illegal immigrants protest

This. This right here is why I keep saying diversity is not our strength, it's our weakness.

We alow too much diversity, we just bring in people from allover the world without much restriction. So we have millions of people who all want America to be the America they want. They don't want to conform to society. They don't want to follow American values. And they don't love america. So we end up with countless groups all bickering and arguing and fighting and trying to make society conform to them.

Look at Switzerland. They little to no violent crime despite having millions of guns in citizens hands, high rates in education and employment, the government is financially well off and they have a stable society. But they also lack diversity. Everyone is comfortable with others because they all love their country, all agree on the rules and few cause problems. You can't even become a citizen without spending thousands of dollars, learn the culture and speak the language fluently. And they are neighborly with eachother but small talk isn't even common there as everyone tends to mind their own business.
All those illegals should have been packed into busses and sent right back to the border.

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