illegal immigration

Ok how do you prove that then? And I’m assuming you’re ok with voter ID laws?
Of course I'm OK with voter ID laws, but ID alone is worthless for voting. One must show proof of ELIGIBILITY to vote, not just who you are. You prove it by showing documentation of birth and/or naturalization to American citizenship.
Again, dupe, that is an irrelevant distraction and an imaginary problem. There is no evidence illegals vote and who cares that couldn't make much difference. People are checked for that when they register you idiots dot-dot-dot illegals don't register it's too much of a risk. You are brainwashed functional morons, so silly it's no wonder people think you're racist. Got it?
You are 100% CLUELESS on illegal alien voting. Risk ? HA HA HA. They vote by the millions. There is absolutely nothing to stop them. Nobody checks for voting ELIGIBILITY (ie. documentation of birth and/or naturalization to American citizenship). All they look at is ID that shows your face, name, address ...... so what ? None of these pertain to eligibility. Illegals all have ID. Worker job ID, drivers license in some states, false IDs, library cards, student IDs, other people's Social Security cards, what else is new ?

In some states they don't even require ANY ID, when voting - check the maps >>

Voter identification laws by state - Ballotpedia
I'm not treating you like s*** I'm trying to wake you up! See signature last line... I have one problem with Republicans most of them anyway they are totally misinformed or not informed at all so they go for all the GOP patriotism bologna. I live in a county that has more cows than people and 73% voted for Trump they're my friends I love them. They are clueless scared of cities and foreigners.
Democrats are the one who are uninformed. They are the most information-deprived people in America, because all their liberal OMMISSION media, withholds information from them, on a regular basis. I've proved this many times with my Islamization quiz. They flunk because they never are told the information.

You are the one who needs to wake up. Start with this >>

1. Open Target by Clark Kent Ervin (former US Homeland Security Inspector General)

2. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel.

3. Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer.

4. Infiltration by Paul Sperry.

5. Muslim Mafia by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry.

6. Shariah: the Threat to America by the Center for Security Policy (an all-star cast of US homeland security experts)

7. The Third Jihad (DVD) by Dr. Zuddhi Jasser

8. The Day of Islam by Dr. Paul Williams

9. Secrets of the Kingdom by Gerald Posner

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