"I'll be Travelling The Back Roads"...Really Mittens?

You mean, the whole Obummer, Obumbler, Nobama, Owebama, etc; those names?

I don't recall using those names or hearing them in the real world either. Although NObama is a campaign slogan whereas mittens sounds really stupid and immature to be honest. But hey, look who were dealing with here.

You really are literally a mental retard.

Click the link below, retard:


got to admit when yer got, Gramps.. and he got you.
I don't recall using those names or hearing them in the real world either. Although NObama is a campaign slogan whereas mittens sounds really stupid and immature to be honest. But hey, look who were dealing with here.

You really are literally a mental retard.

Click the link below, retard:


got to admit when yer got, Gramps.. and he got you.

Oops, must have dropped to their level in one of my many drunken stupors. After all I have been drunk everyday since I joined according to the left.

Wonder how many hundreds of posts he had to dig through to find one instance.

Busted is busted though.
Obama wasn't operating in a vacuum when the downgrade happened, and most Americans know that (hence the "lower than Obama" congressional approval rating. Much lower. Like, single-digits, lower.)



and no CaliphonyGirl, I don't need your uninformed commentary about political satire (what you refer to as "comics" :rolleyes: )
Political satire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Satire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1867 edition of Punch, a ground-breaking British magazine of popular humour, including a great deal of satire of the contemporary social and political scene.

I can't tell you how much I laughed at your post. Links to wiki always impress.

It clearly sails over your head that this is a discussion board... BD's use of cartoons (note: cartoons, not comics).... might seem intellectually stimulating to the Brain Dead... some of us have a slightly higher standard.

Some of us are clueless, pompous twits...LOL!

Wiki is closer to the truth than the gigantic Pub propaganda machine 99.9% of the time, dupe.
And you have evidence that he is not and will not go out and see how 'real Americans' live? He's been working with 'real Americans' for decade, by the way... stop the bullshit Huggy. It's a credibility fail to make it an issue for Romney and not for Obama.

Personally, I don't think you are this stupid. I think this is a pathetic attempt to get the right all riled up about bullshit. Which does not speak well of you.

"stupid", "pathetic".. That's it?

It's a slow morning here at the motel..all my chores are done..what can I say?...I'm bored..

It's fun to jack up the wackadoodles while I'm waiting to go out on my assigned missions this afternoon.. Besides ..It's more "sport" than dressage horse riding!

I'll be off as soon as the Caddy's battery is fully charged.

Oh, I get it.... it's a jealousy thing. Romney's successful and you're not. Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

Envious of Mittens? You are kidding ...Right? If I was Willard I would put a pistol in my mouth and pull the trigger.

Now if ya wanna just talk about the money..if there were no strings attached...ya..I would love to have access to a few hundred million bucks. But Romney isn't his money. I wouldn't want to be ANYTHING like that fuckwit crazy cultbishop. Just take the smallest thing like putting his dog up on the roof of his car for a several hundred mile trip. If it were me I would have found a vehicle that would accomodate the WHOLE family including the dog for such a journey. To me it is unthinkable to subject an animal I look into the eyes every day to that kind of torture just for convenience or lack of planning.

Sure you betcha... I still have several inventions just screaming at me every night in my dreams for funding that a few million could make a reality. None of my business plans involve putting thousands of people out on the street and stealing the pensions of those that were forced to agree to come back to work at half thier income levels. In short..I do have a conscience where as him...not so much.

Romney is a chicken shit punk ass bitch that sold his worthless soul to a cult and profited from his "deal with the devil".

For all his money he cannot buy back what he gave away.
Sure you betcha... I still have several inventions just screaming at me every night in my dreams for funding that a few million could make a reality.

LOLOLOL!!!!!!! Oh yeah, that's all that's holding your great genius back! LOL!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Shall we review this fascinating thread?

Where has Obama been this week? A glitzy fundraiser in NY.

Where has Romney been? a five-day, 1,258-mile coach journey to the forgotten small towns of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, then north to Wisconsin, Iowa and the Michigan shore of the Great Lakes.

Looks like he actually has been hitting the back roads... and taking his campaign to those who are the backbone of America. 'We, the People'... even those who can't donate millions to his campaign.

I think I'll send him another $150 this week.
BizJets cruise at 50,000 feet now?

Wow....that's your best retort? That someone doesn't know the cruising altitude of a business jet? Send that one to the RNC or the Koch Brothers, maybe they can do a SuperPac ad about it.....

I can see it now...."this is the way libruls think.....they think that business jets fly at 50,000ft....when EVERYONE KNOWS that they fly in the 25-35,000 ft range....Christ, they're dumb....vote for Romney!
BizJets cruise at 50,000 feet now?

Wow....that's your best retort? That someone doesn't know the cruising altitude of a business jet? Send that one to the RNC or the Koch Brothers, maybe they can do a SuperPac ad about it.....

I can see it now...."this is the way libruls think.....they think that business jets fly at 50,000ft....when EVERYONE KNOWS that they fly in the 25-35,000 ft range....Christ, they're dumb....vote for Romney!

I completely understand why you want to ignore where Romney's been this week, and what Obama's been doing on the 'campaign trail'.
Shall we review this fascinating thread?

Where has Obama been this week? A glitzy fundraiser in NY.

Where has Romney been? a five-day, 1,258-mile coach journey to the forgotten small towns of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, then north to Wisconsin, Iowa and the Michigan shore of the Great Lakes.

Looks like he actually has been hitting the back roads... and taking his campaign to those who are the backbone of America. 'We, the People'... even those who can't donate millions to his campaign.

I think I'll send him another $150 this week.

I would appreciate a link verifying that Romney actually has been riding in the bus other than from local airports to the venues.


When I googe I get just as many hits suggesting he flies to these locations and just meets the bus.
The fucker is so out of touch, he doesn't know the difference between a "back road" and "Rocky Road".
Shall we review this fascinating thread?

Where has Obama been this week? A glitzy fundraiser in NY.

Where has Romney been? a five-day, 1,258-mile coach journey to the forgotten small towns of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, then north to Wisconsin, Iowa and the Michigan shore of the Great Lakes.

Looks like he actually has been hitting the back roads... and taking his campaign to those who are the backbone of America. 'We, the People'... even those who can't donate millions to his campaign.

I think I'll send him another $150 this week.

I would appreciate a link verifying that Romney actually has been riding in the bus other than from local airports to the venues.


When I googe I get just as many hits suggesting he flies to these locations and just meets the bus.

You might want to consult a map and take a look at the size of this nation of ours. It is absolutely standard for candidates to fly from one area to another, and it is absolutely standard for them to use a bus to get around the location that they're targeting. That is exactly what Romney is doing. He did, in fact, use a bus to travel the 1,258 miles to the towns he visited.

And, as he said he would, he is visiting towns that, historically, are ignored by the politicians.

I can't work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse or really are a fucking idiot.
Last edited:
Shall we review this fascinating thread?

Where has Obama been this week? A glitzy fundraiser in NY.

Where has Romney been? a five-day, 1,258-mile coach journey to the forgotten small towns of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, then north to Wisconsin, Iowa and the Michigan shore of the Great Lakes.

Looks like he actually has been hitting the back roads... and taking his campaign to those who are the backbone of America. 'We, the People'... even those who can't donate millions to his campaign.

I think I'll send him another $150 this week.

I would appreciate a link verifying that Romney actually has been riding in the bus other than from local airports to the venues.


When I googe I get just as many hits suggesting he flies to these locations and just meets the bus.

You might want to consult a map and take a look at the size of this nation of ours. It is absolutely standard for candidates to fly from one area to another, and it is absolutely standard for them to use a bus to get around the location that they're targeting. That is exactly what Romney is doing. He did, in fact, use a bus to travel the 1,258 miles to the towns he visited.

And, as he said he would, he is visiting towns that, historically, are ignored by the politicians.

I can't work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse or really are a fucking idiot.

I can't work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse or really are a fucking idiot...My question was specific. I understand "the bus" has done the miles.. You implied that he has been on it thruout the mini tour. I challenge that assumption. If THAT bothers you I E.. I must be an idiot to ask if King Romney is REALLY a man of the people or does he just fly first class and give the IMPRESSION he is out there among the little people on this tour then go ahead on and call me an idiot...I would still like to hear an accurate answer to my question ...obtuse or not.
I would appreciate a link verifying that Romney actually has been riding in the bus other than from local airports to the venues.


When I googe I get just as many hits suggesting he flies to these locations and just meets the bus.

You might want to consult a map and take a look at the size of this nation of ours. It is absolutely standard for candidates to fly from one area to another, and it is absolutely standard for them to use a bus to get around the location that they're targeting. That is exactly what Romney is doing. He did, in fact, use a bus to travel the 1,258 miles to the towns he visited.

And, as he said he would, he is visiting towns that, historically, are ignored by the politicians.

I can't work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse or really are a fucking idiot.

I can't work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse or really are a fucking idiot...My question was specific. I understand "the bus" has done the miles.. You implied that he has been on it thruout the mini tour. I challenge that assumption. If THAT bothers you I E.. I must be an idiot to ask if King Romney is REALLY a man of the people or does he just fly first class and give the IMPRESSION he is out there among the little people on this tour then go ahead on and call me an idiot...I would still like to hear an accurate answer to my question ...obtuse or not.

It doesn't bother me at all... your intellect is of no concern to me. I'm merely pointing out that Romney is doing exactly what he said he'd do... hit the back roads of America. Seems to me that your issue with Romney is his wealth. Jealousy is not an attractive, nor intelligent, behavior.

I fly first class... and by private jet... that does not make me anything other than blessed. That you use terms like 'King' and 'little people' shows what a small minded, jealous little man you are.
You might want to consult a map and take a look at the size of this nation of ours. It is absolutely standard for candidates to fly from one area to another, and it is absolutely standard for them to use a bus to get around the location that they're targeting. That is exactly what Romney is doing. He did, in fact, use a bus to travel the 1,258 miles to the towns he visited.

And, as he said he would, he is visiting towns that, historically, are ignored by the politicians.

I can't work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse or really are a fucking idiot.

I can't work out whether you are being deliberately obtuse or really are a fucking idiot...My question was specific. I understand "the bus" has done the miles.. You implied that he has been on it thruout the mini tour. I challenge that assumption. If THAT bothers you I E.. I must be an idiot to ask if King Romney is REALLY a man of the people or does he just fly first class and give the IMPRESSION he is out there among the little people on this tour then go ahead on and call me an idiot...I would still like to hear an accurate answer to my question ...obtuse or not.

It doesn't bother me at all... your intellect is of no concern to me. I'm merely pointing out that Romney is doing exactly what he said he'd do... hit the back roads of America. Seems to me that your issue with Romney is his wealth. Jealousy is not an attractive, nor intelligent, behavior.

I fly first class... and by private jet... that does not make me anything other than blessed. That you use terms like 'King' and 'little people' shows what a small minded, jealous little man you are.

You use terms like "I fly first clas..by private jet". But it is not your involvement with the average citizen we are talking about is it?

You complain about my "intellect" with almost no exception when replying to me. I guess honesty isn't really your strong suite is it princess Sandi.

You "merely" refuse to point out/AKA answer the fucking question directly. You try to obviscate with a charge of jealousy over fact. Pleeze! You really think I'm jealous of liar like Romney or a drunk like you?

I must conclude that there is a reason why you cannot answer my question truthfully..and that is most likely because you are not comfortable with the truth...nothing new there.

I am not impressed that "the bus" has driven by 1200 miles of comon people in America. The Bus is not running for president, Flying at 35,000 feet is just more out of touchiness from the CultBishop. I expected nothing less..or more. I just wanted to see if you knew the difference. Obviously not that you will admit.

Well...time for another drinkypoo?

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