Ilhan Omar arrested and jailed!

I find Blacks, and Muslims including Omar, make more sense than your West Euros who tend to be compliant in genocide, and compliant in killing your own culture.
But, but, but
Omar is the issue.... No, not really.
you're all over the place and insane with all of your other posts/threads

No wonder why you people are so easily brainwashed into what you are,
things like pretending Omar is the #1 issue, because Omar's not.
When the real issue is you & your West Euro Neocons & Globalists in their genocide abroad & at home.

There lies the problem, you & your ilk are very one track minded, and very OCD / fussy, you tend to lock on a singular ideas & can't think outside the box, having hysterical panic fussy attacks when anything outside the box comes into play.

You are a very simple race, who can't think at all.

Which explains why you & your ilk don't grasp basic things,
tend to be compliant twerps who latch onto things to even your own demise, and the demise of others, because you're just very
very dopey simpletons.

But, but, but, Omar's the problem, no the Globalists telling you Omar's the problem are the real problem.
our race is bad--but blacks good????!!!!!
Africa is a mega SHITHOLE
.....the Middle East/Arabs are just one level above Africa
...South America is one level above that
Europe, Scandinavia and White America are way above them
....Japan and China [ in general ] are way above Africa, etc

How does Omar who is very powerless in USA politics a main issue?

Omar's Somalia being the Third World isn't your problem at all.

Actually you should be happy about Omar for helping Trump.

Europeans are probably 3 races.
Blondes, Dark haired & Red haired..
that's the key = she's not really...but the MSM makes it that way
......however, she's a typical black who unwittingly tries to destroy American values
..they hate law and order and love criminals

It's refreshing that Omar doesn't comply to the establishment.
What about you?
you're all over the place and insane with all of your other posts/threads

No wonder why you people are so easily brainwashed into what you are,
things like pretending Omar is the #1 issue, because Omar's not.
When the real issue is you & your West Euro Neocons & Globalists in their genocide abroad & at home.

There lies the problem, you & your ilk are very one track minded, and very OCD / fussy, you tend to lock on a singular ideas & can't think outside the box, having hysterical panic fussy attacks when anything outside the box comes into play.

You are a very simple race, who can't think at all.

Which explains why you & your ilk don't grasp basic things,
tend to be compliant twerps who latch onto things to even your own demise, and the demise of others, because you're just very
very dopey simpletons.

But, but, but, Omar's the problem, no the Globalists telling you Omar's the problem are the real problem.
our race is bad--but blacks good????!!!!!
Africa is a mega SHITHOLE
.....the Middle East/Arabs are just one level above Africa
...South America is one level above that
Europe, Scandinavia and White America are way above them
....Japan and China [ in general ] are way above Africa, etc

How does Omar who is very powerless in USA politics a main issue?

Omar's Somalia being the Third World isn't your problem at all.

Actually you should be happy about Omar for helping Trump.

Europeans are probably 3 races.
Blondes, Dark haired & Red haired..
that's the key = she's not really...but the MSM makes it that way
......however, she's a typical black who unwittingly tries to destroy American values
..they hate law and order and love criminals

It's refreshing that Omar doesn't comply to the establishment.
What about you?
again, if you go with her, you will have a SHITHOLE like Somalia
No wonder why you people are so easily brainwashed into what you are,
things like pretending Omar is the #1 issue, because Omar's not.
When the real issue is you & your West Euro Neocons & Globalists in their genocide abroad & at home.

There lies the problem, you & your ilk are very one track minded, and very OCD / fussy, you tend to lock on a singular ideas & can't think outside the box, having hysterical panic fussy attacks when anything outside the box comes into play.

You are a very simple race, who can't think at all.

Which explains why you & your ilk don't grasp basic things,
tend to be compliant twerps who latch onto things to even your own demise, and the demise of others, because you're just very
very dopey simpletons.

But, but, but, Omar's the problem, no the Globalists telling you Omar's the problem are the real problem.
our race is bad--but blacks good????!!!!!
Africa is a mega SHITHOLE
.....the Middle East/Arabs are just one level above Africa
...South America is one level above that
Europe, Scandinavia and White America are way above them
....Japan and China [ in general ] are way above Africa, etc

How does Omar who is very powerless in USA politics a main issue?

Omar's Somalia being the Third World isn't your problem at all.

Actually you should be happy about Omar for helping Trump.

Europeans are probably 3 races.
Blondes, Dark haired & Red haired..
that's the key = she's not really...but the MSM makes it that way
......however, she's a typical black who unwittingly tries to destroy American values
..they hate law and order and love criminals

It's refreshing that Omar doesn't comply to the establishment.
What about you?
again, if you go with her, you will have a SHITHOLE like Somalia

Who are the idiots who let in Omar & the rest of the beggars?
our race is bad--but blacks good????!!!!!
Africa is a mega SHITHOLE
.....the Middle East/Arabs are just one level above Africa
...South America is one level above that
Europe, Scandinavia and White America are way above them
....Japan and China [ in general ] are way above Africa, etc

How does Omar who is very powerless in USA politics a main issue?

Omar's Somalia being the Third World isn't your problem at all.

Actually you should be happy about Omar for helping Trump.

Europeans are probably 3 races.
Blondes, Dark haired & Red haired..
that's the key = she's not really...but the MSM makes it that way
......however, she's a typical black who unwittingly tries to destroy American values
..they hate law and order and love criminals

It's refreshing that Omar doesn't comply to the establishment.
What about you?
again, if you go with her, you will have a SHITHOLE like Somalia

Who are the idiots who let in Omar & the rest of the beggars?
How does Omar who is very powerless in USA politics a main issue?

Omar's Somalia being the Third World isn't your problem at all.

Actually you should be happy about Omar for helping Trump.

Europeans are probably 3 races.
Blondes, Dark haired & Red haired..
that's the key = she's not really...but the MSM makes it that way
......however, she's a typical black who unwittingly tries to destroy American values
..they hate law and order and love criminals

It's refreshing that Omar doesn't comply to the establishment.
What about you?
again, if you go with her, you will have a SHITHOLE like Somalia

Who are the idiots who let in Omar & the rest of the beggars?

Not really.
A lot of it started with Reagan.

Omar is prob more anti-Globalist than the most anti-Globalist of recent presidents Trump.

Just says how worthless politics are here.

Omar is about the least of your worries.
Terorism is basically an unorganized Military effort,
as opposed to an organized Military effort, which is apparently Kosher.

Why is Terrorism so wrong to some, but War is so right to some?
It's completely an ignorant, and amoral view.

Oppressed people tend to be more, or less like Terrorists, because obviously they can't have an official military action.

This is true all over, like Basque ETA vs their Spanish oppressor
, or Irish Catholic IRA vs their British oppressors
, or Chechen Muslims against their Russian oppressor.
in your case Koshers like the Irgun / Menachem Begin were against well the British in King David Hotel bombing, and against Palestinians in Deir Yassin Massacre.

Your Globalist Synagogue of Satan,
of course want Terrorism to be frowned upon,
they hate the idea of people fighting back against the Globalists, they hate the idea of Palestinians fighting back against their Kosher oppressors.

You are some evil & twisted manipulative satanic people, to say the very least.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
That cannot be said out loud, however, or you will be branded as a terrorist supporter. The only thing acceptable to say about terrorists is that the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
Now, I hate terrorism and I think those jihadi's are the bottom of the pond as far as scum goes, but they have a different viewpoint and when you are talking about some of the ancient (and not so ancient) conflicts between peoples in the Middle East, it is pretty sensible to recall that there are two sides to every story and taking one side or the other does not necessarily make you a terrorist!

The problem with many here is they have never been on the bad end of either American domestic or foreign policy. You hear all the daily bitching about not trusting the government. But when it comes to our government making certain countries the bad guys, these same people will believe every word the government tells them.
Yup. I'm a ****** lover here, basically because I'm not a fucking racist. It gets old being maligned for trying to be even slightly objective, but there you are. If I really didn't like it, I suppose I'd go flouncing off into the sunset, because who cares what my opinion is, anyway?

These are the people keeping us divided. Me and you could sit down and have the hard cold honest discussion we all need to come together and when we are done still respect each other. Most of these guys don't want that. They want to try bullying people into quitting so they can continue being given more then they deserve.
I'm not sure most of them are that smart, IM.

You are probably right.
The problem with many here is they have never been on the bad end of either American domestic or foreign policy. You hear all the daily bitching about not trusting the government. But when it comes to our government making certain countries the bad guys, these same people will believe every word the government tells them.
Yup. I'm a ****** lover here, basically because I'm not a fucking racist. It gets old being maligned for trying to be even slightly objective, but there you are. If I really didn't like it, I suppose I'd go flouncing off into the sunset, because who cares what my opinion is, anyway?

These are the people keeping us divided. Me and you could sit down and have the hard cold honest discussion we all need to come together and when we are done still respect each other. Most of these guys don't want that. They want to try bullying people into quitting so they can continue being given more then they deserve.

How many off-topic posts do you let me make in your threads before you hit the report button, hmm?

Actually I let a lot of shit go. I report your blatant racism and threats. I was responding to oldlady and the post wasn't off topic.

Sure ya do, you have your finger over the button as soon as you see me in any of your race-baiting threads.

I don't have any race baiting threads. Apparently you are butthurt because I dare report your punk ass for using racial slurs, off topic virulent racist comments and the threats you have made about kicking my ass.

And you'll stay butthurt as long as you keep doing it.
for black folks, the only way to combat white privilege is with the exercize of black privilege.

the celebration of the OJ not guilty verdict was a big "fuck you" from black america. blacks operated just like whites do!

There is no black privilege. You whites are still talking about OJ when white cops are killing unarmed blacks without losing jobs.

It would be nice if whites like some of those here just shut up trying to tell us what we should do.
You see, if you actually educated yourself, you would know this story is repeated over and over, here in the US. Research the Holy Land Foundation, which was down the block from where I lived, then research CAIR fully, and then research how many other mosques have had their Imam’s charged, with supporting terror or their followers, or followers of other mosques. Some hide it better than others.
Yes, civilizations tend to want to protect their own. Just as we want to protect the US from extremism. Muslim extremists have no right to want to fundamentally change the US.
Holy Land Foundation Convictions
Federal Judge Hands Downs Sentences in Holy Land Foundation Case

Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it, she has written letters in defense of those charged with it, yet you still wish to present her as innocent of hatred.

Wake up. Or maybe it is your own hatred towards Israel and Jews that possesses you to support those that do. Which is it? Are you sleeping or do you support as they do?

Forgive my harshness, but I am flummoxed at this point, You still chose not to address my post #58.

I have always liked you irregardless our difference in views, but this one I just can’t wrap my head around.
Omar has let it be known she supports Hamas. She supports extremist Muslims. She is on video admitting it,
With all the links I've read and listened to this week, I don't recall this one. Can you link it for me?
I definitely have nothing whatever against Israel, Jews OR Palestinians. I've got no dog in that fight at all. What I am hoping to do is show people that one can indeed disagree with this or that position and not be a terrorist. But when it comes to a Muslim, that seems an impossible task.

I'm sorry you would think that of me.
It's interesting that you are so critical of the the far right's hyperbole. I agree with you.

She is VERY careful in public not to openly admit to support Islamic extremism or the Muslim Brotherhood, yet she has been seen in public with their representatives who show their support for her. This, is obviously done to appeal to her base, while at the same time, done to conceal her allegiances from the general public.

On the same token, TRUMP DOES THE SAME THING.

Yet? You are not as critical. Why is this?

Trump never does or says anything ostensibly racist, but. . . . it is coded as dog whistles for his base.

He never supported or showed support for "very bad people," but supported folks right to freely express themselves.

He is playing the same game. You see through his, why do you refuse to see through hers?

BOTH of them are typical two-faced politcos. Don't you be one too.

Good point. You could be right. I have been questioning, though, if Trump is really a racist, so your argument is kind of lost on me.

I agree.

I wonder about both Trump and these women congress critters.

Part of me believes they all have sympathies, OTH, I think they are not too far from the norm.

It is the corporate media that gains the most from sensationalizing every little thing for views and ratings. Creating, an epoch clash of world views and personalities and a real life drama to make everyone tune in and argue, while "they," quietly and secretly, behind the scenes, implement their planned for technocracy which will reduce and strip away everyone's civil liberties and civil rights.
I was with you until the last part there--it is no conspiracy, it is all about the Benjamins. As someone famous once said.

Of course it is about the money. The power players in charge have moved WAY beyond corportism, capitalism, and socialism. They use these as convenient distratctions for the plebes.

. . . and the wealth gap and power divide will continue.

You're so naive it's cute.

Do you know who this guy is?

Zbigniew Brzezinski - Wikipedia

Yeah, the power player responsible for making sure Obama got elected.

Read his book.
under Omar's leadership, the Dems are fucked. they will go extinct and America will have finally been made great again!
I don't have any race baiting threads. Apparently you are butthurt because I dare report your punk ass for using racial slurs, off topic virulent racist comments and the threats you have made about kicking my ass.

And you'll stay butthurt as long as you keep doing it.


She isn’t Arab, she is American. Born in America. Talking about a president who refers to grabbing women by the pussy, shithole countries, and tells American citizens of nonwhite European ancestry to go back to the country they came from, and claimed that his predecessor was t born in America.

Maybe she is right.


"Omar was born in Mogadishu on October 4, 1982,[5][6] and spent her early years in Baidoa, Somalia.[7][8]"

So what? She became an American citizen in 1999.
No she didn’t her fake family did.. she’s not part of that family
I forget how addicted you guys are to conspiracy theories.
Her biological name is different then the one she used to join that family.. it’s a fact look it up

Not a fact.
"Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is scheduled to raise money in March with the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) only a week after she used an anti-Semitic trope to claim Israel has paid for GOP support.

Omar will be the keynote speaker at CAIR’s 4th Annual Valley Banquet on March 23 to discuss advancing justice and empowering Muslims, according to the organization’s invitation.

CAIR is a notable pro-Palestinian organization with ties to Islamic terror groups. The U.S. Department of Justice listed CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding millions of dollars to the terrorist organization Hamas. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) named CAIR a terrorist organization along with al-Qaeda and ISIS in 2014."

Ilhan Omar To Fundraise For Hamas-Linked Muslim Organization

Doh! No wonder 'yote's here like a moth to the flame.

Nothing wrong with pro Pali.

As for the rest....hmmm

Did Ilhan Omar Hold 'Secret Fundraisers' with 'Islamic Groups Tied to Terror'?

Pro Pali = pro Hamas and Fatah. Everything wrong with that.

Terorism is basically an unorganized Military effort,
as opposed to an organized Military effort, which is apparently Kosher.

Why is Terrorism so wrong to some, but War is so right to some?
It's completely an ignorant, and amoral view.

Oppressed people tend to be more, or less like Terrorists, because obviously they can't have an official military action.

This is true all over, like Basque ETA vs their Spanish oppressor
, or Irish Catholic IRA vs their British oppressors
, or Chechen Muslims against their Russian oppressor.
in your case Koshers like the Irgun / Menachem Begin were against well the British in King David Hotel bombing, and against Palestinians in Deir Yassin Massacre.

Your Globalist Synagogue of Satan,
of course want Terrorism to be frowned upon,
they hate the idea of people fighting back against the Globalists, they hate the idea of Palestinians fighting back against their Kosher oppressors.

You are some evil & twisted manipulative satanic people, to say the very least.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
That cannot be said out loud, however, or you will be branded as a terrorist supporter. The only thing acceptable to say about terrorists is that the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
Now, I hate terrorism and I think those jihadi's are the bottom of the pond as far as scum goes, but they have a different viewpoint and when you are talking about some of the ancient (and not so ancient) conflicts between peoples in the Middle East, it is pretty sensible to recall that there are two sides to every story and taking one side or the other does not necessarily make you a terrorist!

Omar vilifies Israel but Israel doesn’t kill people over cartoons. Why doesn’t she ever speak about that? Some people did something at Charlie Hedbo?
Israel is no angel. It has its share of bad behavior.
Pro Pali = pro Hamas and Fatah. Everything wrong with that.

Terorism is basically an unorganized Military effort,
as opposed to an organized Military effort, which is apparently Kosher.

Why is Terrorism so wrong to some, but War is so right to some?
It's completely an ignorant, and amoral view.

Oppressed people tend to be more, or less like Terrorists, because obviously they can't have an official military action.

This is true all over, like Basque ETA vs their Spanish oppressor
, or Irish Catholic IRA vs their British oppressors
, or Chechen Muslims against their Russian oppressor.
in your case Koshers like the Irgun / Menachem Begin were against well the British in King David Hotel bombing, and against Palestinians in Deir Yassin Massacre.

Your Globalist Synagogue of Satan,
of course want Terrorism to be frowned upon,
they hate the idea of people fighting back against the Globalists, they hate the idea of Palestinians fighting back against their Kosher oppressors.

You are some evil & twisted manipulative satanic people, to say the very least.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
That cannot be said out loud, however, or you will be branded as a terrorist supporter. The only thing acceptable to say about terrorists is that the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
Now, I hate terrorism and I think those jihadi's are the bottom of the pond as far as scum goes, but they have a different viewpoint and when you are talking about some of the ancient (and not so ancient) conflicts between peoples in the Middle East, it is pretty sensible to recall that there are two sides to every story and taking one side or the other does not necessarily make you a terrorist!

The war on Terror may have literally directly, and indirectly killed 3 million, as opposed to 9/11 killing 3 thousand.
I'm just throwing out numbers here on the amount the War on Terror has killed,
but it may very well be 3 million, maybe less, maybe more.

The bottom line is far more have been killed in the War on Terror than by actual Terrorists.

So, you tell me who's more wrong?
I have nothing against what we did when we went after binLaden. Or ISIS.

We are in a war on terror. Either you support our war or you do not. AQ is a terror group. Internationally recognized. They don't get a POV.
There is no either or. That is a fallacy.
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

This made headlines back in October. Where have you been? By the way, the charges were later dropped, and it's a pretty petty offense anyway.
They seemed to have ignored that in their rabid frenzy.

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