illegal aliens in New York City getting everything free/courtesy of US taxpayers

The irony is that JoeB will defend the most lowlife illegals - and then say hateful things about Jews.
JoeB is the typical stupid deranged Moon Bat. He is full of hate. Just look how obsessed he is with Kyle Rittenhouse as an example.

He has the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness really bad. Really sick in the mind.

He is the kind of hate filled sicko Moon Bat that we may find out one day that shoots up a groups of Republicans practicing baseball.
Hey, funny thing, I imagine Dr. Goebbels saying the same thing about Germans vs. Jews in 1930's Germany.

What is your point? That the huge amount of money we spend on services and entitlements (that we can't afford because we refuse to make the rich pay their fair share) is okay, but if some of that happens to benefit someone who is not a citizen, that makes it okay.

Frankly, I have more respect for an undocumented immigrant who works a thankless job than I do for some fat white American claiming a bullshit disability (like a few USMB members do.)

Actually, the value of work produced by undocumented workers far outstrips the amount of services they consume.

  • Immigrants pay more than $90 billion in taxes every year and receive only $5 billion in welfare. Without their contributions to the public treasury, the economy would suffer enormous losses.
According to a L.A. Times analysis summarizing the best available research, "Immigrants contribute mightily to the economy, by paying billions in annual taxes, by filling low-wage jobs that keep domestic industry competitive, and by spurring investment and job-creation, revitalizing once-decaying communities. Many social scientists conclude that the newcomers, rather than drain government treasuries, contribute overall far more than they utilize in services." (January 6, 1992).

Actually, the cost of illegal immigration is far more than what the leftist L A Times would acknowledge.

In Texas, alone.

$2.7 Billion / year in California

The Biden politburo granted a waiver to fleece taxpayers in Washington State.

Waiver Could Cost Taxpayers $1 Billion

And you miss the point. This behavior is low class (to put it mildly), so why do we want to import MORE lowlifes from foreign countries - and then be stuck paying for them?

You libs are so intent on destroying this country that you defend illegals acting like ghetto rats.
I think that anyone in the US should have the freedom to do as they please as long as they are NOT infringing upon the rights of fellow humans in the US. That is called liberty, something you do not approve of no matter what nomenclature of party affiliation or political philosophy you adhere to.
Actually, the cost of illegal immigration is far more than what the leftist L A Times would acknowledge.

In Texas, alone.

$2.7 Billion / year in California

The Biden politburo granted a waiver to fleece taxpayers in Washington State.

Waiver Could Cost Taxpayers $1 Billion

Then get Congress to reform the immigration laws and the amnesty laws...
That piece of shit that you inbred Moon Bats let steal the 2020 election has done a lot of damage to the US. However, the most despicable thing he did that will do the most harm to the US is allowing this third world scum to flood in.

Uh, we won the 2020 election because more people voted for us.
And a few hundred thousand immigrants isn't a flood.

By the way Moon Bat. If you are concerned about Whites getting entitlements then join me in advocating doing away with all government transfers. No more welfare, bailouts, grants, subsidies or entitlements for anybody. Think you can do that? You know, put your money where your mouth is?

Oh, I'm all for government transfers... I just find it amusing that people like you are happy to collect YOUR welfare check while begrudging the other guy.

You are so damn confused about things like this that you don't even know that it is the fucking welfare queens like these Illegals that vote in the despicable Democrats that create the entitlements. That is why Potatohead is letting them flood in.

Well, you are half right. Entitlements are brought to us by Democrats, as well as other things like "Weekends off" and "a Middle Class". Things we wouldn't have if Republicans had their way.
I think that anyone in the US should have the freedom to do as they please as long as they are NOT infringing upon the rights of fellow humans in the US. That is called liberty, something you do not approve of no matter what nomenclature of party affiliation or political philosophy you adhere to.
I think we should control the border so as not to have illegals lower the caliber of the country - and we have to pay for them to do it.

So you are saying it would be acceptable for people to have sex on the sidewalk, and anywhere else the mood strikes them? I’m going to the movies today. I shouldn’t complain if the couple in the next seat gets down on the floor next to me and has intercourse??

THAT is the caliber of behavior you want to allow in this country, while at the same time you criticize people who speak up for common decency. Such is the state of the party you support.
And you miss the point. This behavior is low class (to put it mildly), so why do we want to import MORE lowlifes from foreign countries - and then be stuck paying for them?

You libs are so intent on destroying this country that you defend illegals acting like ghetto rats.

Lisa Channeling Dr. Goebbells


The irony is that JoeB will defend the most lowlife illegals - and then say hateful things about Jews.
The funny thing is you whine all day about what the Nazis did to your distant relatives, but engage in the same kind of hate speech all day.
They aren't,
have you ever heard them talk when they are been interviewed by Telemundo ,Univision and other spanish media. they tend to say; tenemos derecho a buscar una mejor vida para nosotros y nuestras familias en nuestros paises pagan muy poco y no hay trabajo. translates to ; we have the right to look for a better life for ourselves and our families in our country they do not pay much and there not much work. They do have that right to look for a better life BUT they must adhere to US immigration laws and immigrate legally.
When you bring in poor people from poor countries that don't speak our language, don't follow our customs, don't have any common decency of a civilized country, often they come out of crime or prisons, what did anyone expect?

Did anyone actually think that these pieces of shit would come to America and in a Disney movie style magically become good people as they crossed the border?

No, they will continue to be here exactly what they were in their own countries.
have you ever heard them talk when they are been interviewed by Telemundo ,Univision and other spanish media. they tend to say; tenemos derecho a buscar una mejor vida para nosotros y nuestras familias en nuestros paises pagan muy poco y no hay trabajo. translates to ; we have the right to look for a better life for ourselves and our families in our country they do not pay much and there not much work. They do have that right to look for a better life BUT they must adhere to US immigration laws and immigrate legally.

Applying for asylum is adhering to our immigration laws.
And the economic activity they produce is far greater than their cost.

The fact is, we actually REALLY DO need immigrant labor. The baby boomers are retiring faster than new generations can replace them.

The economic activity you're so excited about is pretty expensive for taxpayers.

Applying for asylum is adhering to our immigration laws.
you do not get it. they are economic refuges. they do not qualify for asylum. go on YOU Tube and you will find immigration lawyers explaining what asylum law covers. these people apply for asylum just to enter the USA. they are using asylum to circumvent US immigration laws.

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