Illegal Alien From Jamaica, 18, Is Charged With Murdering 12-Year-Old Connecticut Boy

No but it will seriously slow illegal immigration in the worst border area
Freeing up resources for places like Florida
And by extension Jamaica...screwball.

5 Billion dollar wall vs. a $15 ladder from Home Depot. You guys lose again.

Here's how you fix undocumented immigration.

1) Go after the WHITE people who hire them.
2) Impose a national ID system.

The ladder meme is a useless joke...
Nobody is going to carry a ladder 20 or 30 miles through the desert if they really want to sneak in and if they do then I say make them carry it, It will only end up at a US government auction if it doesn't get stolen by force and murder first. The rest of what you posted Is definitely legitimate. Oh and btw its not just white employers who violate the laws.

I'd really like Chuck and Nancy do some explaining over this. We just had a Legal immigrant from Fiji - a cop- slaughtered in cold blood by an illegal in Newman CA- but not a word from either Chuck and/or Nancy. Why can't they DO SOMETHING to prevent this kind of slaughter against the nation's police officer by Illegals?

Maybe the Wall won't solve ALL crime by illegals, but if it stands a 1% chance of saving a single life, its worth every penny of the $5 Billion.

So by that same logic, since we have 33,000 gun deaths, we should confiscate all the guns, because even if it saves ONE LIFE, it's totally worth it.

The wall will easily pay for itself. Neither the Republicans or the Democrats in DC want to see a wall go up. McConnell could easily have changed the Senate rules and passed the wall funding bill, he was happy to have the Democrats to hide behind. It's the American people who want to see the wall or at least roughly half of them do. Other agencies that would rather not see the wall are the DEA many of whom are on the take from the cartel, probably 80 to 90% of your boarder of municipalities have officials who profit from the drug trade and from human trafficking, then of course Texas, Arizona and New Mexico are all packed out with cheap labor Mills that wouldn't survive without the illegal traffic. Hey what's a few overdoses a few dead American citizens and two or three hundred billion in emergency room expenditures when you can get the taxpayer to foot the bill?

No but it will seriously slow illegal immigration in the worst border area
Freeing up resources for places like Florida
And by extension Jamaica...screwball.

5 Billion dollar wall vs. a $15 ladder from Home Depot. You guys lose again.

Here's how you fix undocumented immigration.

1) Go after the WHITE people who hire them.
2) Impose a national ID system.

Why only go after the Honkys who hire illegals? How about employers of other races and ethnicities?

And will you be willing to excuse employers who will be reluctant to hire folks from ethnicities that are more likely to be illegal? If a hispanic individual applies for a job, it might seem more likely they are an illegal from Honduras than an ordinary honky or soul brother. Why should they be forced to risk it?
The ladder meme is a useless joke...
Nobody is going to carry a ladder 20 or 30 miles through the desert if they really want to sneak in and if they do then I say make them carry it, It will only end up at a US government auction if it doesn't get stolen by force and murder first. The rest of what you posted Is definitely legitimate. Oh and btw its not just white employers who violate the laws.

They don't have to carry it. They can drive it up on a truck, where the rest of the undocumented immigrants can ride until they get to the part of the wall where another truck will be waiting for them on the other side with their own ladder.
And will you be willing to excuse employers who will be reluctant to hire folks from ethnicities that are more likely to be illegal?

Nope. Fuck the employers if they discriminate against people who are entitled to jobs. Sue their asses.

Please don't pretend I care about employers. Really, and truly, fuck those guys.
The ladder meme is a useless joke...
Nobody is going to carry a ladder 20 or 30 miles through the desert if they really want to sneak in and if they do then I say make them carry it, It will only end up at a US government auction if it doesn't get stolen by force and murder first. The rest of what you posted Is definitely legitimate. Oh and btw its not just white employers who violate the laws.

They don't have to carry it. They can drive it up on a truck, where the rest of the undocumented immigrants can ride until they get to the part of the wall where another truck will be waiting for them on the other side with their own ladder.
You mean illegal aliens
The wall will easily pay for itself. Neither the Republicans or the Democrats in DC want to see a wall go up. McConnell could easily have changed the Senate rules and passed the wall funding bill, he was happy to have the Democrats to hide behind.

Well,no the wall would be a complete waste of money because it won't stop illegals, most of whom aren't sneaking in across the border anymore.

Most of them are getting valid visas and overstaying them.

It's the American people who want to see the wall or at least roughly half of them do.

Nope. Clear majorities have been against the wall all along.

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

The survey found that 56 percent of respondents do not support the president’s proposal to construct a wall along the southern border, compared to 44 percent who do.

A majority of U.S. voters surveyed, 58 percent, said Trump should withdraw his demand for the border funding, while 42 percent said the president “should not give in."
And will you be willing to excuse employers who will be reluctant to hire folks from ethnicities that are more likely to be illegal?

Nope. Fuck the employers if they discriminate against people who are entitled to jobs. Sue their asses.

Please don't pretend I care about employers. Really, and truly, fuck those guys.

Thanks for your openness about your disdain for employers.

I don't feel the same way however, many millions of Americans rely on their employers to provide them the means to live
The ladder meme is a useless joke...
Nobody is going to carry a ladder 20 or 30 miles through the desert if they really want to sneak in and if they do then I say make them carry it, It will only end up at a US government auction if it doesn't get stolen by force and murder first. The rest of what you posted Is definitely legitimate. Oh and btw its not just white employers who violate the laws.

They don't have to carry it. They can drive it up on a truck, where the rest of the undocumented immigrants can ride until they get to the part of the wall where another truck will be waiting for them on the other side with their own ladder.
Good. ICE and border patrols can bust the wetbacks who've crossed already. Win-win.
The ladder meme is a useless joke...
Nobody is going to carry a ladder 20 or 30 miles through the desert if they really want to sneak in and if they do then I say make them carry it, It will only end up at a US government auction if it doesn't get stolen by force and murder first. The rest of what you posted Is definitely legitimate. Oh and btw its not just white employers who violate the laws.

They don't have to carry it. They can drive it up on a truck, where the rest of the undocumented immigrants can ride until they get to the part of the wall where another truck will be waiting for them on the other side with their own ladder.
There is no southern border so no ladder is needed...

Thanks for your openness about your disdain for employers.

I don't feel the same way however, many millions of Americans rely on their employers to provide them the means to live

Again, that's the talk of a battered housewife...

The employers are dependent on the employees to produce goods and services for them to sell, and other working folks to buy them. Get your priorities straight.
Again, that's the talk of a battered housewife...

The employers are dependent on the employees to produce goods and services for them to sell, and other working folks to buy them. Get your priorities straight.
One needs the other it seems to me. That's the irony and the ignorance of a Marxist based argument.
The ladder meme is a useless joke...
Nobody is going to carry a ladder 20 or 30 miles through the desert if they really want to sneak in and if they do then I say make them carry it, It will only end up at a US government auction if it doesn't get stolen by force and murder first. The rest of what you posted Is definitely legitimate. Oh and btw its not just white employers who violate the laws.

They don't have to carry it. They can drive it up on a truck, where the rest of the undocumented immigrants can ride until they get to the part of the wall where another truck will be waiting for them on the other side with their own ladder.
There is no southern border so no ladder is needed...


It's still an effort they don't have to do now.
Build the wall. I'd rather have it there than not there and I seriously doubt the ladder
meme.... If they want to bring ladders .. Make them do it.

It's still an effort they don't have to do now.
Build the wall. I'd rather have it there than not there and I seriously doubt the ladder
meme.... If they want to bring ladders .. Make them do it.

I prefer illegals bring their ladders to a border wall. They might as well fire up flares and have a marching mariachi band behind them too for all the good their "sleuthiness" will do them.
They are announcing "come and get me" to the Border Patrol.
It's still an effort they don't have to do now.
Build the wall. I'd rather have it there than not there and I seriously doubt the ladder
meme.... If they want to bring ladders .. Make them do it.

I prefer illegals bring their ladders to a border wall. They might as well fire up flares and have a marching mariachi band behind them too for all the good their "sleuthiness" will do them.
They are announcing "come and get me" to the Border Patrol.

Yep.... Let them being ladders it's more than what they bring now.

Not at all... you could have all commerce handled by people's collectives and it would be just as good.
"Just as good" in what way? Certainly not in any way that requires considerable sums of capital and supports large numbers of workers.

Technology provides stunning breakthroughs that result in massive new industries that require the sort of investment
and infrastructure that people's collectives are absolutely unable to handle. Your mid nineteenth century solutions
and Marxist dialectics are hopelessly out of place, as Marx himself would be, in a twenty-first century world
though your opinions might have some appeal to the undeveloped third world.
"Just as good" in what way? Certainly not in any way that requires considerable sums of capital and supports large numbers of workers.

Technology provides stunning breakthroughs that result in massive new industries that require the sort of investment
and infrastructure that people's collectives are absolutely unable to handle. Your mid nineteenth century solutions
and Marxist dialectics are hopelessly out of place, as Marx himself would be, in a twenty-first century world
though your opinions might have some appeal to the undeveloped third world.

Actually, the only thing that is out of place is your 16th century capitalist thinking. Why do you guys keep acting like these are the only two choices on the menu.

A capitalist is a parasite who has convinced you he's a vital organ.
Actually, the only thing that is out of place is your 16th century capitalist thinking. Why do you guys keep acting like these are the only two choices on the menu.

A capitalist is a parasite who has convinced you he's a vital organ.
So you don't have a decent answer so you attack the capitalist? I can't say I'm surprised.
Your worker's collective, Mr. Marx, is a small time teensy-weensy solution to a massive global issue and it's a virtual killer of innovation and investment in new vital fields.
But since these potential breakthroughs in health, science, etc. would never
even exist in your economic model you needn't worry about it,
Your pre industrial revolution mindset simply glosses over the need for capital.

There is little commerce in a people's collective where people with little money buy things from other people with little product. The capitalist needs the worker. The worker needs the capitalist.
You don't see many communist ideologues these days and you remind me why.

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