Illegal Immigrant got sick crossing the border. Should we sympathize?

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Wrong. Taxation is theft. Government is a gang of thugs. It's not society.

Ummm, that's not an argument, that a declaration.

Have fun with that.
An argument would be you explaining how taxation differs from theft. So far, you haven't posted one.

Clearly you can't or won't read.

That's ok. Maybe you can find some cartoons.
You still haven't explained how taxation differs from theft. Spouting slogans isn't an explanation.

Obviously you refuse to defend your position. I understand. It's indefensible.

I answered your question. You replied, "Nuh uh!"

I'm done.
ROFL! That's what you call an answer? No it's not.

All you said is taxation is when the government takes your money. Why is it OK for government to do exactly what some mugger gets arrested for? Other than government doing it, what's the distinction?
The real evildoer is the bastard that opened the door to that truck.

These invaders are not stray animals looking for a forever home. They are invaders, the better life they are looking for is YOURS.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free....."

What a commie bitch that Lady Liberty is!

That was a poem from another time. Lady Liberty is a statue whose time has come. She has outlived her usefulness. Maybe this statute should go the way of Robert E. Lee. Sadly there are misguided fools who believe that the poem is the law of the land.

All they need to do is remove that stupid plaque.
The real evildoer is the bastard that opened the door to that truck.

These invaders are not stray animals looking for a forever home. They are invaders, the better life they are looking for is YOURS.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free....."

What a commie bitch that Lady Liberty is!

That does sound pretty commie. The poem was added after the fact.
It's so nice when borders become more important than human lives.

Seriously, a fine example of a WWJD? moment......


So you'll be writing a check to cover this guy's medical bills? Or are you shoving your ideas of morality down the throat of others who'll pick up the tab?
Picking up the tab?


The Right trots out the time worn meme that 'we are a Christian nation' whenever they want to repress American citizen's right to marriage equality. But then they shed that meme when it comes to clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, giving alms to the poor, comforting thenafflicted and visiting prisoners.

The real evildoer is the bastard that opened the door to that truck.

These invaders are not stray animals looking for a forever home. They are invaders, the better life they are looking for is YOURS.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free....."

What a commie bitch that Lady Liberty is!

The quality of today's immigrant isn't what it was once upon a time....we have plenty of lazy filth and human liabilities in this country.
The time for all the bleeding heart nobility bullshit has come and gone. It's time to use our heads, consider economics and the social destruction caused by today's immigrants.

American Badass Stephen Miller said:
"I don't want to get off into a whole thing about history here, but the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American liberty lighting the world. The poem that you're referring to was added later (and) is not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty."
The racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats do not accept that America is a sovereign country with immigration laws.
We take care of stray animals why not humans?
This guy risked his life, maybe just maybe he wants to better his life and live like a decent human being, there is room and plenty of jobs let him sure you or your ancestors fled their countries for similar reasons. Unless if you are a native than my apologies.

It's so nice when borders become more important than human lives.

Seriously, a fine example of a WWJD? moment......


So you'll be writing a check to cover this guy's medical bills? Or are you shoving your ideas of morality down the throat of others who'll pick up the tab?

We take care of stray animals VOLUNTARILY, not be force of government.

And there in lies the difference.

Feel free to step and help this guy, but let's stop the theft, shall we?
So no, you'll not put your money where your mouth is.

Got it, thanks for the transparency.

So, right to life and healthcare is simply a financial issue to you?

What price is too high for saving a life?

So no, you'll not put your money where your mouth is.

Got it, thanks for the transparency.

So, right to life and healthcare is simply a financial issue to you?

What price is too high for saving a life?

Everyone has the right to healthcare, just not the right to take money from others to pay for it. I don't get to rob the grocery store because I'm hungry either.

When YOU write the check for this guy voluntarily, then we'll know the price one is willing to pay.

Feel free to post an image of that check.

Will my tax return be enough?

I see it's very much a financial issue for you. That's ok, I guess. If you want to value money over life. Have at it.

Theft is okay if you support it. Got it.

Here's an idea, stop stealing from me and I'll voluntarily support charity. What's clear is you'd rather have other steal that money for you.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Who's stealing? Whether or not I believe this young man should get healthcare, you and I still pay taxes.

That's government. Stop whining and using emotionally-charged words like "stealing" you wanna be Atlas Shrugger.

Which is theft. Your immorality is clear. But hey, as long as that forcibly extracted wealth is spent on your folks, we're golden, right?

Should I have the right to tax you so that I can afford a new firearm? After all, gun ownership is a fundamental right. I say you should have to pay for others to exercise that right.

And that's the logical conclusion of your immoral plan.

Now cough up some money, I want a new .45!
It's so nice when borders become more important than human lives.

Seriously, a fine example of a WWJD? moment......


So you'll be writing a check to cover this guy's medical bills? Or are you shoving your ideas of morality down the throat of others who'll pick up the tab?
Picking up the tab?


The Right trots out the time worn meme that 'we are a Christian nation' whenever they want to repress American citizen's right to marriage equality. But then they shed that meme when it comes to clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, giving alms to the poor, comforting thenafflicted and visiting prisoners.


I'm a libertarian and I don't give two shits if you want to marry a chicken. Have at it.

He Crossed The Border In A Packed, Unventilated Trailer And Survived

Brandon Martinez, 16, was one of nearly 40 undocumented immigrants found on a blistering summer day inside an unventilated trailer parked at a San Antonio Wal-Mart. Ten died, and Brandon barely survived.

Federal officials who interviewed some of the survivors say that the human cargo was assembled and loaded into the truck in the border city of Laredo.

Some had paid smugglers to take them across the Rio Grande in rafts. One immigrant said there were as many as 200 people in the back of the truck.

Before he closed the door, one of the human smugglers reassured them that the truck had a refrigeration unit, but as the trip up Interstate 35 progressed they realized there was no cooling system. They took turns gulping outside air through a small vent hole, and began passing out. They pounded on the walls of the enclosure to get the driver's attention but he did not stop until he pulled over at the Wal-Mart, he says, to urinate. That's when, the driver claims, he was surprised to hear people in the trailer, opened the door and saw the grim scene inside with "bodies just lying on the floor like meat." It was a Wal-Mart employee who called 911. Many of the passengers fled on foot or were picked up by black SUVs before the police arrived.
Sad story but I wonder who is paying for that hospital visit? Sure hope they deport him and his illegal father.

If you are certain this man's actions had evil intent, then he deserves no sympathy.
So, right to life and healthcare is simply a financial issue to you?

What price is too high for saving a life?

So, right to life and healthcare is simply a financial issue to you?

What price is too high for saving a life?

Everyone has the right to healthcare, just not the right to take money from others to pay for it. I don't get to rob the grocery store because I'm hungry either.

When YOU write the check for this guy voluntarily, then we'll know the price one is willing to pay.

Feel free to post an image of that check.

Will my tax return be enough?

I see it's very much a financial issue for you. That's ok, I guess. If you want to value money over life. Have at it.

Theft is okay if you support it. Got it.

Here's an idea, stop stealing from me and I'll voluntarily support charity. What's clear is you'd rather have other steal that money for you.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Who's stealing? Whether or not I believe this young man should get healthcare, you and I still pay taxes.

That's government. Stop whining and using emotionally-charged words like "stealing" you wanna be Atlas Shrugger.

Which is theft. Your immorality is clear. But hey, as long as that forcibly extracted wealth is spent on your folks, we're golden, right?

Should I have the right to tax you so that I can afford a new firearm? After all, gun ownership is a fundamental right. I say you should have to pay for others to exercise that right.

And that's the logical conclusion of your immoral plan.

Now cough up some money, I want a new .45!

indeed those WWII 45s that Trump freed from the obama ban

are about to hit the stores

So where does the money come from, dingbat?

Taxes. Everyone pays 'em. Well, most people.

Why should I pay them so you can get free healthcare? Taxes are not a phenomenon of nature. They are imposed on us by human beings.

Now's the time when you burst into tears. Yes, taxes are imposed upon people by people in government. It's an age-old practice.

It's not like a revolutionary concept.

Yeah, and stealing is an age-old practice. Explain how taxation is any different than stealing.

Taxation is a price you pay for living in society, and it's governed by laws.

Am I the only one who passed 9th grade Civics?

They said the same thing about slavery through the ages.

In America, they were called Democrats.
So, right to life and healthcare is simply a financial issue to you?

What price is too high for saving a life?

So, right to life and healthcare is simply a financial issue to you?

What price is too high for saving a life?

Everyone has the right to healthcare, just not the right to take money from others to pay for it. I don't get to rob the grocery store because I'm hungry either.

When YOU write the check for this guy voluntarily, then we'll know the price one is willing to pay.

Feel free to post an image of that check.

Will my tax return be enough?

I see it's very much a financial issue for you. That's ok, I guess. If you want to value money over life. Have at it.

Theft is okay if you support it. Got it.

Here's an idea, stop stealing from me and I'll voluntarily support charity. What's clear is you'd rather have other steal that money for you.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Who's stealing? Whether or not I believe this young man should get healthcare, you and I still pay taxes.

That's government. Stop whining and using emotionally-charged words like "stealing" you wanna be Atlas Shrugger.

Which is theft. Your immorality is clear. But hey, as long as that forcibly extracted wealth is spent on your folks, we're golden, right?

Should I have the right to tax you so that I can afford a new firearm? After all, gun ownership is a fundamental right. I say you should have to pay for others to exercise that right.

And that's the logical conclusion of your immoral plan.

Now cough up some money, I want a new .45!

We don't get to pick and choose where our taxes go. We get to elect representatives who will hopefully decide what to budget along the lines of our priorities.

You want taxes to go to your .45? Find and support a representative who agrees with that and has the ability to convince other representatives to agree.
Everyone has the right to healthcare, just not the right to take money from others to pay for it. I don't get to rob the grocery store because I'm hungry either.

When YOU write the check for this guy voluntarily, then we'll know the price one is willing to pay.

Feel free to post an image of that check.

Will my tax return be enough?

I see it's very much a financial issue for you. That's ok, I guess. If you want to value money over life. Have at it.

Theft is okay if you support it. Got it.

Here's an idea, stop stealing from me and I'll voluntarily support charity. What's clear is you'd rather have other steal that money for you.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Who's stealing? Whether or not I believe this young man should get healthcare, you and I still pay taxes.

That's government. Stop whining and using emotionally-charged words like "stealing" you wanna be Atlas Shrugger.

Which is theft. Your immorality is clear. But hey, as long as that forcibly extracted wealth is spent on your folks, we're golden, right?

Should I have the right to tax you so that I can afford a new firearm? After all, gun ownership is a fundamental right. I say you should have to pay for others to exercise that right.

And that's the logical conclusion of your immoral plan.

Now cough up some money, I want a new .45!

We don't get to pick and choose where our taxes go. We get to elect representatives who will hopefully decide what to budget along the lines of our priorities.

You want taxes to go to your .45? Find and support a representative who agrees with that and has the ability to convince other representatives to agree.

When your priorities require theft and indentured servitude, choosing how the loot is spent is beside the point.

Thanks for making it crystal clear just how immoral the left is.
Will my tax return be enough?

I see it's very much a financial issue for you. That's ok, I guess. If you want to value money over life. Have at it.

Theft is okay if you support it. Got it.

Here's an idea, stop stealing from me and I'll voluntarily support charity. What's clear is you'd rather have other steal that money for you.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Who's stealing? Whether or not I believe this young man should get healthcare, you and I still pay taxes.

That's government. Stop whining and using emotionally-charged words like "stealing" you wanna be Atlas Shrugger.

Which is theft. Your immorality is clear. But hey, as long as that forcibly extracted wealth is spent on your folks, we're golden, right?

Should I have the right to tax you so that I can afford a new firearm? After all, gun ownership is a fundamental right. I say you should have to pay for others to exercise that right.

And that's the logical conclusion of your immoral plan.

Now cough up some money, I want a new .45!

We don't get to pick and choose where our taxes go. We get to elect representatives who will hopefully decide what to budget along the lines of our priorities.

You want taxes to go to your .45? Find and support a representative who agrees with that and has the ability to convince other representatives to agree.

When your priorities require theft and indentured servitude, choosing how the loot is spent is beside the point.

Thanks for making it crystal clear just how immoral the left is.

Maybe you haven't noticed my ID, but it's not "the left." My views are ricechickie's views.
Taxes. Everyone pays 'em. Well, most people.

Why should I pay them so you can get free healthcare? Taxes are not a phenomenon of nature. They are imposed on us by human beings.

Now's the time when you burst into tears. Yes, taxes are imposed upon people by people in government. It's an age-old practice.

It's not like a revolutionary concept.

Yeah, and stealing is an age-old practice. Explain how taxation is any different than stealing.

Taxation is a price you pay for living in society, and it's governed by laws.

Am I the only one who passed 9th grade Civics?

They said the same thing about slavery through the ages.

In America, they were called Democrats.

Penalty for straw man argument. You lose 20 points.
Theft is okay if you support it. Got it.

Here's an idea, stop stealing from me and I'll voluntarily support charity. What's clear is you'd rather have other steal that money for you.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Who's stealing? Whether or not I believe this young man should get healthcare, you and I still pay taxes.

That's government. Stop whining and using emotionally-charged words like "stealing" you wanna be Atlas Shrugger.

Which is theft. Your immorality is clear. But hey, as long as that forcibly extracted wealth is spent on your folks, we're golden, right?

Should I have the right to tax you so that I can afford a new firearm? After all, gun ownership is a fundamental right. I say you should have to pay for others to exercise that right.

And that's the logical conclusion of your immoral plan.

Now cough up some money, I want a new .45!

We don't get to pick and choose where our taxes go. We get to elect representatives who will hopefully decide what to budget along the lines of our priorities.

You want taxes to go to your .45? Find and support a representative who agrees with that and has the ability to convince other representatives to agree.

When your priorities require theft and indentured servitude, choosing how the loot is spent is beside the point.

Thanks for making it crystal clear just how immoral the left is.

Maybe you haven't noticed my ID, but it's not "the left." My views are ricechickie's views.

Which align perfectly with the immoral left.

Own it.
Why should I pay them so you can get free healthcare? Taxes are not a phenomenon of nature. They are imposed on us by human beings.

Now's the time when you burst into tears. Yes, taxes are imposed upon people by people in government. It's an age-old practice.

It's not like a revolutionary concept.

Yeah, and stealing is an age-old practice. Explain how taxation is any different than stealing.

Taxation is a price you pay for living in society, and it's governed by laws.

Am I the only one who passed 9th grade Civics?

They said the same thing about slavery through the ages.

In America, they were called Democrats.

Penalty for straw man argument. You lose 20 points.

Someone needs to look up the meaning of that particular logical fallacy.

You support theft and indentured servitude with justifications that are identical to how your brethren justified slavery.

Own it.
Now's the time when you burst into tears. Yes, taxes are imposed upon people by people in government. It's an age-old practice.

It's not like a revolutionary concept.

Yeah, and stealing is an age-old practice. Explain how taxation is any different than stealing.

Taxation is a price you pay for living in society, and it's governed by laws.

Am I the only one who passed 9th grade Civics?

They said the same thing about slavery through the ages.

In America, they were called Democrats.

Penalty for straw man argument. You lose 20 points.

Someone needs to look up the meaning of that particular logical fallacy.

You support theft and indentured servitude with justifications that are identical to how your brethren justified slavery.

Own it.

That someone would be you. You used a straw man argument. You set it up, knocked it down, and flexed your muscles.

Have fun.
He Crossed The Border In A Packed, Unventilated Trailer And Survived

Brandon Martinez, 16, was one of nearly 40 undocumented immigrants found on a blistering summer day inside an unventilated trailer parked at a San Antonio Wal-Mart. Ten died, and Brandon barely survived.

Federal officials who interviewed some of the survivors say that the human cargo was assembled and loaded into the truck in the border city of Laredo.

Some had paid smugglers to take them across the Rio Grande in rafts. One immigrant said there were as many as 200 people in the back of the truck.

Before he closed the door, one of the human smugglers reassured them that the truck had a refrigeration unit, but as the trip up Interstate 35 progressed they realized there was no cooling system. They took turns gulping outside air through a small vent hole, and began passing out. They pounded on the walls of the enclosure to get the driver's attention but he did not stop until he pulled over at the Wal-Mart, he says, to urinate. That's when, the driver claims, he was surprised to hear people in the trailer, opened the door and saw the grim scene inside with "bodies just lying on the floor like meat." It was a Wal-Mart employee who called 911. Many of the passengers fled on foot or were picked up by black SUVs before the police arrived.
Sad story but I wonder who is paying for that hospital visit? Sure hope they deport him and his illegal father.

If you are certain this man's actions had evil intent, then he deserves no sympathy.

His intent was to cross the border in violation of our laws. He deserves no sympathy.

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