illegal immigration

A President who has promised much (wall, deportations, defunding sanctuary cities) but who has, in truth, been able to deliver very little in that context... or most others.

Much of that failure points to an inability to cut deals (so much for Mister Deal-Maker) and shooting his mouth off so much that Lib judges can use it as a Motives barrier.
Keyword is "able" Trump has done HIS job. He has upheld his promises. He is constantly being stymied by anti-Trump liberals, who go running to the courts, and judge-shopping, with every thing Trump tries do.

First they did this with the Muslim ban, Trump had to take it to the SCOTUS to overrule them. Now, they're blocking him on cutting funds for sanctuary cities. Again, it will have to go to the SCOTUS
That's because Trump is a demagogue who routinely says things in public that play to his base but tip his hand and give The Opposition legal means to defeat him.

Wake me up when either the Sanctuary City defunding OR the Muslim Ban reach SCOTUS, alright? So far, we've seen no sign of that happening.
As it should. Duh... Sorry you don't get unconstitutional laws...
You wanna talk LAW regarding sanctuary cities ? OK. We can do that >>

Fact is, not only is it not unconstitutional (favorite word of liberal judges) to fine sanctuary city leaders, but it is the LAW and the duty of the govt to fine them and arrest them, and imprison them on CRIMINAL CHARGES. In some cases, these charges could bring either LIFE imprisonment, or the DEATH PENALTY. This is what Trump and Sessions should be doing.

U.S. CodeTitle 8Chapter 12Subchapter IIPart VIII › § 1324

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

(a) Criminal penalties
(A) Any person who—
knowing that a person is an

alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as designated by the Commissioner, regardless of whether such alien has received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States and regardless of any future official action which may be taken with respect to such alien;
alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law;
alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;
alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law; or
alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs—
section 1365 of title 18) to, or places in jeopardy the life of, any person, be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both; and
in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) resulting in the death of any person, be punished by death or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined under title 18, or both.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
...I don't think he was aware of the level of filth and corruption he would deal with....
He called it a Swamp... and he said he was going to Drain it... he knew, alright... it's just that he's not the Deal Maker he led us to believe, outside his own domains.

...I doubt he knew how many citizens were like know, so resistant to building a higher class, higher grade society...
Incorrect. I, and a great many others, have long-since been "on board" with that... it's just that you need something better than the Imperial Cheeto to pull that off.

...Hussein Onegro has our filth well trained...they love the no boundaries, anything goes type of society he built...
The Dim-O-Crats were already kissing Illegal Alien ass and laughing at borders and immigration law and sliding into degeneracy, long before Obumble came to power. you they love the bottom up governing...
" that government OF the People, FOR the People,and BY the People, shall not perish from the earth..."

If you don't love "bottom up governing", then you're in the wrong country, and you need to emigrate to a more authoritarian environment where the trains run on time.

... and our guy don't play that shit...

Thanks be to God that our Founding Fathers saw fit to build sufficient checks-and-balances into our system of governance so as to paralyze any would-be Dictator.

...Don't worry, if I were low grade filth I'm sure I'd feel just like you.
I'm not worried in the slightest... being called "low grade filth" by a Closet Nazi who spurns 'government... by the People' is high praise indeed.

I have probably voted for Republicans nearly as often as I've voted for Democrats... typical of a Centrist... it's just that I saw the Imperial Cheeto as unfit for high office, long ago.
...Wow...deportations are up...
They were up under Obumble, too... nowhere near enough, nor fast enough, to match the Big Talk from the Imperial Cheeto when he was running for office.

...defunding sanctuary cities (correctly) is being reviewed...
If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions had done it right in the first place, the original Executive Order would have withstood the Constitutional sniff-test. It didn't. Epic Fail.

...wall prototypes are currently in the San Diego area...
Any sign of funding yet, for this moronic idea?

If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc.

...My suggestion, is for you to get a fricken job so you gain some clue as to the process necessary to accomplish just about anything.
Both historically and at present, my career path and skillset and earnings are quite satisfactory, thank you.
That's because Trump is a demagogue who routinely says things in public that play to his base but tip his hand and give The Opposition legal means to defeat him.

Wake me up when either the Sanctuary City defunding OR the Muslim Ban reach SCOTUS, alright? So far, we've seen no sign of that happening.
Have you been sleeping since June 2017 ? The Muslin ban REACHED the SCOTUS then, and it was approved generally.

In a June 26 ruling, the SCOTUS decided to leave in place parts of the Muslim ban, while the merits of the case are debated, effectively barring individuals from six Muslim-majority countries without a “bona fide” relationship in the U.S. — say, with family members, an employer, or an educational institution — into the country. This decision may also prevent entry for all refugees for 120 days. The ruling has been hailed as a victory for the Trump administration.

And >> October, 2017, >>

In victory for Trump, Supreme Court dismisses travel ban case
...I don't think he was aware of the level of filth and corruption he would deal with....
He called it a Swamp... and he said he was going to Drain it... he knew, alright... it's just that he's not the Deal Maker he led us to believe, outside his own domains.

...I doubt he knew how many citizens were like know, so resistant to building a higher class, higher grade society...
Incorrect. I, and a great many others, have long-since been "on board" with that... it's just that you need something better than the Imperial Cheeto to pull that off.

...Hussein Onegro has our filth well trained...they love the no boundaries, anything goes type of society he built...
The Dim-O-Crats were already kissing Illegal Alien ass and laughing at borders and immigration law and sliding into degeneracy, long before Obumble came to power. you they love the bottom up governing...
" that government OF the People, FOR the People,and BY the People, shall not perish from the earth..."

If you don't love "bottom up governing", then you're in the wrong country, and you need to emigrate to a more authoritarian environment where the trains run on time.

... and our guy don't play that shit...

Thanks be to God that our Founding Fathers saw fit to build sufficient checks-and-balances into our system of governance so as to paralyze any would-be Dictator.

...Don't worry, if I were low grade filth I'm sure I'd feel just like you.
I'm not worried in the slightest... being called "low grade filth" by a Closet Nazi who spurns 'government... by the People' is high praise indeed.

I have probably voted for Republicans nearly as often as I've voted for Democrats... typical of a Centrist... it's just that I saw the Imperial Cheeto as unfit for high office, long ago.

You wrote a lot but said very little.
That's awfully clever of you to toe the line the way you do...using caution to stay in the neutral zone. I suppose that allows you to play either side when you see fit...that must add to the entertainment value for you.
Bottom up governing as defined by sane folks would indicate that .GOV embraces the idea of catering to and putting the the lowest grade first via policy and ideology. Only bottom feeders, the beneficiaries, can appreciate that sort of governance.
Laws to "crucify employers" of illegal aliens have existed since 1986 (IRCA Immigration Reform & Control Act). Since then enforcement (or lack of it) has been the problem with all the presidents before Trump.
...Wow...deportations are up...
They were up under Obumble, too... nowhere near enough, nor fast enough, to match the Big Talk from the Imperial Cheeto when he was running for office.

...defunding sanctuary cities (correctly) is being reviewed...
If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions had done it right in the first place, the original Executive Order would have withstood the Constitutional sniff-test. It didn't. Epic Fail.

...wall prototypes are currently in the San Diego area...
Any sign of funding yet, for this moronic idea?

If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc.

...My suggestion, is for you to get a fricken job so you gain some clue as to the process necessary to accomplish just about anything.
Both historically and at present, my career path and skillset and earnings are quite satisfactory, thank you.

"If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc."

Perfect suggestion… Looks amazing on paper.
Anyone who is for the eradication of illegals is also for aggressively hammering down on employers of illegals. Cracking down on employers may remove the incentive for Carlos to go to work....BUT what about the illegals presenting employers with fraudulent documentation and working under other identities to gain employment? What about the incentive for Guadalupe to drop her five anchors here and collect welfare, EBT, housing assistance, health care, schooling etc etc? Her anchors are shielded by the 14th you know? Will illegal Carlos simply stay at home, not work...and leech on Guadalupe's taxpayer funded goodies?
In a feeble attempt to spin the issue and decriminalize illegals many have tried to sell that employers are the root cause....who's more the criminal the drug dealer or the drug manufacture? It's a retarded argument as both sides are pieces of shits. The bottom line is illegals still have plenty of motivation to come here and steal from American's even if employers aren't hiring.
The problem has to be dealt with at its source and point of origin....the border and Mexico...TA-DA!

...Wow...deportations are up...
They were up under Obumble, too... nowhere near enough, nor fast enough, to match the Big Talk from the Imperial Cheeto when he was running for office.

...defunding sanctuary cities (correctly) is being reviewed...
If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions had done it right in the first place, the original Executive Order would have withstood the Constitutional sniff-test. It didn't. Epic Fail.

...wall prototypes are currently in the San Diego area...
Any sign of funding yet, for this moronic idea?

If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc.

...My suggestion, is for you to get a fricken job so you gain some clue as to the process necessary to accomplish just about anything.
Both historically and at present, my career path and skillset and earnings are quite satisfactory, thank you.

Problem with deportations under Obama was he was using ObamaMath which was straight BS. As far as Obama's EO on immigration, which would have shielded 4-5 million illegals, there was much debate on the legality on the EO, and would not have passed the Constitutional sniff-test. As far as funding for a wall, not such an easy task, Democrats are too busy acting like children obstructing anything and everything coming from the WH.
Obama Obama deported more than Trump did... Nobody is for keeping gangsters here LOL
HA HA. I can see they've got YOU programmed. During the Obama years, the definition of a deportation was catch & release. When an illegal alien was caught (not often), he was given a date to appear in court. 95% of them didn't appear, but the court order against them was defined (and counted) as a deportation. The aliens simply disappeared back into the community.

Hardly ANY aliens got deported. The REAL deportation rate was about 5%. Near zero. This was Obama's plan since the invaders were all seen as VOTES for Democrats (and that's just what they were - what Hillary calls the "popular vote")

Yes, they certainly were for keeping them here, and they still are, as their almost 100% votes for sanctuary cities, clearly shows.
The crap you dupes believe it's just amazing...
...Wow...deportations are up...
They were up under Obumble, too... nowhere near enough, nor fast enough, to match the Big Talk from the Imperial Cheeto when he was running for office.

...defunding sanctuary cities (correctly) is being reviewed...
If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions had done it right in the first place, the original Executive Order would have withstood the Constitutional sniff-test. It didn't. Epic Fail.

...wall prototypes are currently in the San Diego area...
Any sign of funding yet, for this moronic idea?

If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc.

...My suggestion, is for you to get a fricken job so you gain some clue as to the process necessary to accomplish just about anything.
Both historically and at present, my career path and skillset and earnings are quite satisfactory, thank you.

"If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc."

Perfect suggestion… Looks amazing on paper.
Anyone who is for the eradication of illegals is also for aggressively hammering down on employers of illegals. Cracking down on employers may remove the incentive for Carlos to go to work....BUT what about the illegals presenting employers with fraudulent documentation and working under other identities to gain employment? What about the incentive for Guadalupe to drop her five anchors here and collect welfare, EBT, housing assistance, health care, schooling etc etc? Her anchors are shielded by the 14th you know? Will illegal Carlos simply stay at home, not work...and leech on Guadalupe's taxpayer funded goodies?
In a feeble attempt to spin the issue and decriminalize illegals many have tried to sell that employers are the root cause....who's more the criminal the drug dealer or the drug manufacture? It's a retarded argument as both sides are pieces of shits. The bottom line is illegals still have plenty of motivation to come here and steal from American's even if employers aren't hiring.
The problem has to be dealt with at its source and point of origin....the border and Mexico...TA-DA!
Pew research found in 2007 that 94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own their homes. You are totally full of s***like all GOP voters, Super Dupe. And the illegals don't vote d u h.
...Wow...deportations are up...
They were up under Obumble, too... nowhere near enough, nor fast enough, to match the Big Talk from the Imperial Cheeto when he was running for office.

...defunding sanctuary cities (correctly) is being reviewed...
If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions had done it right in the first place, the original Executive Order would have withstood the Constitutional sniff-test. It didn't. Epic Fail.

...wall prototypes are currently in the San Diego area...
Any sign of funding yet, for this moronic idea?

If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc.

...My suggestion, is for you to get a fricken job so you gain some clue as to the process necessary to accomplish just about anything.
Both historically and at present, my career path and skillset and earnings are quite satisfactory, thank you.

Problem with deportations under Obama was he was using ObamaMath which was straight BS. As far as Obama's EO on immigration, which would have shielded 4-5 million illegals, there was much debate on the legality on the EO, and would not have passed the Constitutional sniff-test. As far as funding for a wall, not such an easy task, Democrats are too busy acting like children obstructing anything and everything coming from the WH.
And also five Republicans, brainwashed functional moron. Even if Republicans for some reason only need 50 votes to pass things while Democrats always need 60... WTF? Lol
the federal government never established a rule of naturalization.
they ignored the law, because they would never be able to win support for an invasion.

there can never be a rule that forces cities to abide by illegal actions.

Saying that only the federal government can act on illegal immigration is a perversion of the law.
Now that we have a federal representative , the President, who wants to crack down on illegal immigration...and the Democrats want to ignore him too...

this is our punishment for ever listening to the Socialist/Democrats, in the first place

When you have police department ordered to ignore crimes, it's called corrupt government

No naturalization falls under the enumerated powers of the fed...naturalization includes immigration, Ipso facto the fed has control of immigration. Saying otherwise would be perverse.

You can maybe argue (not successfully) that cities don’t have to enforce the law for the fed. But when it’s a federal crime, usually you have to hold until feds take care of it. As a local authority, you can’t just let criminals loose when in custody because it’s a federal crime. And let’s be clear, this is what it means to be a sanctuary city, it’s not just about regular civilians, it also sets free criminals picked up for things like driving uninsured, DUIs, drug charges, etc. this would never be afforded to a citizen...they’re gonna squeeze every dime they can out of you. But if your an illegal, you can tell them your name is speedy Gonzalez, they’ll give you a court date, and then they’ll set you free.
...Wow...deportations are up...
They were up under Obumble, too... nowhere near enough, nor fast enough, to match the Big Talk from the Imperial Cheeto when he was running for office.

...defunding sanctuary cities (correctly) is being reviewed...
If the Imperial Cheeto and his minions had done it right in the first place, the original Executive Order would have withstood the Constitutional sniff-test. It didn't. Epic Fail.

...wall prototypes are currently in the San Diego area...
Any sign of funding yet, for this moronic idea?

If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc.

...My suggestion, is for you to get a fricken job so you gain some clue as to the process necessary to accomplish just about anything.
Both historically and at present, my career path and skillset and earnings are quite satisfactory, thank you.

"If Trump and his lackeys wanted to deal with Illegal Aliens, they would have passed laws to crucify employers of illegals, and to deny them school and social services, etc."

Perfect suggestion… Looks amazing on paper.
Anyone who is for the eradication of illegals is also for aggressively hammering down on employers of illegals. Cracking down on employers may remove the incentive for Carlos to go to work....BUT what about the illegals presenting employers with fraudulent documentation and working under other identities to gain employment? What about the incentive for Guadalupe to drop her five anchors here and collect welfare, EBT, housing assistance, health care, schooling etc etc? Her anchors are shielded by the 14th you know? Will illegal Carlos simply stay at home, not work...and leech on Guadalupe's taxpayer funded goodies?
In a feeble attempt to spin the issue and decriminalize illegals many have tried to sell that employers are the root cause....who's more the criminal the drug dealer or the drug manufacture? It's a retarded argument as both sides are pieces of shits. The bottom line is illegals still have plenty of motivation to come here and steal from American's even if employers aren't hiring.
The problem has to be dealt with at its source and point of origin....the border and Mexico...TA-DA!
Pew research found in 2007 that 94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own their homes. You are totally full of s***like all GOP voters, Super Dupe. And the illegals don't vote d u h.

Franco, I know you're a mentally twisted fool....but you'd have to be a mentally twisted dumbass fool to believe that any data related to the employment of true illegals could be even remotely accurate. Why do you think the key word from PEW is always "estimates" you dumbass?
How do they pay taxes without a social security number or tax id?
How do they establish credit to be able to buy homes?
Further, if nearly four in ten LEGAL beaners are on the taxpayer tit how stupid would one have to be to believe that ILLEGALS could feed themselves and stand on their own feet?
Come on Franco, extract that head from your anus.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
Yep blind hate and racism and stupid b******* propaganda is a great basis for stupid GOP policy, dupe.
The whole problem with llegal aliens is what I keep saying, that any fool can buy a good fake Social Security card and act like a citizen d u h! Thanks GOP and silly dupes! Pass the goddamn 2010 democratic immigration bill with a good Social Security ID card d u h! Do you want a diagramE
What?? The number has to be valid, and it’s still a hard document to forge...and it wouldn’t stop the fact that they are breaking the law, and further breaking the law by forging a federal document, a very serious federal crime. I really don’t get how the left can just completely forget about the law and act like they’re making a good point. It’s as if they feel like illegals aliens are citizens above the law. “Yay sanctuary cities, don’t worry about charging them as long as they didn’t kill or rape anyone just let them free.” Even though if it was you or I driving without insurance, or a liscence, or a bag of weed, you know we’d be charged, fined, or jailed with whatever it was.
Yep blind hate and racism and stupid b******* propaganda is a great basis for stupid GOP policy, dupe.
That’s not blind hate, and racism...I don’t hate, I do support the rule of law however, including immigration and deportation laws. LAWS THAT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY HAS HAD AND STILL HAS IN MODERN HISTORY. IS EVERY OTHER COUNTRY RACIST AS WELL??? It is both logical and just to have immigration laws. If you come here legally, welcome and absolute best wishes to you. But we have immigration laws in place because we need to know whose entering, how many are, whether or not they are a threat to the public, wether or not they are criminal fugitives of another country, and wether or not they are carrying communicable disease. If someone does come here illegally, they have broken the law and have knowingly taken the risk of the consequences of that law...just like any other countries. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily evil or bad people, there’s probably plenty of citizens who aren’t necessarily evil or bad people who have broken the law and have had to face the consequences of that law.

Now if you want to make immigration easier, cheaper and less time consuming, that’s an entirely different conversation, and I’d agree with you. What we have now is not fair to the people who have waited years, and have spent 10,000 just to get into this country doing it the right way. Boy I bet they fell like jackasses.

Here’s the crazy part, your actually supporting business taking advantage of and creating a lower class through immigration. The whole let’s turn a blind eye, and think about amnesty, is what the chambers of commerce and big business are pushing to exploit these people who are fine with being paid chicken scratch, and fine not having health benefits. But you’ve been duped with an emotional appeal by them, and now you actually think you’re doing the right thing....

I am actually for open boarders, just not under a welfare state.

You having to resort to name calling and throwing out the racist hater word is pathetic, and shows that you got jack shit to actually offer to the conversation. If it doesn’t agree with your crazy narrow world view, you have to label it as racist and hateful, in order to justify your feeble ego. Keep flailing, you clearly have nothing else to offer.
That's because Trump is a demagogue who routinely says things in public that play to his base but tip his hand and give The Opposition legal means to defeat him.

Wake me up when either the Sanctuary City defunding OR the Muslim Ban reach SCOTUS, alright? So far, we've seen no sign of that happening.
Have you been sleeping since June 2017 ? The Muslin ban REACHED the SCOTUS then, and it was approved generally.

In a June 26 ruling, the SCOTUS decided to leave in place parts of the Muslim ban, while the merits of the case are debated, effectively barring individuals from six Muslim-majority countries without a “bona fide” relationship in the U.S. — say, with family members, an employer, or an educational institution — into the country. This decision may also prevent entry for all refugees for 120 days. The ruling has been hailed as a victory for the Trump administration.

And >> October, 2017, >>

In victory for Trump, Supreme Court dismisses travel ban case

October 18... eight (8) days after your October 10 article... sorry.

Hawaii judge blocks Trump's latest travel ban - CNNPolitics

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