illegal immigration

... Will never end until the GOP allows a Social Security card that can't be faked. End of story. I think they love the cheap easily bullied labor and distract the chumps with bulshit about walls and unconstitutional harassment laws...

Holy shit we agree on something, yes the GOP establishment son of a bitches spend more time defending illegals who kill and rape Americans than serving the American citizens they are sworn to protect.
Of course illegals are proven to have a lower rate of crime then citizens... But it's time to stop illegal immigration. See social security card that can't be faked, for Christ's sake.

Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.

Dude what is with the 50,000 homeless people shitting on the sidewalks has LA turned into that kind of shithole? Saw this in the news recently.
Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.
Time for Operation Wetback II. It's been 63 years since Ike did it in 1954. Entirely too long.

Agreed...theres nothing more I'd love to see happen.
Time to eradicate the thirdworld filth again.
Operation Wetback - Wikipedia
... Will never end until the GOP allows a Social Security card that can't be faked. End of story. I think they love the cheap easily bullied labor and distract the chumps with bulshit about walls and unconstitutional harassment laws...

Holy shit we agree on something, yes the GOP establishment son of a bitches spend more time defending illegals who kill and rape Americans than serving the American citizens they are sworn to protect.
Of course illegals are proven to have a lower rate of crime then citizens... But it's time to stop illegal immigration. See social security card that can't be faked, for Christ's sake.

Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.

Dude what is with the 50,000 homeless people shitting on the sidewalks has LA turned into that kind of shithole? Saw this in the news recently.

It's unbelievable....this place is disgusting and full of disgusting human parasites. I honestly hope we have a major outbreak of disease amongst the filth...a real life purge of sorts.
... Will never end until the GOP allows a Social Security card that can't be faked. End of story. I think they love the cheap easily bullied labor and distract the chumps with bulshit about walls and unconstitutional harassment laws...

Holy shit we agree on something, yes the GOP establishment son of a bitches spend more time defending illegals who kill and rape Americans than serving the American citizens they are sworn to protect.
Of course illegals are proven to have a lower rate of crime then citizens... But it's time to stop illegal immigration. See social security card that can't be faked, for Christ's sake.

Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.

Dude what is with the 50,000 homeless people shitting on the sidewalks has LA turned into that kind of shithole? Saw this in the news recently.

It's unbelievable....this place is disgusting and full of disgusting human parasites. I honestly hope we have a major outbreak of disease amongst the filth...a real life purge of sorts.

That's just nasty, Democrats destroy another state shocker.
Holy shit we agree on something, yes the GOP establishment son of a bitches spend more time defending illegals who kill and rape Americans than serving the American citizens they are sworn to protect.
Of course illegals are proven to have a lower rate of crime then citizens... But it's time to stop illegal immigration. See social security card that can't be faked, for Christ's sake.

Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.

Dude what is with the 50,000 homeless people shitting on the sidewalks has LA turned into that kind of shithole? Saw this in the news recently.

It's unbelievable....this place is disgusting and full of disgusting human parasites. I honestly hope we have a major outbreak of disease amongst the filth...a real life purge of sorts.

That's just nasty, Democrats destroy another state shocker.

Yeah weird how that works huh?
Wave in all the thirdworlders you can fit, offer sanctuary and cater to their every want and desire and have a North Mexico. Who would have thought? That's what you get when the local political offices have been infiltrated by the anchor babies themselves.
Of course illegals are proven to have a lower rate of crime then citizens... But it's time to stop illegal immigration. See social security card that can't be faked, for Christ's sake.

Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.

Dude what is with the 50,000 homeless people shitting on the sidewalks has LA turned into that kind of shithole? Saw this in the news recently.

It's unbelievable....this place is disgusting and full of disgusting human parasites. I honestly hope we have a major outbreak of disease amongst the filth...a real life purge of sorts.

That's just nasty, Democrats destroy another state shocker.

Yeah weird how that works huh?
Wave in all the thirdworlders you can fit, offer sanctuary and cater to their every want and desire and have a North Mexico. Who would have thought? That's what you get when the local political offices have been infiltrated by the anchor babies themselves.

In the article they said the local politicians are using the illegals and anchor babies as justification for further tax increases, which they siphon off the money for political purposes. Hence the politicians have on incentive to stem the tide of illegals.
Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.
Time for Operation Wetback II. It's been 63 years since Ike did it in 1954. Entirely too long.
Will never happen. Great GOP Mess we have in the United States... Only way to end it an immigration bill with a social security card that can't be faked... Like the Democrats tried in 2010. And you dupes I've never heard of.
Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.
Time for Operation Wetback II. It's been 63 years since Ike did it in 1954. Entirely too long.
Will never happen. Great GOP Mess we have in the United States... Only way to end it an immigration bill with a social security card that can't be faked... Like the Democrats tried in 2010. And you dupes I've never heard of.

Deport them all then man the wall with machine guns.
Illegals bust their ass to stay in the's their barely American anchor babies that are the filthiest pieces of shits....42% of inmates in Mexifornia prisons are wetbacks....four in ten are on the taxpayer tit and no other ethnic group comes close in teen pregnancy and abortions. Beaners have officially taken over for Blacks in Mexifornia....they're definitely our largest parasite / human cockroach.
We call our local news here in Orange County and LA "Wetbacks Gone Wild" almost can't find a story headlined by anyone other than wetbacks.

Dude what is with the 50,000 homeless people shitting on the sidewalks has LA turned into that kind of shithole? Saw this in the news recently.

It's unbelievable....this place is disgusting and full of disgusting human parasites. I honestly hope we have a major outbreak of disease amongst the filth...a real life purge of sorts.

That's just nasty, Democrats destroy another state shocker.

Yeah weird how that works huh?
Wave in all the thirdworlders you can fit, offer sanctuary and cater to their every want and desire and have a North Mexico. Who would have thought? That's what you get when the local political offices have been infiltrated by the anchor babies themselves.

In the article they said the local politicians are using the illegals and anchor babies as justification for further tax increases, which they siphon off the money for political purposes. Hence the politicians have on incentive to stem the tide of illegals.

That's absolutely true...Further, we now pay an additional .12 cents per gallon for fuel and .20 cents per gallon for diesel. Never once was it mentioned to cut spending on illegals before gouging Mexifornian's for the additional "tax". The funds are suppose to be used for infrastructure, roads and bridges. You know, we have to widen our roadways to accommodate those 10 million illegals we harbor. It's all a bunch of crazy, unbelievable bullshit.
Will never happen. Great GOP Mess we have in the United States... Only way to end it an immigration bill with a social security card that can't be faked... Like the Democrats tried in 2010. And you dupes I've never heard of.
It's HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Have you been sleeping for the past 11 months ?
That's absolutely true...Further, we now pay an additional .12 cents per gallon for fuel and .20 cents per gallon for diesel. Never once was it mentioned to cut spending on illegals before gouging Mexifornian's for the additional "tax". The funds are suppose to be used for infrastructure, roads and bridges. You know, we have to widen our roadways to accommodate those 10 million illegals we harbor. It's all a bunch of crazy, unbelievable bullshit.
Look it's very simple. All these millions of gatecrashers are an immense HARM to the USA. A lengthy list >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. US businesses deprived of sales$$$ ($133 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
That's absolutely true...Further, we now pay an additional .12 cents per gallon for fuel and .20 cents per gallon for diesel. Never once was it mentioned to cut spending on illegals before gouging Mexifornian's for the additional "tax". The funds are suppose to be used for infrastructure, roads and bridges. You know, we have to widen our roadways to accommodate those 10 million illegals we harbor. It's all a bunch of crazy, unbelievable bullshit.
Look it's very simple. All these millions of gatecrashers are an immense HARM to the USA. A lengthy list >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. US businesses deprived of sales$$$ ($133 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.

"Yeah but, but, but.....THE ONE that lives next door to me is a real pillar of the community."
Filthy Liberals!
That's absolutely true...Further, we now pay an additional .12 cents per gallon for fuel and .20 cents per gallon for diesel. Never once was it mentioned to cut spending on illegals before gouging Mexifornian's for the additional "tax". The funds are suppose to be used for infrastructure, roads and bridges. You know, we have to widen our roadways to accommodate those 10 million illegals we harbor. It's all a bunch of crazy, unbelievable bullshit.

The state was already collecting more than enough taxes, specifically designated for this purpose, and then squandering those revenues through fraud, waste, and corruption. How stupid does anyone have to be to think that they won't do the same to these new revenues?
That's funny that you try to blame only one party for illegal immigration....

Only one party openly, treasonously, takes the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of this nation and its citizens.
I agree that the Democrats routinely stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen.

It is one of two or three KEY reasons why the Democrats lost the general election of November 8, 2016.

The idiots then doubled-down on Stupid and anointed a Hispanic as DNC Chair and a Muslim as DNC Vice-Chair.

Not the brightest crayons in the box, the Dims.

On the other hand, the corporate ass-sniffing Republicans TALK a good game about Illegal Aliens but actually DELIVER nothing - or very little, if anything.

Talk is cheap, and the Republicans are all TALK and no ACTION, in this context.

The Dems take the side of Illegal Aliens because they are all about Touchy-Feely and they hope to recruit future legions of grateful left-leaning voters.

The Pubs take the side of Illegal Aliens IN PRACTICE - if not in their public pronouncements - because they take advantage of the near-slave labor.

Scum on BOTH sides of the aisle.


And the GOP establishment tried to push Kasich and Bush, both who sided with illegals over American citizens. Trump obliterated them by daring to vow to deport illegals and build a wall. Nobody had the guts to do that except Trump and that's largely why he's our president today.
A President who has promised much (wall, deportations, defunding sanctuary cities) but who has, in truth, been able to deliver very little in that context... or most others.

Much of that failure points to an inability to cut deals (so much for Mister Deal-Maker) and shooting his mouth off so much that Lib judges can use it as a Motives barrier.
A President who has promised much (wall, deportations, defunding sanctuary cities) but who has, in truth, been able to deliver very little in that context... or most others.

Much of that failure points to an inability to cut deals (so much for Mister Deal-Maker) and shooting his mouth off so much that Lib judges can use it as a Motives barrier.
Keyword is "able" Trump has done HIS job. He has upheld his promises. He is constantly being stymied by anti-Trump liberals, who go running to the courts, and judge-shopping, with every thing Trump tries do.

First they did this with the Muslim ban, Trump had to take it to the SCOTUS to overrule them. Now, they're blocking him on cutting funds for sanctuary cities. Again, it will have to go to the SCOTUS
Will never happen. Great GOP Mess we have in the United States... Only way to end it an immigration bill with a social security card that can't be faked... Like the Democrats tried in 2010. And you dupes I've never heard of.
It's HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Have you been sleeping for the past 11 months ?
Obama Obama deported more than Trump did... Nobody is for keeping gangsters here LOL
A President who has promised much (wall, deportations, defunding sanctuary cities) but who has, in truth, been able to deliver very little in that context... or most others.

Much of that failure points to an inability to cut deals (so much for Mister Deal-Maker) and shooting his mouth off so much that Lib judges can use it as a Motives barrier.
Keyword is "able" Trump has done HIS job. He has upheld his promises. He is constantly being stymied by anti-Trump liberals, who go running to the courts, and judge-shopping, with every thing Trump tries do.

First they did this with the Muslim ban, Trump had to take it to the SCOTUS to overrule them. Now, they're blocking him on cutting funds for sanctuary cities. Again, it will have to go to the SCOTUS
As it should. Duh... Sorry you don't get unconstitutional laws...
That's funny that you try to blame only one party for illegal immigration....

Only one party openly, treasonously, takes the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of this nation and its citizens.
I agree that the Democrats routinely stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen.

It is one of two or three KEY reasons why the Democrats lost the general election of November 8, 2016.

The idiots then doubled-down on Stupid and anointed a Hispanic as DNC Chair and a Muslim as DNC Vice-Chair.

Not the brightest crayons in the box, the Dims.

On the other hand, the corporate ass-sniffing Republicans TALK a good game about Illegal Aliens but actually DELIVER nothing - or very little, if anything.

Talk is cheap, and the Republicans are all TALK and no ACTION, in this context.

The Dems take the side of Illegal Aliens because they are all about Touchy-Feely and they hope to recruit future legions of grateful left-leaning voters.

The Pubs take the side of Illegal Aliens IN PRACTICE - if not in their public pronouncements - because they take advantage of the near-slave labor.

Scum on BOTH sides of the aisle.


And the GOP establishment tried to push Kasich and Bush, both who sided with illegals over American citizens. Trump obliterated them by daring to vow to deport illegals and build a wall. Nobody had the guts to do that except Trump and that's largely why he's our president today.
A President who has promised much (wall, deportations, defunding sanctuary cities) but who has, in truth, been able to deliver very little in that context... or most others.

Much of that failure points to an inability to cut deals (so much for Mister Deal-Maker) and shooting his mouth off so much that Lib judges can use it as a Motives barrier.

I don't think he was aware of the level of filth and corruption he would deal with....I doubt he knew how many citizens were like know, so resistant to building a higher class, higher grade society. Hussein Onegro has our filth well trained...they love the no boundaries, anything goes type of society he you they love the bottom up governing and our guy don't play that shit...Don't worry, if I were low grade filth I'm sure I'd feel just like you.
Obama Obama deported more than Trump did... Nobody is for keeping gangsters here LOL
HA HA. I can see they've got YOU programmed. During the Obama years, the definition of a deportation was catch & release. When an illegal alien was caught (not often), he was given a date to appear in court. 95% of them didn't appear, but the court order against them was defined (and counted) as a deportation. The aliens simply disappeared back into the community.

Hardly ANY aliens got deported. The REAL deportation rate was about 5%. Near zero. This was Obama's plan since the invaders were all seen as VOTES for Democrats (and that's just what they were - what Hillary calls the "popular vote")

Yes, they certainly were for keeping them here, and they still are, as their almost 100% votes for sanctuary cities, clearly shows.
That's funny that you try to blame only one party for illegal immigration....

Only one party openly, treasonously, takes the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of this nation and its citizens.
I agree that the Democrats routinely stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen.

It is one of two or three KEY reasons why the Democrats lost the general election of November 8, 2016.

The idiots then doubled-down on Stupid and anointed a Hispanic as DNC Chair and a Muslim as DNC Vice-Chair.

Not the brightest crayons in the box, the Dims.

On the other hand, the corporate ass-sniffing Republicans TALK a good game about Illegal Aliens but actually DELIVER nothing - or very little, if anything.

Talk is cheap, and the Republicans are all TALK and no ACTION, in this context.

The Dems take the side of Illegal Aliens because they are all about Touchy-Feely and they hope to recruit future legions of grateful left-leaning voters.

The Pubs take the side of Illegal Aliens IN PRACTICE - if not in their public pronouncements - because they take advantage of the near-slave labor.

Scum on BOTH sides of the aisle.


And the GOP establishment tried to push Kasich and Bush, both who sided with illegals over American citizens. Trump obliterated them by daring to vow to deport illegals and build a wall. Nobody had the guts to do that except Trump and that's largely why he's our president today.
A President who has promised much (wall, deportations, defunding sanctuary cities) but who has, in truth, been able to deliver very little in that context... or most others.

Much of that failure points to an inability to cut deals (so much for Mister Deal-Maker) and shooting his mouth off so much that Lib judges can use it as a Motives barrier.

Wow...deportations are up, defunding sanctuary cities (correctly) is being reviewed, wall prototypes are currently in the San Diego area. My suggestion, is for you to get a fricken job so you gain some clue as to the process necessary to accomplish just about anything.

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