Illegal already self deporting.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Great news: Unemployment’s so high that illegal aliens are going back to Mexico to find work
by editor on August 3, 2011
An estimated 300,000 have left California since 2008.
Mexico’s unemployment rate is now 4.9 percent, compared with 9.4 percent joblessness in the United States.
Great news: Unemployment so high illegal aliens going back to Mexico for work

Illegal aliens leaving U.S., returning to Mexico for better life?
Illegal aliens leaving U.S., returning to Mexico for better life? – Cafferty File - Blogs

Illegal immigrants voluntarily going back to Mexico as US economy crashes
OpEdNews - Article: Illegal immigrants voluntarily going back to Mexico as US economy crashes

They have been packing up and leaving since the Bush era. So it must not be as bad in Mexico as some want us to believe. Why is it such a problem for liberals that they are leaving? They want to beat up on Romney because he want to help them leave? Self deportation will open up lots of construction jobs for Americans.

Romney pandering now. He has a plan for the dream act? WTF? Isn’t that a prelude to amnesty?
I GTF up
It's not a problem that they are leaving. Geezus H. freaking Christ!

Yes, more than a million illegals, nationwide, have left the country since 2008 because they LOST THEIR JOBS.

This does not take a genius to figure out. I have been saying this to you until I am blue in the face. TAKE THEIR JOBS and they go home, all on their own. It cost us NOTHING.

When you acknowledge this sort of fact, for Pete's sake, how do you continue to support all this bullshit of checking IDs at traffic stops, fences, more agents... on and on and on....? How can you support that expensive, ineffective crap when the cheapest, most effective, fastest and simplest way to get rid of the illegals is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE?

Take their DAMNED JOBS and they go home, at no cost to us. Stop all this foolishness like in Arizona and Alabama... that is not a solution, that is politicians USING YOUR FRUSTRATIONS to garner votes. They ARE NOT trying to fix this. They are PLAYING YOU LIKE A SONG. We can not even come close to the efficiency and effectiveness of taking these people's jobs, with brute force. Brute force is EXPENSIVE, it will take 40 YEARS and we have to trample the constitution to do it. Employers can FIRE EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THESE PEOPLE TOMORROW if they feared having them on the job. There are only so many employers.... this can be solved so easiy if you stop swallowing these bull shit distractions the politicos are feeding you. They would be happy to keep this issue alive for the next 20 election cycles.

Damn.... wise up. Get behind HARSH EMPLOYER PUNISHMENT and this ends in a matter of a few years. Otherwise, you will DIE with this shit still going on.
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Granny says, "Dat's right - lack of jobs is chasin' `em back across the border...
Former Mexican Population Minister: Recession, Traffickers, Better Mexican Economy to Blame for Drop in Migration
February 21, 2013 – The flow of Mexicans across the border to the U.S. has slowed dramatically due to a number of factors, including the U.S. recession, the dangers of trafficking, and an improved socio-economic situation in Mexico, a former Mexican population minister said Wednesday.
There were 1.7 million arrests or apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border around 1995-96, when Gustavo Mohar began working as population minister. “Now we’re talking even 300,000, 400,000,” he said in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. Mohar noted several reasons for the decline in migration, including the U.S. recession and traffickers, who charge more and could be criminals. According to the Congressional Research Service’s report, “Mexican Migration to the United States: Policy and Trends,” Mexico-U.S. migration grew to about 11.5 million in 2009 from 2.8 million in 1979 with unauthorized migrants accounting for 60 percent of the increase. “Yet Mexican migration flows have declined since 2006, and recent data from multiple sources show a net rate of unauthorized migration fluctuating near zero, with some evidence that more Mexicans are leaving the United States than arriving, particularly unauthorized Mexicans,” the report said.

“Researchers attribute this decline to the U.S. recession, stepped-up U.S. border security and interior enforcement, increasing abuses of migrants by smugglers and transnational criminal organizations, and expanding job opportunities in Mexico, among other factors,” the report added. “Some researchers also have found evidence that the high cost of crossing the border has encouraged some unauthorized migrants to remain in the United States for longer periods of time rather than returning to Mexico on a seasonal basis,” the report said. “Mexicans in Mexico and in the U.S. connect daily by the web, and they know whether there is a chance to work in the U.S. They know exactly the risks that they are facing now to cross the border is extremely difficult now,” said Mohar, former Sub-Secretary for Population, Migration and Religious Affairs at the Interior Ministry in Mexico.

“They know that the trafficker is a bad guy now. He used to be a facilitator. Now it could be a criminal, and a trafficker is charging them much more than before, so it needs to be an expensive endeavor, [if] you want to travel illegally to the U.S.,” he added. Also, “there is a better economic and social environment in Mexico that makes people balance that probably I will stay, because I’m not doing so bad,” Mohar said. Mohar noted that there are still “extreme problems of economic and social equality and income and poverty in Mexico, but nevertheless, many people think that it’s better to stay.” He said traveling to the U.S. has also become dangerous because of gangs that “attack them, assault them, extort them, kidnap them or even kill them.” Demographics also played a role in Mexico’s migration, Mohar said. “Mexico has reached the peak of young people, and its curve of demographic growth is beginning to go down and is going to go down,” he said, predicting that Mexico would soon be “a country of older people – not necessarily old people, but older people.” “The demographic of young generation of 9 million people between 16-24 years old are still pressing the labor market in Mexico, but it’s diminishing,” he said.

The number of central Americans traveling through Mexico to reach the United States has also fallen “dramatically” for the same reason, Mohar said. “The central Americans understand well that there is no job, that there is crime, that there is risk … so they have decided to stay in central America,” Mohar added. The Mexican government announced in 2011 that the number of central Americans crossing into the U.S. from Mexico dropped almost 70 percent over five years, the Associated Press reported. That number was based on the number of central Americans detained for being in Mexico without the proper documents. In 2005, that number was 433,000 compared to 140,000 in 2010.

Which is worse: Paying an illegal construction worker $10 an hour or paying a union construction worker $60 an hour?
People really need to stop using the phrase "self deportation". Does no one remember where that phrase came from?
Having recently returned from two weeks in Mexico, I can attest to the fact that its economy has improved a great deal.

Only a small part of Mexico is being impacted by infighting amongst the drug cartels - and the recent reported death of one of the kingpins in Guatemala might change that a bit.

The main reasons many Latinos migrated to the US was to send money back to help their families. As they can't find jobs here, that reason goes down the tubes and they have no choice but to go back home to try to provide for their families there.

Improve the economy - which the current administration is doing everything possible to stop - and they will return.
People really need to stop using the phrase "self deportation". Does no one remember where that phrase came from?

Apparently no one does, or few do. It comes from Hitler's Germany when he hoped the Jews would self deport, i.e., leave on their own, so he wouldn't have to go to the trouble to get rid of them the way he ended up doing. It is a term that has very ugly connotations.
Are you sure?

The first time I've ever heard the phrase was from 94', a pair of comedians made a those commercials poking fun at the California bill that would have denied emergency care to illegals.

Remember Daniel D. Portado calling for self-deportation?
Are you sure?

The first time I've ever heard the phrase was from 94', a pair of comedians made a those commercials poking fun at the California bill that would have denied emergency care to illegals.

Remember Daniel D. Portado calling for self-deportation?

They apparently took it from the historical context of Hitler and used it satirically

"In 1935, the infamous Nuremberg Laws were passed. These classed Jews as German "subjects" instead of citizens. Intermarriage was outlawed, more professions were closed to Jews, shops displayed signs reading, "No Jews Allowed." Harassment was common.

The Evian Conference
Hitler wanted to encourage the Jews to leave the country. By 1938, one quarter of German Jewry had left. many more would have gone, but no one was interested in taking them in. In July, 1938, representatives from 32 countries met at Evian in France to discuss the "refugee problem."

Holocaust Day (Yom Hashoah) on Virtual Jerusalem

It is an idea that originated with Hitler. Interesting that Romney latched onto it with such glee.
"that Romney latched onto it with such glee."

Well, you know the old saying: Anomie is destiny.
Having recently returned from two weeks in Mexico, I can attest to the fact that its economy has improved a great deal.

Only a small part of Mexico is being impacted by infighting amongst the drug cartels - and the recent reported death of one of the kingpins in Guatemala might change that a bit.

The main reasons many Latinos migrated to the US was to send money back to help their families. As they can't find jobs here, that reason goes down the tubes and they have no choice but to go back home to try to provide for their families there.

Improve the economy - which the current administration is doing everything possible to stop - and they will return.

It sounds so easy for some of us that are not on their shoes...but many of these people have already planted some seeds here in the,brothers,sisters,parents and so on....things get a little more comuplicated to go back....even wore if by force.....deported...I am currently living here in Colombia ,I can really see things from outside the bottle...was born in Honduras....but my home country a total failing state...its like no life or eatheir future...but the us congress does need to do something about this matter b4 gets to the big banks...and look now they all failing....collapsing institutions world greeetings........Gv:clap2:
People really need to stop using the phrase "self deportation". Does no one remember where that phrase came from?

I prefer deportation by attrition. Sound more political.
“Attrition” is Designed to Expel Immigrants, Not Help American Workers

In 2005, Krikorian even admitted that part of the rationale for gradual “attrition” of millions of undocumented workers, rather than rapid expulsion, was to allow employers to gradually adjust to the “economic disruption” and “difficulties” their industries would suffer by losing their workforce.
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