Ilhan Omar’s Father & Other Somalian War Criminals Illegally Living In The US

Foreign countries, particularly Shithole type countries, always insist that they are sending their very best people to become Illegals in America.

I think a much more careful vetting process, maybe including tests to make sure that the Illegals are literate, know English, hard working and crime free, before they are allowed here is a good start to make sure the Shitholes are holding up their end

Then everyone must vote for Trump in the next election if Americans want something done about their illegal immigration fiasco going on in America. If they put the democrats back in then it will be goodbye America. Those four women of color want to eliminate the border and ICE. Can anyone imagine what they would cause for America if those four socialists get their way. If Americans think it is bad now, put those idiots in power and things will really get worse then. It is up too you.
It appears that not only is Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar under the microscope for marrying her brother, engaging in immigration fraud, violating federal law and being as anti-American as you can get, but now her father has come into the picture. And it isn’t pretty. According to a recent report, Omar’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed (aka Nur Said Elmi Mohamed), was not only tied to the former dictator in Somalia, Said Barre, but now he and his accomplices are now living in the US in violation of federal law.

How in the hell does she get away with it?

And the others?

The Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.) contains a prohibition on naturalization for anyone involved, within the last ten years, with a group that advocates or teaches opposition to all organized government; or involved with the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party of the U.S. or any foreign state; or who advocates world communism or totalitarian dictatorship even without formal group membership. (See I.N.A. Section 313).”

And here comes the big one!

So, the question is, why has Attorney General William Barr not followed through on Omar, Nur or Yusuf?

President Donald Trump has said that Ilhan Omar should get out of the US if she isn’t happy with it here, and I agree, but more than that, perhaps it’s time her crimes were exposed, she and her father and his accomplices were indicted and sent packing.

Much more @ Report: Ilhan Omar's Father & Other Somalian War Criminals Illegally Living In The US

An aside. Was the president’s tweets about The Squad a feint to get information like this into the spotlight?
The Deep state will not let Pres.Trump to choose the members of his own team. Every time He removes one, that they immediately replaces them with another creature of the swamp. They work there way in by flattering the President, by saying something like, "Eeewwiee! I just loved that orange tint of yours. Where can I buy me one of those?'
That is why Obama and the rest are not worrying about anything. That they are enjoying their retirement. Every time Pres.Trump starts feeling like firing someone. They hurries up and get off their vacation and come to D.C. shouting out that the Trump's administration is in disarray. That he is unfit to be President. And then they will bring in one of their friends that is apart of the swamp. And tell Pres.Trump, that he better not elect this one. Or else they are going to mess up his bed sheets. And they knows that Pres.Trump loves a challenge. That he will pick him, and dare them to mess up his bed sheets.
Clarence Thomas is one of them. He is helping to keep the secret that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead and buried.

This article was originally published on December 12, 2018. The serious questions raised in the piece remain completely unanswered.

Why was Barr chosen, given his shocking and deeply criminal/cover-up kingpin background?

Was Trump duped by Deep State enemies, who have placed another predator into his administration with the power to destroy his presidency? Or has Trump co-opted and turned Barr, in the hopes that Barr will do Trump’s bidding? Why would Barr ever turn against his own Deep State cronies?

Does Trump have a plan? With Barr in place, is Trump signaling to his enemies that “I now own the Deep State”? Or is Barr the Deep State’s ultimate and final weapon against Trump, who remains surrounded by Bush/Clinton “swamp creatures” such as National Security Adviser John Bolton, who is one of Barr’s many fellow Iran-Contra co-conspirators, Vice President Mike Pence (who is in ideal position for a coup against Trump, and remains very cozy with the Clintons, dozens of Obama appointees that remain in place, and Republican “Never Trumpers”, all of whom continue to undermine Trump.

Pay careful attention to the confirmation “hearings”. How many of the senators “questioning” Barr are themselves connected to the Bush/Clinton era criminal operations that Barr supervised as George H.W. Bush’s attorney general?

Will anyone in Washington, or in the CIA asset-filled mainstream media, dare bring up Iran-Contra? Will anyone dare detail Barr’s corruption, and his longstanding ties to the Bush/Clinton network? What about the fact that Barr is best friends with Robert Mueller?

Even the alternative media, including the whistleblowing research-intensive pro-Trump anon community, has been virtually silent on Barr, despite the fact that his criminal history is glaringly obvious, lurid, and begging to be exposed.

Rumors abound that slippery Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is expected to leave the Justice Department following Barr’s likely confirmation. This further clears the way for Barr to seize the power to determine the fate of the Mueller probe, the John Huber (Inspector General) report, FISAgate, Clinton emails, Uranium One, and other key investigations.

CIA Covert Operative William Barr & His Role in the Iran Contra Affair. | The Fringe | Conspiracy, News, Politics, and Fun Forum!


Pompeo has shown himself to be a "puppet" for special interests. If he accepts Trump's offer to head the CIA, it could spell a significant setback for consumers, according to Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety.

"The worst choice I can think of," Kimbrell said of Pompeo. "Far from draining the swamp, Pompeo is the ultimate "swamp" creature. He is little more than a puppet for the big chemical and biotech companies."

Trump Picks 'Puppet' for Special Interests Mike Pompeo to Head CIA


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