Illegal invasion. Far worse than you can imagine

Whites will SOON BE LESS than 50 percent of the population

Do you want to live in LATIN AMERICA

You will very soon
If illegals are such a benefit why is the sanctuary city of New York bitching? Shouldn't Chicago want more?
These invaders aren't interested in working.

YES that is true. Most are coming for free welfare and nothing else

The Brietbart article was discussing mostly Columbia
If they are coming here to work I don't see the issue. This has been the history of immigration to the U.S.
A history of violating our laws and a network of getting fake ids. Stealing SSNs so they hire in under I-9 forms since Reagan passed that law. They are here in the 10s of millions.

I know this as I went back out on the road because of this BS inflation. Seen it with my own eyes. Watched them leave come back a week or so later with new name and SSN. On jobs by the thousands.

I joked with one of them and asked how many names and SSNs has he gone through.

He got mad and said everyone knows this is going on. He is right.
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How many of you have set through meetings that are both in English and Spanish?? How many of you have rode a bus that makes you think you are in another country?

All those that deny this are either Liars or plain Dumb. Which is it?
Read only one when there are so many articles available?

That's what the thread is about. It's about the 1 million LEGALLY being ushered here, which you would know, had you read it.
Both , some are just showing up and others have jobs locked up
We are taking over 300,000 a month !!!

American salaries are crashing
American poverty is skyrocketing
Suicide and mental health is way up

Yet you see zero problems ???
The only problem I see is that, because our immigration policies allow far less foreign workers than we need, they're coming in illegally. Which means they aren't being vetted and we don't really know who is getting it. We need to streamline the process and make it easier for honest immigrants to get in legally. And then slap the shit out of anyone trying to cheat.

But my guess is, you don't want that. You just want to be protected from competition.
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The only problem I see is that, because our immigration policies allow far less foreign workers than we need, they're coming in illegally. Which means they aren't being vetted and we don't really know who is getting it. We need to streamline the process and make it easier for honest immigrants to get in legally. And then slap the shit out of anyone trying to cheat.

But my guess is, you don't want that. You just want to be protected from competition.
Of course! The government is supposed to protect the American worker from foreign competition. Why do we pay them?
Why do people say we should allow the millions of illegals to crawl in here because we need workers? The invaders are a cut above plankton. As illiterate, unskilled workers they cannot hope to fill the needs of our workforce. How many janitors and lawnmowers do you think we need? There are millions here and more coming.
Why do people say we should allow the millions of illegals to crawl in here because we need workers? The invaders are a cut above plankton. As illiterate, unskilled workers they cannot hope to fill the needs of our workforce.
Then why do you need government to protect you from their competition?
Then why do you need government to protect you from their competition?

The only competition we are importing is for the very lowest skill set jobs. Should needy Americans be protected from foreign competition? Absolutely. Without a doubt. There aren't enough of those jobs anyway. What we are really funding is an increase in the homeless population.

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