Illegal Immigrants and Fox News Latino and Fox News


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Geez, look a the way Fox whores itself for viewers. Man oh man, they're not going to lose the Latino market. They're just going to dupe them!

From Fox News Latino: Oh pity the poor immigrant children:

"""Fox News Latino reported on the "alarming conditions" in which the "undocumented immigrants" were being held, describing images of the shelters as "shocking" and "overcrowded," and quoting Arizona Governor Jan Brewer condemning the conditions as "dangerous and unconscionable":

Then flip over to Fox News:

"""Yet over on Fox News, anchors teased an upcoming segment on the situation with on screen text that read "Illegal Dumping," a phrase commonly used to describe the unlawful disposal of garbage or other unwanted items:"""


This is why I can't stand them. It's all about money and ratings. "Fair and Balanced" my ass.

Fox Latino V. Fox News: From Compassionate to Callous In Coverage Of Immigrant Children
Fox Latino V. Fox News: From Compassionate to Callous In Coverage Of Immigrant Children | Blog | Media Matters for America
Whites take better care of hispanics, then they can take care of themselves
This is our replacements. They're running around from their own mess as they know that whites have built a better society. Shame no one else will copy us....

Oh'yesss, liberals will whine how we're evil and that the world shouldn't copy us.
This is our replacements. They're running around from their own mess as they know that whites have built a better society. Shame no one else will copy us....

Oh'yesss, liberals will whine how we're evil and that the world shouldn't copy us.

Excuse me, but this post isn't about the immigrants. It's about the duplicity of Fox News vs Fox Latino News in reporting about them.

Proof positive again that righties don't read. It's not too late to learn.
Yet more proof that the illegal acts of Obama in Iraq will be ignored by the far left...
Why do you continually put threads up in the wrong forum? For crying out loud this should be in media.
What's the point? Does the radical left think a million illegal aliens will suddenly buy flat screens, subscribe to cable and watch network news (in English)? The rants against Fox are incoherent and foolish.
It takes an exceptionally stupid or an exceptionally politically correct idiot to refer to an American Indian who speaks Spanish, a Latino. Or Hispanic, for that matter.

These so called "Latinos" would not know a single Latin word unless coached by a vote-hungry Democrat.

These so called Hispanics could not locate Hispania (Latin word for Spain) on the map if their lives depended on it.

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