Illegal immigration divisive and abusive.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Illegal immigration divides families and is abusive to children and often tragic. Legal and illegal. Illegal immigration separate parents from children and children from elderly parents. It is inhumane and abusive. It is abusive to children to bring them here to a country where they do not know the language or the culture and never really get over the culture shock and fit in because their parents do not assimilate and learn to speak English. Children often drop out of school and join gangs of their peers where they are accepted.

It is abusive to separate children from grand-parents they often never see again. Abusive because parents often leave children with elderly parents or spouses and often start new families and the families back home suffers even more.

To try to unite those families by bringing elderly parents here is a real culture shock and elderly parents often refuse to leave their home in spite of poverty and because of illness.

They only humane and compassionate thing to do is unite those families with forced deportation back to the countries that are home. The children will have less culture shock than when they came here because it is the home of their parents and they know the language and the culture.

I remember when at the age or 4 my family left the mid-west and moved to the west coast never to see my grand-parents again and never knowing relatives. I am now 72 years old and don’t know from where my parent came from. We were too poor to return for visits.

Legal immigration is the right way to enter this country and live the American dream without fear of deportation and abuse by employers. Illegal immigration is not worth the problem families endure and most times become a nightmare instead of a dream. Many of those who were given amnesty in 1986 still live with the stigma of being illegal.

Automatic birthright citizenship is another issue and it separate families and confusing to children when some are legal and their siblings are illegal. Alienated between being loyal to their parent and their homeland and American. A divisiveness between children and parents and children and siblings.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is not the solution, it exacerbate the problem. Enforcement of our immigration laws and real border security it the solution.

Across the board greed is what drives illegal immigration. Illegal aliens, greedy corporations and greedy politicians. Not compassion.

I know I sound like a broken record but there may be new ones to the board and this is an revised version of Illegal Immigration Separated Families.
You're just pissed because they're horning in on your welfare handouts.

Welfare? I worked and paid for two degrees. I even worked for Joe Conforte to pay for my education. One in sociology and one in Special Education and I have never collected welfare and raised three children and sent them all to college. I never collected unemployment either and I paid into both systems and don't complain when Ameircans need help but be damned if I want to take care of illegal aliens and anchor babies and the fraud they commit on the government and stolen goods they steal from their employers that make the prices to go up to cover losses. None of my chidlren has ever collect welfare benefits or unemployment.
I come from a long family of workers. My mother a teacher got her teaching certificate in 1929 and my dad worked in copper mines in arizona.

Oddball, Fuck off.
Quote: Originally Posted by Salt Jones
I don't hate white people because I was a victim, I hate white people because you are white people.

I bet white people don't give a fuck if you like them and don't like you either.
It's her schtick...She posts half a dozen of these idiotic and redundant immigration threads just about every day.


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