I'll Be Watching Fox News


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.
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It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.

My goodness, how resentful you are!

I need to get this straight (if you don't mind) it's perfectly acceptable to serve this country, overseas, and as an Ambassador of this country - to be murdered in said service (again, as a presidentially appointed diplomat) while begging for help from the very administration that this public servant worked for and you're upset that a cable news is demanding answers from a seemingly corrupt administration that refuses to answer a single question truthfully?

I distinctly recall ABC, NBC and CBS - no cable back then, going on non-stop in an attempt to get Richard Nixon impeached, and all he did was order a break in.
Not one soul lost their life.

And now you think that this same cable news organization wants this horrible tragedy, where these babies were murdered in cold blood, to simply "go away"? And, you go further, blaming this murder on law-abiding citizens who purchase a weapon at a gun show and quantify their purchase as "war materials"?

From your statements on "some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves continue to be misconstrued by zealots.."
it is relatively clear that you are in a very serious state of hatred and resentment. Might I ask you to talk to someone, anyone - in particular, a mental health professional, a clergyman, Mother or father. You have some very troubling issues, my friend.

I will pray for you.
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It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.

Tell me, when are we going to discuss they way the policies of the left have destroyed the moral fiber of this nation and how the left is just as responsible for these types of crimes as anyone? You would much prefer to blame a machine than your own screwed up policies.
It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.

The MAJOR distinction between people like me that WATCH Fox and people like you that don't is people like me don't want to prohibit you from having and publishing YOUR opinion. While people like you want to censor Fox and people like me. Shut Fox down. For example here are direct quotes from people like you that support the Fast And Furious cover up that's killed hundreds of innocent Mexicans and unknown Americans, the Benghazi cover up, the Gorelick Memo that prevented the CIA from sharing with the FBI the 9/11 bombers.. quotes by people like you that want to shut down ANY opinion that is different from yours...
Black Youths March in Peoria Screaming, “We Need to Kill All White People!”

Because the Obama Administration is trying to punish Fox for trying to get the facts from the Administration (do I need to remind anyone that 4 Americans were murdered?) The Administration in what looks like a coordinated effort is denying Fox access to information that they are handing out to other news organizations. Why exclude Fox? That is simple – to punish — to try to teach us a lesson not to pry, not to look further for facts.
I’m sure most of you remember that in October of ’09, White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, led a broadside against fox news, that seemed organized and calculated to delegitimize the news organization. When the White House tried to exclude Fox from the “Pay Czar” interviews, the WH Press pool came to it’s defense, and the White House blinked. After being called “Nixonian” by not only right of center pundits, but some in the MSM, as well, the White House finally backed off.

This time, the only ones I hear complaining are various personalities at Fox News, most notably Greta Van Susteren, who is more than a little peeved:

Here is my proof. The Administration is now 3 out of 3:

1/ The State Department called a media conference call the night before its employees testified on Capitol Hill and OMITTED FOX FROM THE CALL; (they claimed it was an accidental oversight);

2/ About 2 weeks after the above State Department conference call to all in the media, the CIA had a media wide briefing and released their timeline. The CIA invited major news organizations to the briefing but THE CIA EXCLUDED FOX FROM THOSE INVITED TO THE BRIEFING

3/ and now the latest…. DNI Director James Clapper told Capitol Hill last week that the DNI did not know who took the term Al Qaeda out of the talking points that was given to Ambassador Susan Rice. It turns out that is not true and the DNI released a memo to the media last night indicating that DNI Director James Clapper was wrong last week when he said that (incidentally two plus months after the murders.) The DNI / Intelligence removed Al Qaeda from the talking points memo given to Ambassador Susan Rice. But that’s not all – it isn’t just the “who is on first” at the DNI, it is also what the DNI did to Fox last night. The DNI LEFT FOX NEWS CHANNEL OFF ITS DISTRIBUTION LIST last night when it released this new memo to the media.

and of course though YOU agree with all of that because it is Fox News and any opinion other then yours should be CENSORED!
Murder is ok with liberals as long as it's covered up to help them keep and grow power.

The op summed up in one line
It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.
You're an evil, petty little creature.

What kind of sick thing uses murdered children, other than a liberal?

TM did the same thing, that's how low you are.
what a miserable life some live

We've already seen how PmsNbc is reporting on this

they are asking Obama to TAKE OUR GUNS away
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Seems campbell could have made better use of his half-hour of computer time the nursing home gives him each day!
It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.

Why don't you clean your gun while it's loaded.
It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.

My goodness, how resentful you are!

I need to get this straight (if you don't mind) it's perfectly acceptable to serve this country, overseas, and as an Ambassador of this country - to be murdered in said service (again, as a presidentially appointed diplomat) while begging for help from the very administration that this public servant worked for and you're upset that a cable news is demanding answers from a seemingly corrupt administration that refuses to answer a single question truthfully?

I distinctly recall ABC, NBC and CBS - no cable back then, going on non-stop in an attempt to get Richard Nixon impeached, and all he did was order a break in.
Not one soul lost their life.

And now you think that this same cable news organization wants this horrible tragedy, where these babies were murdered in cold blood, to simply "go away"? And, you go further, blaming this murder on law-abiding citizens who purchase a weapon at a gun show and quantify their purchase as "war materials"?

From your statements on "some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves continue to be misconstrued by zealots.."
it is relatively clear that you are in a very serious state of hatred and resentment. Might I ask you to talk to someone, anyone - in particular, a mental health professional, a clergyman, Mother or father. You have some very troubling issues, my friend.

I will pray for you.

Hell...that's nothing. The entire Republican party plus every law enforcement branch in existence spent eight years and about $75,000,000 and did finally find something to impeach president Clinton for......a goddamned blow job. One thing I know, if a woman could get pregnant through the mouth life would begin at the lips. I think I heard a Republican congressman talk about that one time.....

You are so full of shit about the consulate thing and only some right wing pervert could possibly dream that the event in Benghhazi where well educated, mature, healthy, adult individuals voluntarily accepted a potentially dangerous assignment and drew hazardous duty bonuses for the time they were there in any remote way compared to a slaughter of innocent 6 years olds while they were with half a mile of their homes in a classroom......even war mongering Republicans should be shamed by that.
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It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.

My goodness, how resentful you are!

I need to get this straight (if you don't mind) it's perfectly acceptable to serve this country, overseas, and as an Ambassador of this country - to be murdered in said service (again, as a presidentially appointed diplomat) while begging for help from the very administration that this public servant worked for and you're upset that a cable news is demanding answers from a seemingly corrupt administration that refuses to answer a single question truthfully?

I distinctly recall ABC, NBC and CBS - no cable back then, going on non-stop in an attempt to get Richard Nixon impeached, and all he did was order a break in.
Not one soul lost their life.

And now you think that this same cable news organization wants this horrible tragedy, where these babies were murdered in cold blood, to simply "go away"? And, you go further, blaming this murder on law-abiding citizens who purchase a weapon at a gun show and quantify their purchase as "war materials"?

From your statements on "some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves continue to be misconstrued by zealots.."
it is relatively clear that you are in a very serious state of hatred and resentment. Might I ask you to talk to someone, anyone - in particular, a mental health professional, a clergyman, Mother or father. You have some very troubling issues, my friend.

I will pray for you.

Hell...that's nothing. The entire Republican party plus every law enforcement branch in existence spent eight years and about $75,000,000 and did finally find something to impeach president Clinton for......a goddamned blow job. One thing I know, if a woman could get pregnant through the mouth life would begin at the lips. I think I heard a Republican congressman talk about that one time.....

You are so full of shit about the consulate thing and only some right wing pervert could possibly dream that the event in Benghhazi where well educated, mature, healthy, adult individuals voluntarily accepted a potentially dangerous assignment and drew hazardous duty bonuses for the time they were there in any remote way compared to a slaughter of innocent 6 years olds while they were with half a mile of their homes in a classroom......even war mongering Republicans should be shamed by that.

get back to watching Fox news, you don't want to miss anything:lol:
My goodness, how resentful you are!

I need to get this straight (if you don't mind) it's perfectly acceptable to serve this country, overseas, and as an Ambassador of this country - to be murdered in said service (again, as a presidentially appointed diplomat) while begging for help from the very administration that this public servant worked for and you're upset that a cable news is demanding answers from a seemingly corrupt administration that refuses to answer a single question truthfully?

I distinctly recall ABC, NBC and CBS - no cable back then, going on non-stop in an attempt to get Richard Nixon impeached, and all he did was order a break in.
Not one soul lost their life.

And now you think that this same cable news organization wants this horrible tragedy, where these babies were murdered in cold blood, to simply "go away"? And, you go further, blaming this murder on law-abiding citizens who purchase a weapon at a gun show and quantify their purchase as "war materials"?

From your statements on "some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves continue to be misconstrued by zealots.."
it is relatively clear that you are in a very serious state of hatred and resentment. Might I ask you to talk to someone, anyone - in particular, a mental health professional, a clergyman, Mother or father. You have some very troubling issues, my friend.

I will pray for you.

Hell...that's nothing. The entire Republican party plus every law enforcement branch in existence spent eight years and about $75,000,000 and did finally find something to impeach president Clinton for......a goddamned blow job. One thing I know, if a woman could get pregnant through the mouth life would begin at the lips. I think I heard a Republican congressman talk about that one time.....

You are so full of shit about the consulate thing and only some right wing pervert could possibly dream that the event in Benghhazi where well educated, mature, healthy, adult individuals voluntarily accepted a potentially dangerous assignment and drew hazardous duty bonuses for the time they were there in any remote way compared to a slaughter of innocent 6 years olds while they were with half a mile of their homes in a classroom......even war mongering Republicans should be shamed by that.

get back to watching Fox news, you don't want to miss anything:lol:

They villify FOX but seem to know so much about it. :cool:
Hell...that's nothing. The entire Republican party plus every law enforcement branch in existence spent eight years and about $75,000,000 and did finally find something to impeach president Clinton for......a goddamned blow job. One thing I know, if a woman could get pregnant through the mouth life would begin at the lips. I think I heard a Republican congressman talk about that one time.....

You are so full of shit about the consulate thing and only some right wing pervert could possibly dream that the event in Benghhazi where well educated, mature, healthy, adult individuals voluntarily accepted a potentially dangerous assignment and drew hazardous duty bonuses for the time they were there in any remote way compared to a slaughter of innocent 6 years olds while they were with half a mile of their homes in a classroom......even war mongering Republicans should be shamed by that.

get back to watching Fox news, you don't want to miss anything:lol:

They villify FOX but seem to know so much about it. :cool:

I'm 78 years old. Nearly half of my high school classmates are already dead. I've been retired for 19 years. My three children and eight grandchildren are very busy....I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way, It's The Way I Raised And Educated Them.

I watch it all and then I come back here to forward the results to Right Wing Assholes who tune in on Fox every chance they get and never look at anything else.
get back to watching Fox news, you don't want to miss anything:lol:

They villify FOX but seem to know so much about it. :cool:

I'm 78 years old. Nearly half of my high school classmates are already dead. I've been retired for 19 years. My three children and eight grandchildren are very busy....I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way, It's The Way I Raised And Educated Them.

I watch it all and then I come back here to forward the results to Right Wing Assholes who tune in on Fox every chance they get and never look at anything else.

Sounds more like some kids out there have an asshole for a grandparent. Unless you know everyone's and I mean everyone's viewing habits, you ought to STFU! You sound more ignorant than what we give you credit for.
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It will be interesting to see if these 20 innocent children and six dedicated, innocent school teacher's lives take on the same importance as the four people who voluntarily traveled to Benghazi and while drawing hazardous duty pay were killed on foreign soil.

They've harped on the Benghazi affair 24/7 for months. Let's see how long this assault weapon attack on innocent American teachers and elementary school students in an ordinary small town lasts. I'm betting the officials at Fox have already planned behind closed doors how best and how quick they can shut it up.

It's amazing that some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves can continue to be misconstrued by zealots who select and purchase war materials by walking around a few tables at a gun show then argue to support one another every time there's a new slaughter.

My goodness, how resentful you are!

I need to get this straight (if you don't mind) it's perfectly acceptable to serve this country, overseas, and as an Ambassador of this country - to be murdered in said service (again, as a presidentially appointed diplomat) while begging for help from the very administration that this public servant worked for and you're upset that a cable news is demanding answers from a seemingly corrupt administration that refuses to answer a single question truthfully?

I distinctly recall ABC, NBC and CBS - no cable back then, going on non-stop in an attempt to get Richard Nixon impeached, and all he did was order a break in.
Not one soul lost their life.

And now you think that this same cable news organization wants this horrible tragedy, where these babies were murdered in cold blood, to simply "go away"? And, you go further, blaming this murder on law-abiding citizens who purchase a weapon at a gun show and quantify their purchase as "war materials"?

From your statements on "some whore's dream by old men who lived over 200 years ago and owned their own slaves continue to be misconstrued by zealots.."
it is relatively clear that you are in a very serious state of hatred and resentment. Might I ask you to talk to someone, anyone - in particular, a mental health professional, a clergyman, Mother or father. You have some very troubling issues, my friend.

I will pray for you.

Hell...that's nothing. The entire Republican party plus every law enforcement branch in existence spent eight years and about $75,000,000 and did finally find something to impeach president Clinton for......a goddamned blow job. One thing I know, if a woman could get pregnant through the mouth life would begin at the lips. I think I heard a Republican congressman talk about that one time.....

You are so full of shit about the consulate thing and only some right wing pervert could possibly dream that the event in Benghhazi where well educated, mature, healthy, adult individuals voluntarily accepted a potentially dangerous assignment and drew hazardous duty bonuses for the time they were there in any remote way compared to a slaughter of innocent 6 years olds while they were with half a mile of their homes in a classroom......even war mongering Republicans should be shamed by that.

Get your facts right asshole.

Clinton was impeached for LYING not a blow job. Your a fucking idiot.

Those guys died in Benghazi because our Govt. i.e. the Obama State Department, decided they didn't need additional security. When the attack came those same assholes didn't send help. I'm sure those four dead men were overwhelmed with the regard their State Department had for them.

Those kids died because a sick individual got a gun and killed them and the teachers. Guns don't kill people. People kill people and they kill them every day.

A gun is an inanimate object that has no power unless someone loads it and pulls the trigger. Unfortunatly we have loads of people in this country who would kill you for 50 cents. Perhaps we should start culling the population?? You know, get rid of anyone who might like to kill someone with a gun?? Get rid of any criminal or nutcase who has a gun?? I'm sure that would go over big in your liberal asshole world.

War mongering Republicans?? Your a fucking idiot and you show your ignorance every time you post.

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