Illegal Immigration. What to do about it.

^^^ Complete bullshit.
What is bullshit is all the people that have fallen into the Republican's trap of blaming the immigrants for everything. Damn near every economist worth two shits will tell you, those immigrants, both illegal and legal, give more to the economy than they take. The classic example is the bricklayer, and the "immigrant" that is hired to mix the cement and carry the bricks. In so doing it allows the bricklayer to spend more time doing what he was trained to do, lay bricks. Those immigrants increase productivity and earnings, every study ever done has borne that out. Like this one,

Smith, Mises, Mill--three different economic perspectives, all of them supported free and open borders. Karl Marx, he was the one that demanded strong borders and shutting out immigrants. Free markets require open borders, let the market take care of it, and the reality is, it usually does. When the economy is hurting, like after the 2008 crash, immigration drops to almost nothing. When it is booming, they come. Government actions, walls, restrictions, are like pissing in the wind and have little effect. Time to open the borders and let the "free market" take care of it.

Besides, the primary driving force behind the increase in the number of college graduates in this nation is not student loans or federal financial aide. It is immigration, as the force of that immigration on depressing wages at the low end of the scale has sufficiently motivated Americans to get a damn degree. You, more than anyone, should appreciate that.
What is bullshit is all the people that have fallen into the Republican's trap of blaming the immigrants for everything. ....
I think that if you read this thread and others like it, you will find that people are blaming the government for not fulfilling its responsibility to control the borders. Particularly democrats and specifically this administration on not only shirking that responsibility, but seeming to condone and facilitate same.
I think that if you read this thread and others like it, you will find that people are blaming the government for not fulfilling its responsibility to control the borders. Particularly democrats and specifically this administration on not only shirking that responsibility, but seeming to condone and facilitate same.
"Particularly democrats and specifically this administration"--then these people are grossly uninformed. Which seems to be a problem here. Time and time again I ask, "what policy"? I get nothing but crickets, other than, "Biden banned issuing new permits for drilling on public lands". And yes, he did. But then a federal judge overturned it and the Biden administration has been selling those permits hand over fist since then. Or Keystone, which was dead before Biden took office and even if it was implemented, it would have resulted in an increase in gas prices, not a decrease.

Immigration is the same thing.

But much of the immigration policy architecture of the Trump years endures. The Biden administration has retained Title 42, a pandemic-related policy mandating the rapid expulsion of migrants as a public health precaution, even as America opened its land borders to Mexico and Canada. And a federal court order forced reinstatement of the former administration’s policy that kept asylum seekers on the Mexican side of the border while awaiting U.S. immigration court dates, known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP).

I have seen it time and time again. People that claim they are "intelligent" lamenting about Biden reversing Title 42, and like the moratorium on drilling, yes he did it, and yes, a federal judge reversed it. SO IT DIDN"T FUCKING HAPPEN. I mean how stupid does one look when they claim Biden did something that causes our problems and a federal judge stepped in and preventing him from doing it. And you tell them this shit and they just ignore it, and the next day are posting the same old tired shit.

Look, there are reasons to oppose Biden, there really are. And no, there are not any reasons to support Trump. And there are reasons to oppose the Democrats. But no, there is no reason to support the Trumpbot idiots in Congress like Greene, Boebert, and Cawthorn. But if people don't start pulling their head out of their ass and actually do the research necessary to become properly informed, then perhaps they should find something better to do with their time. And most certainly, they need to stay the hell away from the polls on election day.
It ain't my first rodeo either hoss. My father inherited his father's farm and his father-in-law's farm. For years he leased one of those farms out for cattle grazing, barely collected enough to pay the property tax. The other farm he utilized sharecropping. He put up the money for seed and fertilizer, the sharecropper did the work and provided the equipment, and they split the revenue, not the profit. Corn, soybeans, wheat--about five crops every two years. He made a little money sometimes, he lost a little money sometimes.

My son worked for an immigrant, working in the tomato and pepper fields during the summer. He and his best friend, both white and both over six three. That was over seven years ago. So for the three summers they worked those fields, and the seven seasons since then, I know for a fact that my son and his friend are the only "Americans" that ever worked for that farmer. He has a crew of more than twenty, some probably illegal, some on work visas, most work the tomato fields in Mexico in the winter, the tomato fields here in the spring and summer, and the Christmas tree farms in the fall. And he pays them well thank you.

I know all this because that immigrant now owns those two farms. Dad financed it, and his yearly payment is in the six figures. The reality is no Americans, and yes, that includes me, stepped up and took those farms to their full potential. It took an immigrant, and his workforce of immigrants, legal and illegal. And no Americans, other than my son and his friend, who stood out like sore thumbs as they towered over their coworkers, ever ventured into those fields.
I don't care. We watched Americans work the same jobs on farms when paid fairly. So, go sell your bullshit to someone else. I'm a liberal.
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I don't care. We watched Americans work the same jobs on farms when paid fairly. So, go sell your bullshit to someone else. I'm a liberal.
While not impossible, it is damn quite rare. The average migrant farm worker earns $17 an hour, and those stats are from last year. Consider you could empty a Walmart Supercenter from all those lower level positions that don't make $17 an hour, or fast food chains where shift managers don't even make $17 an hour, it stands to reason that if Americans were really willing to do that farm labor millions of them could write themselves a raise.

And no, you are not a liberal. No liberal would be screaming to close the border for 20 years.
While not impossible, it is damn quite rare. The average migrant farm worker earns $17 an hour, and those stats are from last year. Consider you could empty a Walmart Supercenter from all those lower level positions that don't make $17 an hour, or fast food chains where shift managers don't even make $17 an hour, it stands to reason that if Americans were really willing to do that farm labor millions of them could write themselves a raise.

And no, you are not a liberal. No liberal would be screaming to close the border for 20 years.
You are a Democrat. You are not a liberal. You are a neo-liberal. There is a difference. Shut the borders down for 20 years and then reopen. You people are only in it to lower wages. You people are no longer able to pretend that you give a damn about people.
You are a Democrat. You are not a liberal. You are a neo-liberal. There is a difference. Shut the borders down for 20 years and then reopen. You people are only in it to lower wages. You people are no longer able to pretend that you give a damn about people.
What exactly do you mean by "shut the borders down"?
Blow that fucking statue to smithereens. Militarize the border with orders to shoot to kill. Tax all remittances at 50%. Deport all those found immediately no excuses, no hearings.

Prosecute all employers of illegals, all landlords who rent to illegals, all those caught harboring illegals. Close all charities that offer assistance to illegals including feeding at a soup kitchen. Forbid doctors and hospitals from treating them, schools from having them as students. Brand every illegal deported across their face. If they return, shot on sight.
We need to deport all white people.
An open border is a serious national security risk

Open borders, where illegal aliens can cross with relative impunity, invite criminal activity. The flood of illegal border crossings since Biden has taken office is unprecedented. According to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, monthly arrests at the border now number in the hundreds of thousands, a 30-year high. Criminals are among those caught at the border and then released. Many other criminals evade law enforcement at the border and enter the interior as well.
For economic and environmental reasons, ALL immigration, legal, asylum and illegal, should be suspended indefinitely. And take the atm card away from Biden.
That won't work. The border crossing between the U.S. and Mexico are the busiest in the world. As it is, it surprises me that anybody even bothers trying to sneak across. Also, from what I hear, illegals will put themselves into debt with criminal organizations for $8,000 dollars to be smuggled into the U.S. These days many are just taking a cheap one way flight to Canada. From there they can cross over to the U.S. with no problem.

Sure it will work. That's why the progressive left is so desperate to make sure it isn't built.


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