Ilhan Omar op-ed: Minnesota Nurses Are Ready to Strike. I Stand With Them

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We are living through it. White demographic replacement is well on the way.

If you guys never stop cosplaying how will you ever put up a real fight? It's the Constitution that protects our right to demographically replace whites. Sharia Law is just a boogeyman used to frighten little children like yourself. 😄

Not that this is what these Nurses did, they actually put their jobs on the line and used their collective power to bargain for what they wanted, but of course turning government on your opponents is still fighting. In fact it's fighting smart. Maybe you just don't know how to fight. 😄

If you can put your opponents on the other side of government, like we have done effectively with white wing terrorists, they stand almost no chance.

You clowns can't even do effective rhetoric. You can't call minorities the KKK. 😄 Who's going to take that seriously? Especially when the KKK is still the KKK. It just makes you look like you're trying to excuse or minimize white supremacy.

In what way?

Immigrants. Mixed race children of immigrants more specifically. While the number of whites in the country has actually fallen in the last decade the number of individuals identifying as mixed is up 276%. 😁

Who's attacking all whites and who wants free stuff? I'm not even suggesting attacking any whites actually. I'm suggesting we out breed you until we out number you and then use government to take back every thing this country and its white European ancestors owe our people. It's debt collection. It's actually white people, who for centuries, lived off the hard work of others. You should really learn some history, you sound stupid. 😄

KKK are racists, you are a racist as you repeat here, do the math. Tom-ay-to, Tom-ah-to. You and the KKK, two peas in a pod, fucking racist
How many bikes you steal yesterday jiggy?
How many Americans are serving in Somalia's government? Somalia might not be in great shape, but its theirs. Go look at your Congress. You'll see that this Congress, the people who write your laws belong to the most diverse Congress this country has ever had. More minorities and children of immigrants serve today than ever before and that means fewer and fewer whites. When the dusts settles Somalia will still belong to Somalis. What country will belong to you? 😁
Another rhetorically stupid and ignorant comment. There's no way to accuse anyone of keeping black people on a democratic plantation without erasing black agency. You'd understand that if you all weren't compete morons. 😂

And yet you personally attack any black with massively racist terms who decides your party isn't for them. You have made very clear what you are, the most vermin, hateful type of bigot. And blacks are your victims. You'd have totally chased down runaway slaves for your white master, you keep doing it now for Joe, Nancy and Chuck
You clowns can't even do effective rhetoric. You can't call minorities the KKK. 😄 Who's going to take that seriously? Especially when the KKK is still the KKK. It just makes you look like you're trying to excuse or minimize white supremacy
Demofks are kkk still looking at blacks as property
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Immigrants. Mixed race children of immigrants more specifically. While the number of whites in the country has actually fallen in the last decade the number of individuals identifying as mixed is up 276%. 😁

Somalis are going to stop marrying cousins and sisters and are going to marry whites?
And yet you personally attack any black with massively racist terms who decides your party isn't for them. You have made very clear what you are, the most vermin, hateful type of bigot. And blacks are your victims. You'd have totally chased down runaway slaves for your white master, you keep doing it now for Joe, Nancy and Chuck
This is here is simply a reflection of the level of complexity with which you are able to critically think with. 😄

It's not very impressive.

I don't attack every black person who leaves the Democratic party. I can certainly understand being frustrated with the white moderate leadership and its ineffectiveness, whether you want to argue by intention or design. I lean towards the latter. I criticize black people who leave the Democratic party to help Republicans as either a moron or a sellout because that's what you'd have to be to help deplorable ass Republicans.

Also Black Americans can tell you themselves who they think they're enemies are but you clowns never actually want to listen to what that vast majority of Black Americans are telling you.
What do any of these posts have to do with striking nurses? You guys are fucked in the head
Demofks are kkk still looking at blacks as property
So you don't think black people who vote Democrat can think for themselves? You have decided for them that they're property? 😄 Go voice that opinion in polite society and see what the response is. Maybe you clowns should workshop some of these ideas. 😂
Somalis are going to stop marrying cousins and sisters and are going to marry whites?
Ilhan never actually married her brother. That was some cosplay shit that you were dumb enough to fall for. You idiots never seem to realize that you're the marks of white wing grifters. They sure as shit ain't fooling anyone else. 😂
Ilhan never actually married her brother. That was some cosplay shit that you were dumb enough to fall for. You idiots never seem to realize that you're the marks of white wing grifters. They sure as shit ain't fooling anyone else. 😂

She's certainly a grifter. Not very white.
This is here is simply a reflection of the level of complexity with which you are able to critically think with. 😄

It's not very impressive.

I don't attack every black person who leaves the Democratic party. I can certainly understand being frustrated with the white moderate leadership and its ineffectiveness, whether you want to argue by intention or design. I lean towards the latter. I criticize black people who leave the Democratic party to help Republicans as either a moron or a sellout because that's what you'd have to be to help deplorable ass Republicans.

Also Black Americans can tell you themselves who they think they're enemies are but you clowns never actually want to listen to what that vast majority of Black Americans are telling you.

Gotcha, you don't slam every non-Democrat black with KKK level racist terms, just the ones who decide they want government just a little smaller and they don't need handouts just because of their skin color, like you do.

And I called you a racist. Nailed it!
Gotcha, you don't slam every non-Democrat black with KKK level racist terms, just the ones who decide they want government just a little smaller and they don't need handouts just because of their skin color, like you do.

And I called you a racist. Nailed it!

Which Republican have ever shrunk government? You mark ass bitch. 😄 You should be embarrassed to repeat that bit of nonsense propaganda.

Which Republican have ever shrunk government? You mark ass bitch. 😄 You should be embarrassed to repeat that bit of nonsense propaganda.

I meant smaller than Democrats want it. Sheesh, get a grip, racist.

Smaller than it is now? Hasn't been done in my lifetime. But hey, I'm only in my 50s
I meant smaller than Democrats want it. Sheesh, get a grip, racist.

Smaller than it is now? Hasn't been done in my lifetime. But hey, I'm only in my 50s
The notion that Republicans want smaller government is cosplayer, fairytale bullshit. They want different government.
So you don't think black people who vote Democrat can think for themselves? You have decided for them that they're property? 😄 Go voice that opinion in polite society and see what the response is. Maybe you clowns should workshop some of these ideas. 😂
I believe, blacks are threatened and comply as they did in the past. School choice, you for it. Thanks kkker
The only people who vote for Omar are guilt ridden virtue signaling white liberals.
The Somalian community can't stand her for her views on abortion and LGBT issues...

I believe, blacks are threatened and comply as they did in the past. School choice, you for it. Thanks kkker
Let me get this straight. You think that black democratic voters, who I remind you make up 90% of black voters, are being kept on a democratic plantation by threats? And these that's are in the form of mean names? And you think voicing this argument is going to convince people that Democrats are the real racists, and not you who imagine the vast majority of black voters are so incredibly weak that they are kept on a plantation by mean words....😂😂😂

Ok. But I don't think you've thought that argument through enough. 😄
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