I'll probably get a lot of shit for this, but I'm saying it anyway.

It amazes me sometimes the way people prioritize and compartmentalize their universe. An entire nation is mourning the loss of 60 people they didn't know, but how many times over the years has 100 dead children in the Middle East been just another day at the office? I struggle to understand humans in moments like these.

How often are there 100 dead children in the Middle East?
The middle easterners, aren't my people. Glad I could help. Any other questions?

Why is the blood of some innocent people more of a tragedy than the blood of other innocent people? Just because some of them were born closer to the place you were born? That seems incredibly shallow to me. They're all innocent people that had the gift of life violently torn away from them. I see them as equal.
Because those who are in the Middle East are there and not here in the states, we are not going to hear about them as much a those who live here in the states with us.

God bless you and all continents of our planet always!!!

I think it's a matter of empathy. we can identify with those folks in Las vegas. That could be us, going to a concert somewhere when a madman decides to open fire.

So ultimately it boils down to being about you? "What if that was me?"
So ultimately it boils down to being about you? "What if that was me?"
So it all boils down to being about you? Geez, maybe you need to look in the mirror and realize what you just asked...
I remember when 3000 US citizens, innocent men, women and children were killed, and those in the middle east cheered.

Really? Because what I remember is most of the Middle East didn't cheer, and that they were initially keen on helping us hunt down the people who did this...

Until your boy Bush forgot what we were doing over there and decided he was going to settle up with Saddam for making his Daddy look bad.

When Japan was bombed and hundreds of thousands of people died, there wasn't much regret for that action, as Japan cheered when they attacked Pearl Harbor killing thousands some still teenage boys.

I think that's a pretty simplistic view of Japanese history. But never mind.
Of course Joe, with liberal thinking you miss out a lot of what is happening around you.

Hard to see those in the middle east who strap bombs to their children and then blow their kids up along with innocent people, as being "innocent". I spent 5 1/2 years there and their thinking is totally about poverty and redemption through violence. I was 4 miles up the road when Khobar Towers were blown up and young men were killed while they slept. I don't feel much for those who wish harm upon US.

And if a bunch of Arabs or space aliens occupied America and disrespected our laws and customs and traditions and treated us like second class citizens in our own country, how would you feel about that.

Before you answer, let me remind you that you freak the fuck out when Mexican immigrants have a few drinks on Cinco di Mayo.

Nobody likes foreigners occupying their country.
Mexican illegal immigrants Joe, I have issues with them, just like I would have an issue with an Irish illegal immigrant. If people come here legally and have become citizens of the US, welcome. Don't have to be a rocket scientist Joe, to know about laws. Hey Joe, if the shooter had been an illegal Mexican shooting on the innocent kids, would you be outraged, or champion him, as a candidate for a Sanctuary City?
I think folks typically care about even those folks in the ME, but we American's don't know whats going on over there as much as we do over here where we live. American news cycle puts American deaths in the forefront over foreign deaths.

But yes, human nature is selfish, not shallow necessarily, but selfish for sure. Survival of the fittest is more than just a "surface" reaction.
Nope. Not shallow at all. Normal Healthy Human Behavior.

Maybe normal human behavior is shallow and selfish in nature.
You do know that about 33,000 born and unborn babies are killed by liberals every month in the United States? Why don't you shed a tear for them? What is 100 in the middle east when liberals have no "sanctity of life". This is why in the United States, liberals are killing others who want to be left alone in their pursuit of happiness.

Black Pastor Protests NAACP’s Support for Abortion: 1,800 Black Babies Killed in Abortion Each Day | LifeNews.com
The middle easterners, aren't my people. Glad I could help. Any other questions?

Why is the blood of some innocent people more of a tragedy than the blood of other innocent people? Just because some of them were born closer to the place you were born? That seems incredibly shallow to me. They're all innocent people that had the gift of life violently torn away from them. I see them as equal.
Most of us would have slit our throats years ago if we grieved for every horrendous loss of life around the planet, Confounding. Life sucks, for sure. All those lost souls deserve to be mourned, and I'm sure they are, by the people who knew them. We can't carry the entire weight of the world's sorrow on our shoulders, though.
Why don't you shed a tear for them?

Honestly I don't shed tears for any of them. I just like to make games out of pointing at the hypocrisy of humans.
You do realize that you are pointing out how "Human" you are? I don't really find you being very funny as you like making games out of peoples death.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Why don't you shed a tear for them?

Honestly I don't shed tears for any of them. I just like to make games out of pointing at the hypocrisy of humans.
You do realize that you are pointing out how "Human" you are? I don't really find you being very funny as you like making games out of peoples death.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

I remember when 3000 US citizens, innocent men, women and children were killed, and those in the middle east cheered.

Really? Because what I remember is most of the Middle East didn't cheer, and that they were initially keen on helping us hunt down the people who did this...

Until your boy Bush forgot what we were doing over there and decided he was going to settle up with Saddam for making his Daddy look bad.

When Japan was bombed and hundreds of thousands of people died, there wasn't much regret for that action, as Japan cheered when they attacked Pearl Harbor killing thousands some still teenage boys.

I think that's a pretty simplistic view of Japanese history. But never mind.

JoeB131 gets a second thing right! :eek:

What's the world coming to?
It amazes me sometimes the way people prioritize and compartmentalize their universe. An entire nation is mourning the loss of 60 people they didn't know, but how many times over the years has 100 dead children in the Middle East been just another day at the office? I struggle to understand humans in moments like these.
And how often were we the gunman in the window.
Agreed. The closer it is to you, the more you care. Completely natural.
We cared about Texas more than Puerto Rico
How do you know that?
You're projecting again asshole!

It's obvious. Take for example the difference in how GW and Jeb handled Katrina compared to the hurricane a year earlier in Florida when it was an election year and George's brother's state.

Yes Republicans actions change depending on the voters. If they are black they don't get help.

"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"

About one hundred trucks of water and 280 trucks of ice are present or will arrive in the Jacksonville staging area today. 900,000 Meals-Ready-to-Eat are on site in Jacksonville, ready to be distributed.

-- Over 7,000 cases of food (e.g., vegetables, fruits, cheese, ham, and turkey) are scheduled to arrive in Winter Haven today. Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT) are on the ground and setting up comfort stations. FEMA community relations personnel will coordinate with DMATs to assist victims. -- Urban Search and Rescue Teams are completing reconnaissance missions in coordination with state officials.

-- FEMA is coordinating with the Department of Energy and the state to ensure that necessary fuel supplies can be distributed throughout the state, with a special focus on hospitals and other emergency facilities that are running on generators.

-- The Army Corps of Engineers will soon begin its efforts to provide tarps to tens of thousands of owners of homes and buildings that have seen damage to their roofs.

-- The National Guard has called up 4,100 troops in Florida, as well as thousands in other nearby states to assist in the distribution of supplies and in preparation for any flooding.

-- The Departments of Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and Defense together have organized 300 medical personnel to be on standby. Medical personnel will begin deployment to Florida tomorrow.

-- FEMA is coordinating public information messages with Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and North Carolina so that evacuees from Florida can be informed when it is safe to return. -- In addition to federal personnel already in place to respond to Hurricane Charley, 1,000 additional community relations personnel are being deployed to Atlanta for training and further assignment in Florida.

All of this aid was vitally important to Bush family political fortunes in the upcoming election of 2004. Disaster relief checks were in the mail within a week. In just the first thirteen days after Hurricane Charley hit Florida, the White House web site notes that the Bush administration had succeeded in:

-- Registering approximately 136,000 assistance applicants

-- Approving over 13,500 applications for more than $59 million in housing assistance

-- Establishing 12 disaster recovery centers, which have assisted nearly 19,000 disaster victims

-- Deploying medical teams that have seen nearly 3,000 patients

-- Disbursing 1.2 million liters of water, 8.1 million pounds of ice, and 2 million meals and snacks

-- Delivering over 20,000 rolls of plastic sheeting and nearly 170 generators

-- Treating more than 2,900 individuals through FEMA Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, supporting damaged hospitals

That, of course, was for a Republican State, with a Republican governor, the crony brother of the President. Republicans needed to act like they cared about governing, because they wanted people to vote for them three months later.

But now, with no election looming and with death stalking a Democratic State with a Democratic Governor unrelated to the President, we once again see the Reagan philosophy held ascendant. Bush's call to action? "Send cash to the Red Cross." One of those "thousand points of light" non-governmental organizations his father told us about.

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