Hands Downs Sentences in Holy Land Foundation Case

Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it, she has written letters in defense of those charged with it, yet you still wish to present her as innocent of hatred.

Wake up. Or maybe it is your own hatred towards Israel and Jews that possesses you to support those that do. Which is it? Are you sleeping or do you support as they do?

Forgive my harshness, but I am flummoxed at this point, You still chose not to address my post #58.

I have always liked you irregardless our difference in views, but this one I just can’t wrap my head around.
I addressed the issue in Post 58 in another thread, but as I said, Depotoo, you only want to hear one side of the story, so why bother? I am sure, after all the conversation here in the past week about Representative Omar and her many alleged sins, that you have heard it is a typical progressive stance to rehabilitate and educate criminals. She was not the only one who asked for some leniency for these three young men who were convicted of trying to join ISIS--they never made it to Syria, but they wanted to--and were facing forty years in prison for it.
Having had some experience teaching and working with criminals in other capacities, I don't think one can advocate for leniency and a second chance unless it is on an individual basis. Some folks ain't gonna change. Trust but verify, I think they say.
Anyway, the judge had the most information on these guys and he disagreed with the leniency "give 'em a second chance" folks and I trust that he knew what he was doing. He saw them on the witness stand and heard all the testimony. I did not.
So while I do not always agree with the progressive ideas about second chances for all convicts, it is a pretty standard idea among progressives who don't love terrorists.
She fought for her Somali constituents. Same as Kamala Harris fights for hers. Same as Trump fights for his.

I am simply pointing out the other side of the story. You will tell me now that I am blind.

I do not see your explanation as the OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY-----In my glorious opinion-----ILHAN went to bat for the Somali would be terrorists because
they are Somali and muslim and not because they are APT TO REFORM. I do not recall Trump defending terrorist hopefuls
No, he just defends neo-Nazi's who run over protesters and "patriots" who chant "send her back." He is the fuckin' worst of the lot.

why do you LIE? He did not defend the person who ran -----into the lady and
killed her------HE REFUSED to describe every person who objected to
the DESTRUCTION of "conferderate army" and era art. as the PIECE OF SHIT THAT YOU DO. Your response is vulgar and disgusting

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