illegal immigration

The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
Yep blind hate and racism and stupid b******* propaganda is a great basis for stupid GOP policy, dupe.
That’s not blind hate, and racism...I don’t hate, I do support the rule of law however, including immigration and deportation laws. LAWS THAT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY HAS HAD AND STILL HAS IN MODERN HISTORY. IS EVERY OTHER COUNTRY RACIST AS WELL??? It is both logical and just to have immigration laws. If you come here legally, welcome and absolute best wishes to you. But we have immigration laws in place because we need to know whose entering, how many are, whether or not they are a threat to the public, wether or not they are criminal fugitives of another country, and wether or not they are carrying communicable disease. If someone does come here illegally, they have broken the law and have knowingly taken the risk of the consequences of that law...just like any other countries. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily evil or bad people, there’s probably plenty of citizens who aren’t necessarily evil or bad people who have broken the law and have had to face the consequences of that law.

Now if you want to make immigration easier, cheaper and less time consuming, that’s an entirely different conversation, and I’d agree with you. What we have now is not fair to the people who have waited years, and have spent 10,000 just to get into this country doing it the right way. Boy I bet they fell like jackasses.

Here’s the crazy part, your actually supporting business taking advantage of and creating a lower class through immigration. The whole let’s turn a blind eye, and think about amnesty, is what the chambers of commerce and big business are pushing to exploit these people who are fine with being paid chicken scratch, and fine not having health benefits. But you’ve been duped with an emotional appeal by them, and now you actually think you’re doing the right thing....

I am actually for open boarders, just not under a welfare state.

You having to resort to name calling and throwing out the racist hater word is pathetic, and shows that you got jack shit to actually offer to the conversation. If it doesn’t agree with your crazy narrow world view, you have to label it as racist and hateful, in order to justify your feeble ego. Keep flailing, you clearly have nothing else to offer.
You're an okay you're an exception congratulations... Not saying you're KKK but you're probably happy blacks don't live in your neighborhood would hurt your resale value.

All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
Yep blind hate and racism and stupid b******* propaganda is a great basis for stupid GOP policy, dupe.
That’s not blind hate, and racism...I don’t hate, I do support the rule of law however, including immigration and deportation laws. LAWS THAT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY HAS HAD AND STILL HAS IN MODERN HISTORY. IS EVERY OTHER COUNTRY RACIST AS WELL??? It is both logical and just to have immigration laws. If you come here legally, welcome and absolute best wishes to you. But we have immigration laws in place because we need to know whose entering, how many are, whether or not they are a threat to the public, wether or not they are criminal fugitives of another country, and wether or not they are carrying communicable disease. If someone does come here illegally, they have broken the law and have knowingly taken the risk of the consequences of that law...just like any other countries. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily evil or bad people, there’s probably plenty of citizens who aren’t necessarily evil or bad people who have broken the law and have had to face the consequences of that law.

Now if you want to make immigration easier, cheaper and less time consuming, that’s an entirely different conversation, and I’d agree with you. What we have now is not fair to the people who have waited years, and have spent 10,000 just to get into this country doing it the right way. Boy I bet they fell like jackasses.

Here’s the crazy part, your actually supporting business taking advantage of and creating a lower class through immigration. The whole let’s turn a blind eye, and think about amnesty, is what the chambers of commerce and big business are pushing to exploit these people who are fine with being paid chicken scratch, and fine not having health benefits. But you’ve been duped with an emotional appeal by them, and now you actually think you’re doing the right thing....

I am actually for open boarders, just not under a welfare state.

You having to resort to name calling and throwing out the racist hater word is pathetic, and shows that you got jack shit to actually offer to the conversation. If it doesn’t agree with your crazy narrow world view, you have to label it as racist and hateful, in order to justify your feeble ego. Keep flailing, you clearly have nothing else to offer.
You're an okay you're an exception congratulations... Not saying you're KKK but you're probably happy blacks don't live in your neighborhood would hurt your resale value.

All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
Jesus look how you just assume shit. Your no better than someone who assumes all Muslims are terrorists. I’m a fellow countryman and 2nd generation American (on my dads side). Stop treating people like shit.
The crap you dupes believe it's just amazing...
What is amazing is that you believe the looney propaganda of liberal media, so that when you her the truth, you can't relate to it. You guys are programmed to the point of sickness.
The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
Yep blind hate and racism and stupid b******* propaganda is a great basis for stupid GOP policy, dupe.
That’s not blind hate, and racism...I don’t hate, I do support the rule of law however, including immigration and deportation laws. LAWS THAT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY HAS HAD AND STILL HAS IN MODERN HISTORY. IS EVERY OTHER COUNTRY RACIST AS WELL??? It is both logical and just to have immigration laws. If you come here legally, welcome and absolute best wishes to you. But we have immigration laws in place because we need to know whose entering, how many are, whether or not they are a threat to the public, wether or not they are criminal fugitives of another country, and wether or not they are carrying communicable disease. If someone does come here illegally, they have broken the law and have knowingly taken the risk of the consequences of that law...just like any other countries. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily evil or bad people, there’s probably plenty of citizens who aren’t necessarily evil or bad people who have broken the law and have had to face the consequences of that law.

Now if you want to make immigration easier, cheaper and less time consuming, that’s an entirely different conversation, and I’d agree with you. What we have now is not fair to the people who have waited years, and have spent 10,000 just to get into this country doing it the right way. Boy I bet they fell like jackasses.

Here’s the crazy part, your actually supporting business taking advantage of and creating a lower class through immigration. The whole let’s turn a blind eye, and think about amnesty, is what the chambers of commerce and big business are pushing to exploit these people who are fine with being paid chicken scratch, and fine not having health benefits. But you’ve been duped with an emotional appeal by them, and now you actually think you’re doing the right thing....

I am actually for open boarders, just not under a welfare state.

You having to resort to name calling and throwing out the racist hater word is pathetic, and shows that you got jack shit to actually offer to the conversation. If it doesn’t agree with your crazy narrow world view, you have to label it as racist and hateful, in order to justify your feeble ego. Keep flailing, you clearly have nothing else to offer.
You're an okay you're an exception congratulations... Not saying you're KKK but you're probably happy blacks don't live in your neighborhood would hurt your resale value.

All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
Jesus look how you just assume shit. Your no better than someone who assumes all Muslims are terrorists. I’m a fellow countryman and 2nd generation American (on my dads side). Stop treating people like shit.
I'm for controlling illegal immigration and making sure people get paid enough for work. End of story where is our national ID card you Republican brainwashed functional morons answer the question... LOL
All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
To bad the FACTS don't allow your dopey theory to hold up. In a recent vote on sanctuary cities, Dems voted in favor of them 95%. GOP 95% against. You lose.
The crap you dupes believe it's just amazing...
What is amazing is that you believe the looney propaganda of liberal media, so that when you her the truth, you can't relate to it. You guys are programmed to the point of sickness.
What truth? Everything you know is wrong. The clintons are not corrupt or evil or Obama etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes.
I'm for controlling illegal immigration and making sure people get paid enough for work. End of story where is our national ID card you Republican brainwashed functional morons answer the question... LOL
Democrats in Congress voted against it.
The crap you dupes believe it's just amazing...
What is amazing is that you believe the looney propaganda of liberal media, so that when you her the truth, you can't relate to it. You guys are programmed to the point of sickness.
What truth? Everything you know is wrong. The clintons are not corrupt or evil or Obama etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes.
GOP tax rates screw the non-rich everyday. You vote for Republicans because of stupid misinformation and and propaganda and character assassination of Democrats you have no idea what Democrats want.
I'm for controlling illegal immigration and making sure people get paid enough for work. End of story where is our national ID card you Republican brainwashed functional morons answer the question... LOL
Democrats in Congress voted against it.
Because Republicans started up with the whole communist conspiracy to take away our freedoms as always and many of your fellow voters went insane every time. It's called demagoguery or trumpism or Fox News or Rush Limbaugh. Great job GOP keep this wedge issue going forever... As if a wall or stupid laws harassment laws are going to stop anything stop people from coming here when they have an open invitation to work when they get here.
What truth? Everything you know is wrong. The clintons are not corrupt or evil or Obama etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes.
The truth that you tried to deny - that the Obama administration practiced catch & release, deported almost nobody, and then claimed they were setting records for deportations. The record is for gullibility, set by liberals.

The Clintons ARE corrupt & evil, as is Obama.

Clinton body count.

Clinton Uranium scandal.

Hillary's emails.


Muslim Brotherhood in Obama White House.

Fort Hood massacre.

Obama/Baghdadi ISIS collusion.

etc, etc
GOP tax rates screw the non-rich everyday. You vote for Republicans because of stupid misinformation and and propaganda and character assassination of Democrats you have no idea what Democrats want.
Easy to see what Democrats want. Just look at their voting records in Congress. For illegal immigration, affirmative action, Islamization, gun-free zones facilitating terrorism and other crime, abortion murder. Pandering to minority groups, in shorts kissing ass of any group who represents VOTES for them, no matter the cost.
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
Yep blind hate and racism and stupid b******* propaganda is a great basis for stupid GOP policy, dupe.
That’s not blind hate, and racism...I don’t hate, I do support the rule of law however, including immigration and deportation laws. LAWS THAT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY HAS HAD AND STILL HAS IN MODERN HISTORY. IS EVERY OTHER COUNTRY RACIST AS WELL??? It is both logical and just to have immigration laws. If you come here legally, welcome and absolute best wishes to you. But we have immigration laws in place because we need to know whose entering, how many are, whether or not they are a threat to the public, wether or not they are criminal fugitives of another country, and wether or not they are carrying communicable disease. If someone does come here illegally, they have broken the law and have knowingly taken the risk of the consequences of that law...just like any other countries. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily evil or bad people, there’s probably plenty of citizens who aren’t necessarily evil or bad people who have broken the law and have had to face the consequences of that law.

Now if you want to make immigration easier, cheaper and less time consuming, that’s an entirely different conversation, and I’d agree with you. What we have now is not fair to the people who have waited years, and have spent 10,000 just to get into this country doing it the right way. Boy I bet they fell like jackasses.

Here’s the crazy part, your actually supporting business taking advantage of and creating a lower class through immigration. The whole let’s turn a blind eye, and think about amnesty, is what the chambers of commerce and big business are pushing to exploit these people who are fine with being paid chicken scratch, and fine not having health benefits. But you’ve been duped with an emotional appeal by them, and now you actually think you’re doing the right thing....

I am actually for open boarders, just not under a welfare state.

You having to resort to name calling and throwing out the racist hater word is pathetic, and shows that you got jack shit to actually offer to the conversation. If it doesn’t agree with your crazy narrow world view, you have to label it as racist and hateful, in order to justify your feeble ego. Keep flailing, you clearly have nothing else to offer.
You're an okay you're an exception congratulations... Not saying you're KKK but you're probably happy blacks don't live in your neighborhood would hurt your resale value.

All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
Jesus look how you just assume shit. Your no better than someone who assumes all Muslims are terrorists. I’m a fellow countryman and 2nd generation American (on my dads side). Stop treating people like shit.
I'm for controlling illegal immigration and making sure people get paid enough for work. End of story where is our national ID card you Republican brainwashed functional morons answer the question... LOL
I don’t see what a national ID card has to do with anything...we have SS cards, passports, and drivers liscences. Non of these are that easy to legitmitally fake. DLs scan now. And if your supposition is that all these can be faked, well so will a national ID card. Will you need this card to vote? If so what’s the difference between that and a state ID card? And this all completely ignores the issue that people are entering and staying illegally without any form of ID.
I'm for controlling illegal immigration and making sure people get paid enough for work. End of story where is our national ID card you Republican brainwashed functional morons answer the question... LOL
Democrats in Congress voted against it.
Because Republicans started up with the whole communist conspiracy to take away our freedoms as always and many of your fellow voters went insane every time. It's called demagoguery or trumpism or Fox News or Rush Limbaugh. Great job GOP keep this wedge issue going forever... As if a wall or stupid laws harassment laws are going to stop anything stop people from coming here when they have an open invitation to work when they get here.
Since Trump took office illegal immigration has plummeted, as migrants fear deportation. They know the days of catch & release are over. As for the wall, it has BEEN working in Israel, and other countries, and in Southern California south of San Diego.

As for communism, nobody talks about that any more. Muslim jihad is the worldwide menace now, and our US troops are fighting against it overseas, and our law enforcement is fighting against it here - that is, now that Trump is POTUS. When Obama was POTUS, he was part of that jihad.
I don’t see what a national ID card has to do with anything...we have SS cards, passports, and drivers liscences. Non of these are that easy to legitmitally fake. DLs scan now. And if your supposition is that all these can be faked, well so will a national ID card. Will you need this card to vote? If so what’s the difference between that and a state ID card? And this all completely ignores the issue that people are entering and staying illegally without any form of ID.
Everyone voting should be required to prove they are eligible to vote - either by being born here, or naturalized through legal immigration.
The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
Yep blind hate and racism and stupid b******* propaganda is a great basis for stupid GOP policy, dupe.
That’s not blind hate, and racism...I don’t hate, I do support the rule of law however, including immigration and deportation laws. LAWS THAT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY HAS HAD AND STILL HAS IN MODERN HISTORY. IS EVERY OTHER COUNTRY RACIST AS WELL??? It is both logical and just to have immigration laws. If you come here legally, welcome and absolute best wishes to you. But we have immigration laws in place because we need to know whose entering, how many are, whether or not they are a threat to the public, wether or not they are criminal fugitives of another country, and wether or not they are carrying communicable disease. If someone does come here illegally, they have broken the law and have knowingly taken the risk of the consequences of that law...just like any other countries. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily evil or bad people, there’s probably plenty of citizens who aren’t necessarily evil or bad people who have broken the law and have had to face the consequences of that law.

Now if you want to make immigration easier, cheaper and less time consuming, that’s an entirely different conversation, and I’d agree with you. What we have now is not fair to the people who have waited years, and have spent 10,000 just to get into this country doing it the right way. Boy I bet they fell like jackasses.

Here’s the crazy part, your actually supporting business taking advantage of and creating a lower class through immigration. The whole let’s turn a blind eye, and think about amnesty, is what the chambers of commerce and big business are pushing to exploit these people who are fine with being paid chicken scratch, and fine not having health benefits. But you’ve been duped with an emotional appeal by them, and now you actually think you’re doing the right thing....

I am actually for open boarders, just not under a welfare state.

You having to resort to name calling and throwing out the racist hater word is pathetic, and shows that you got jack shit to actually offer to the conversation. If it doesn’t agree with your crazy narrow world view, you have to label it as racist and hateful, in order to justify your feeble ego. Keep flailing, you clearly have nothing else to offer.
You're an okay you're an exception congratulations... Not saying you're KKK but you're probably happy blacks don't live in your neighborhood would hurt your resale value.

All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
Jesus look how you just assume shit. Your no better than someone who assumes all Muslims are terrorists. I’m a fellow countryman and 2nd generation American (on my dads side). Stop treating people like shit.
I'm not treating you like s*** I'm trying to wake you up! See signature last line... I have one problem with Republicans most of them anyway they are totally misinformed or not informed at all so they go for all the GOP patriotism bologna. I live in a county that has more cows than people and 73% voted for Trump they're my friends I love them. They are clueless scared of cities and foreigners.
All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
To bad the FACTS don't allow your dopey theory to hold up. In a recent vote on sanctuary cities, Dems voted in favor of them 95%. GOP 95% against. You lose.
Phooey! Sanctuary cities are about Justice for worthy immigrants and making sure they're not afraid to be witness against their criminals... You are totally misinformed. Where is our national ID card to end this problem?!? Thanks GOP and silly Dupes cut the distraction... I think your GOP Masters enjoy the cheap easily bullied labor, dupes. It seems like the GOP only cares in one of their depressions like we are due for... The GOP is a catastrophe. All they have is b*******propaganda. Works great!
I don’t see what a national ID card has to do with anything...we have SS cards, passports, and drivers liscences. Non of these are that easy to legitmitally fake. DLs scan now. And if your supposition is that all these can be faked, well so will a national ID card. Will you need this card to vote? If so what’s the difference between that and a state ID card? And this all completely ignores the issue that people are entering and staying illegally without any form of ID.
Everyone voting should be required to prove they are eligible to vote - either by being born here, or naturalized through legal immigration.
Again, dupe, that is an irrelevant distraction and an imaginary problem. There is no evidence illegals vote and who cares that couldn't make much difference. People are checked for that when they register you idiots dot-dot-dot illegals don't register it's too much of a risk. You are brainwashed functional morons, so silly it's no wonder people think you're racist. Got it?
I don’t see what a national ID card has to do with anything...we have SS cards, passports, and drivers liscences. Non of these are that easy to legitmitally fake. DLs scan now. And if your supposition is that all these can be faked, well so will a national ID card. Will you need this card to vote? If so what’s the difference between that and a state ID card? And this all completely ignores the issue that people are entering and staying illegally without any form of ID.
Everyone voting should be required to prove they are eligible to vote - either by being born here, or naturalized through legal immigration.
Ok how do you prove that then? And I’m assuming you’re ok with voter ID laws?
All those other countries have good ID cards duh!!! But thanks to the GOP we have an open invitation to cheap labor to come on down.. great job GOP and silly Dupes...
To bad the FACTS don't allow your dopey theory to hold up. In a recent vote on sanctuary cities, Dems voted in favor of them 95%. GOP 95% against. You lose.
Phooey! Sanctuary cities are about Justice for worthy immigrants and making sure they're not afraid to be witness against their criminals... You are totally misinformed. Where is our national ID card to end this problem?!? Thanks GOP and silly Dupes cut the distraction... I think your GOP Masters enjoy the cheap easily bullied labor, dupes. It seems like the GOP only cares in one of their depressions like we are due for... The GOP is a catastrophe. All they have is b*******propaganda. Works great!
A. We don’t know if they are worthy or not since they did not use the proper channels for immigration
B. If they feel unsafe reporting whatever crime, that’s a side effect of entering the country illegally. It’s a risk they take on, just like the risk of being deported. It’s just like criminals who like to rip off other criminals because they can’t go to the police about it. Yea it sucks, but you should not have committed X illegal act in the first place that made you a target for X other illegal act.
C. No sanctuary cities is not about reporting crime. What a sanctuary city is, is that we ignore whatever small crime we picked you up for and we practice “catch and release.” Say you get pulled over, don’t have insurance, don’t have a drivers liscence or registration, you or I get raked over the coals for this. But when it’s discovered thats it’s an illegal immigrant, instead of turning you over to immigration authorities, you’re let go, given a court date (that you not the court expect you to attend), and you go about your life like it never happened. If the courts decided to pursue the charges to the extent they’re supposed to, well that would put you into the hands of immigration authorities. So we just turn a blind eye to these crimes as long as they aren’t “publicly” major, like raping, killing, or kidnapping someone. And if you have been deported before after being caught committing a small to serious crime, when we pick you up for say petty theft or a DUI, we “catch and release”. It’s ignoring crime, not encouraging reporting it. This is what the kate stienle case was all about, that individual should have never been allowed back in, but hid under the cover of this “sanctuary city” where he was ignored, and then committed that henious act. Our pre-Obama policy was pretty much don’t make waves or else, during Obama it was its ok to make waves, just not big ones. This is a problem, illegals (or any other citizen) cannot be above the law, (and your not getting off on the right foot, if the first one you take into this country is breaking the law).
Phooey! Sanctuary cities are about Justice for worthy immigrants and making sure they're not afraid to be witness against their criminals... You are totally misinformed. Where is our national ID card to end this problem?!? Thanks GOP and silly Dupes cut the distraction... I think your GOP Masters enjoy the cheap easily bullied labor, dupes. It seems like the GOP only cares in one of their depressions like we are due for... The GOP is a catastrophe. All they have is b*******propaganda. Works great!
FALSE! You are very UNinformed. Sanctuary cities are to protect lawbreaking invaders from other countries, depriving US workers of jobs, depriving US small businesses of sales (due to remittance wiring), and depriving US citizens of tax $$ and services.

Your GOP theories sink drastically when put to the test of vested interests wanting "cheap easily bullied labor". This is only ONE of a lengthy list of vested interests supporting illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Here's the list >>

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor to reduce costs & boost profits. (not all GOP)

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's Reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.

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