CDZ Illegal Immigration - are we a nation of laws or not?

There must be a fair & reasonable way to deal with immigration, no one seems to be the least bit interested in looking for a solution. its all hate driven political BS.
There must be a fair & reasonable way to deal with immigration, no one seems to be the least bit interested in looking for a solution. its all hate driven political BS.
There is.
The law is public knowledge.
Enforce it, just like you would any other law.
There was a time, not long ago, when Democrats claimed they are for strong border security and immigration enforcement. After all, Sens. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.) and a number of other Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act in 2006. In fact, many complained the legislation wasn’t enough to properly secure the border with Mexico.

Not anymore. Now they want to decriminalize the deliberate act of breaking our immigration laws by sneaking this country and avoiding the legal points of entry OR not showing up for their court hearing or leaving the US when legally ordered to do so. Hence the question: why do people (primarily democrats) willfully choose to flagrantly ignore those laws?

Let's start by looking at who is actually ignoring those laws.

The reason why undocumented immigrants come here is because there are jobs for them, but we don't have a system for admitting unskilled labor. Americans don't want to do these jobs.

so the people ignoring the laws are not the democrats who realize that fences don't work, but the affluent white people who hire them.

The Farm owners who need them at harvest time.

The sweatshop owner who pays less than minimum wage

The rich Yuppie who will tell you that Lupe is just like a member of the family, which is why they don't do all that pesky tax stuff.

The middle class family who hires a bunch of day laborers outside the Home Depot when that DIY Project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look.


So we all feign outrage at the situation, and we all benefit from it.

I worked for a company in the Mid-Oughts where they had a bunch of "Contractors" who they knew were illegal. When a bigger company bought them out, and insisted the company send people who they could verify, they sent white meth heads that were truly scary. They'd get their paycheck, get high, forget to show up the next Monday.

There is.
The law is public knowledge.
Enforce it, just like you would any other law.


Smoking Pot is illegal, but 45% of Americans admit to having tried it.

Prostitution is illegal, but by my count, we have at least seven "Happy Ending" massage parlors in my area. Not to mention escort services, strip joints, etc.

Fudging your taxes is illegal, most people do.

You could end the illegal immigration problem (not really) pretty easily by going after the people who hire them. But we won't.
There is.
The law is public knowledge.
Enforce it, just like you would any other law.
Smoking Pot is illegal, but 45% of Americans admit to having tried it.
Enforce the law.
Prostitution is illegal, but by my count,
Enforce the law.
Fudging your taxes is illegal, most people do.
Enforce the law.
You could end the illegal immigration problem (not really) pretty easily by going after the people who hire them.
Enforce the law.
There was a time, not long ago, when Democrats claimed they are for strong border security and immigration enforcement. After all, Sens. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.) and a number of other Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act in 2006. In fact, many complained the legislation wasn’t enough to properly secure the border with Mexico.

Not anymore. Now they want to decriminalize the deliberate act of breaking our immigration laws by sneaking this country and avoiding the legal points of entry OR not showing up for their court hearing or leaving the US when legally ordered to do so. Hence the question: why do people (primarily democrats) willfully choose to flagrantly ignore those laws?

During the first Democratic debate in Miami, candidates who were asked directly if entering the United States without permission should be decriminalized, answered yes.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J) has taken things further and vowed — if elected — to essentially eliminate any kind of border detention through an executive order. His campaign released an 11-page policy document explaining the details.

Guys - this is a de facto open borders policy. Give 'em free health care, education, driver's license, some places even want to let them vote. They get a court date to state their case for why they should be allowed to stay, and the court rules one way or another. If it's NO, the Dems want to let them stay anyway, and give 'em a pathway to citizenship. Well hell, why bother to have any immigration laws or enforcement in the 1st place then. And it ain't just the good people who would get to stay, but a lot of bad people too. Rapists, murderers, terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, they get to stay too.

So, do we live in a nation of laws, or only those laws that we support? Look, if it's a bad law then let's change it according to the way things like that are supposed to be done. What I see right now is a Democratic Party that loves the laws and judges that agrees with their policies, but ignore or disobey the ones they don't.
The ACA is a law.

It was an executive order, in violation of the constitution, and should be eliminated by an executive order in accordance with the constitution.

Congress should fix the laws.
There must be a fair & reasonable way to deal with immigration, no one seems to be the least bit interested in looking for a solution. its all hate driven political BS.

I agree with the other poster.

We have laws. Enforce them.

If you wish to change the laws, we have this group of people called "congress" that is there to debate, discuss, write, and approve of new laws.

But the solution to laws you don't like, is not just violate the law. That's called supporting criminal activity.

Obey the laws. Enforce the laws. That is the solution.
We do have laws and as long as we ignore the ones that allow an employer to hire someone illegally I'm not going to get upset with allowing other laws to be ignored.

If the argument is to enforce the laws here, great. Enforce them. If you disagree with some, work to change them but I do not support laws for some but not for others.

To address another common argument, people legally here will work many of these jobs but not for long hours at sub minimum wage.
There was a time, not long ago, when Democrats claimed they are for strong border security and immigration enforcement. After all, Sens. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.) and a number of other Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act in 2006. In fact, many complained the legislation wasn’t enough to properly secure the border with Mexico.

Not anymore. Now they want to decriminalize the deliberate act of breaking our immigration laws by sneaking this country and avoiding the legal points of entry OR not showing up for their court hearing or leaving the US when legally ordered to do so. Hence the question: why do people (primarily democrats) willfully choose to flagrantly ignore those laws?

During the first Democratic debate in Miami, candidates who were asked directly if entering the United States without permission should be decriminalized, answered yes.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J) has taken things further and vowed — if elected — to essentially eliminate any kind of border detention through an executive order. His campaign released an 11-page policy document explaining the details.

Guys - this is a de facto open borders policy. Give 'em free health care, education, driver's license, some places even want to let them vote. They get a court date to state their case for why they should be allowed to stay, and the court rules one way or another. If it's NO, the Dems want to let them stay anyway, and give 'em a pathway to citizenship. Well hell, why bother to have any immigration laws or enforcement in the 1st place then. And it ain't just the good people who would get to stay, but a lot of bad people too. Rapists, murderers, terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, they get to stay too.

So, do we live in a nation of laws, or only those laws that we support? Look, if it's a bad law then let's change it according to the way things like that are supposed to be done. What I see right now is a Democratic Party that loves the laws and judges that agrees with their policies, but ignore or disobey the ones they don't.
The ACA is a law.

It was an executive order, in violation of the constitution, and should be eliminated by an executive order in accordance with the constitution.

Congress should fix the laws.

No. Congress voted on it. It was signed by the President. You’re either woefully mis-informed or lying.
There was a time, not long ago, when Democrats claimed they are for strong border security and immigration enforcement. After all, Sens. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.) and a number of other Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act in 2006. In fact, many complained the legislation wasn’t enough to properly secure the border with Mexico.

Not anymore. Now they want to decriminalize the deliberate act of breaking our immigration laws by sneaking this country and avoiding the legal points of entry OR not showing up for their court hearing or leaving the US when legally ordered to do so. Hence the question: why do people (primarily democrats) willfully choose to flagrantly ignore those laws?

During the first Democratic debate in Miami, candidates who were asked directly if entering the United States without permission should be decriminalized, answered yes.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J) has taken things further and vowed — if elected — to essentially eliminate any kind of border detention through an executive order. His campaign released an 11-page policy document explaining the details.

Guys - this is a de facto open borders policy. Give 'em free health care, education, driver's license, some places even want to let them vote. They get a court date to state their case for why they should be allowed to stay, and the court rules one way or another. If it's NO, the Dems want to let them stay anyway, and give 'em a pathway to citizenship. Well hell, why bother to have any immigration laws or enforcement in the 1st place then. And it ain't just the good people who would get to stay, but a lot of bad people too. Rapists, murderers, terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, they get to stay too.

So, do we live in a nation of laws, or only those laws that we support? Look, if it's a bad law then let's change it according to the way things like that are supposed to be done. What I see right now is a Democratic Party that loves the laws and judges that agrees with their policies, but ignore or disobey the ones they don't.
The ACA is a law.

It was an executive order, in violation of the constitution, and should be eliminated by an executive order in accordance with the constitution.

Congress should fix the laws.

No. Congress voted on it. It was signed by the President. You’re either woefully mis-informed or lying.
Sorry. I thought you said DACA, not ACA.

You are correct. ACA is law. Bad law, but law.

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