Illegal immigration/Mexico/Mac goes conspiracy theorist!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?
it's a plot by Mexican leaders to not only get Texas back, but as much of the rest of the country as possible.
it's a plot by Mexican leaders to not only get Texas back, but as much of the rest of the country as possible.
Even if true, that doesn't excuse our politicians from ignoring something so blatantly obvious.
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?

No, Mac, you are totally not racist.

Here's the thing. Mexico is a "shithole", as you say, because we have spent the last 150 years making it one, generally for our own advantage to have a source of cheap resources and cheap labor.

Unlikely Russia or China would bother as they have plenty of cheap labor of their own to exploit.

You keep dancing to the rich man's tune, though.
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?
First, we owe Mexico nothing, zilch. Secondly, what difference does it make what China, or any other country does in Mexico? It's not our job to control the world, nor tell other countries what they can and can't do. We have our own problems to solve.
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?
First, we owe Mexico nothing, zilch. Secondly, what difference does it make what China, or any other country does in Mexico? It's not our job to control the world, nor tell other countries what they can and can't do. We have our own problems to solve.
Perhaps you're missing my points.

First, an improved Mexico would decrease the amount of people desperate to get out and come here illegally.

Second, there are reasonable people who would not want Russia or China to have a strong foothold on our southern border.

I really didn't think I needed to expand on that.
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?
First, we owe Mexico nothing, zilch. Secondly, what difference does it make what China, or any other country does in Mexico? It's not our job to control the world, nor tell other countries what they can and can't do. We have our own problems to solve.
Perhaps you're missing my points.

First, an improved Mexico would decrease the amount of people desperate to get out and come here illegally.

Second, there are reasonable people who would not want Russia or China to have a strong foothold on our southern border.

I really didn't think I needed to expand on that.
First, we don't have the money to improve this country. Secondly, there is no way we can control Mexico, China, Russia, or anyone else. Thirdly, Mexico is just as corrupt as the United States, so why would we do anything in Mexico before we do something to end government corruption here in this country? .... Also, illegal immigration would be so easy to solve. We could end illegal immigration in thirty days if we really wanted to.
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?
First, we owe Mexico nothing, zilch. Secondly, what difference does it make what China, or any other country does in Mexico? It's not our job to control the world, nor tell other countries what they can and can't do. We have our own problems to solve.
Perhaps you're missing my points.

First, an improved Mexico would decrease the amount of people desperate to get out and come here illegally.

Second, there are reasonable people who would not want Russia or China to have a strong foothold on our southern border.

I really didn't think I needed to expand on that.
First, we don't have the money to improve this country. Secondly, there is no way we can control Mexico, China, Russia, or anyone else. Thirdly, Mexico is just as corrupt as the United States, so why would we do anything in Mexico before we do something to end government corruption here in this country? .... Also, illegal immigration would be so easy to solve. We could end illegal immigration in thirty days if we really wanted to.
Okie dokie, I'll put you down for an "I'd be fine with that!"
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?
First, we owe Mexico nothing, zilch. Secondly, what difference does it make what China, or any other country does in Mexico? It's not our job to control the world, nor tell other countries what they can and can't do. We have our own problems to solve.
Perhaps you're missing my points.

First, an improved Mexico would decrease the amount of people desperate to get out and come here illegally.

Second, there are reasonable people who would not want Russia or China to have a strong foothold on our southern border.

I really didn't think I needed to expand on that.
First, we don't have the money to improve this country. Secondly, there is no way we can control Mexico, China, Russia, or anyone else. Thirdly, Mexico is just as corrupt as the United States, so why would we do anything in Mexico before we do something to end government corruption here in this country? .... Also, illegal immigration would be so easy to solve. We could end illegal immigration in thirty days if we really wanted to.
Okie dokie, I'll put you down for an "I'd be fine with that!"
Put me down for what? What am I fine with? Please explain. Thanks.
Just thinking out loud here. Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet:

We have X thousands of people risking everything to escape Mexico every year, crossing the border illegally, etc., etc. We all know what happens next.

I never see our political "leaders" (cough) bring up the screamingly obvious fact that these people are trying to escape a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country". And if Mexico were NOT such a miserable, corrupt, festering shit hole of a "country", this wouldn't be an issue, people would not be so desperate to get the fuck out of there. Why is that? Why are we not trying to do something about this?

So here's my conspiracy theory, kind of: Russia and China are always looking for an advantage over us. What would we think if one of those countries approached Mexico and said "we'll wipe out your drug cartels and pump and ton of cash into your economy and government. We'll turn your country into a safe tourist paradise and you'll personally be set in your position in the government. All we'll ask is that you give us a seat or two (or 80) in your legislature, and maybe give us a few other goodies."

Would we wish that we had been a little more proactive with Mexico?
First, we owe Mexico nothing, zilch. Secondly, what difference does it make what China, or any other country does in Mexico? It's not our job to control the world, nor tell other countries what they can and can't do. We have our own problems to solve.
Perhaps you're missing my points.

First, an improved Mexico would decrease the amount of people desperate to get out and come here illegally.

Second, there are reasonable people who would not want Russia or China to have a strong foothold on our southern border.

I really didn't think I needed to expand on that.
First, we don't have the money to improve this country. Secondly, there is no way we can control Mexico, China, Russia, or anyone else. Thirdly, Mexico is just as corrupt as the United States, so why would we do anything in Mexico before we do something to end government corruption here in this country? .... Also, illegal immigration would be so easy to solve. We could end illegal immigration in thirty days if we really wanted to.
Okie dokie, I'll put you down for an "I'd be fine with that!"
Put me down for what? What am I fine with? Please explain. Thanks.
Ugh. Never mind.
They come here to find work. They come here because we hire them (and pay them considerably more than they get in Mexico) to pick our crops, watch our kids, mow our lawns and other crap ass low paying shit we won't do ourselves. THAT'S why they come here.

If you can get Mexico to provide the same wages as we do here, they'd stay. Good luck.

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