"I'll see you in New York"


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
That's what this latest blood-thirsty lunatic Muslim said when Obama let him go.

They had the guy in jail...the one who is running this ISIS branch of Muslim Loons...and when Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, Let Him Go, he said "I'll see you in New York."

And something strikes us folks deep in the Heartland of America as strange. It is that we We seem to be angrier yet about what happened to New York on 9/11, and more motivated to make sure it doesn't happen to New York again...than the folks in New York.

Obama is retreating into the old Isolationist belief that the two great oceans could protect us from the lunacy of Europe and Asia. And Obama is New York's man.

How can you folks in New York feel comfortable with him?

When they smuggle in a dirty bomb; or some new chemical that has a kill range of only 20 miles....do you think they are going to waste it on Mississippi?
Did mr. Obama give him the pussy or was they both sissy? To have two more children than Sasha and Melina. Or did obama become queen of the country,
As an a American and a New Yorker the one hope I have is that we only have a few years left of this disaster of a Presidency.
The way things are going by the time this terrorist gets to New York it will be so full of illegals from south America no one will care what happens to it.
The way things are going by the time this terrorist gets to New York it will be so full of illegals from south America no one will care what happens to it.


Obama's new initiative on immigration is to move the Statue of Liberty to the Rio Grande.

He figures the words on it "Give Me Your Poor etc.....will help Democratic Voter registration.

Eric Holder has ruled that he can do that now....by Executive Order.

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