Illegal invasion. Far worse than you can imagine

But that's not what you were whining about. Clearly, someone speaking a different language bothers you. Why?
Nope. Just showing what its like. Some I made frienfs with. But Clearly illegal abusing the system.
The only competition we are importing is for the very lowest skill set jobs. Should needy Americans be protected from foreign competition? Absolutely. Without a doubt. There aren't enough of those jobs anyway. What we are really funding is an increase in the homeless population.
Ahh... so you're a proponent of the welfare state. I'm not. I don't expect we'll agree on that one.
This exact rhetoric has been used against immigrants throughout American history. The only thing that has changed is the people it's been directed at.
More immigrants have entered illegally over our Southern Border in last 30 Months than came through Ellis Island from 1830-1930
The government is supposed to protect all of them. That's what we pay them for. Protecting our borders is such a big interest, it's in the Constitution.
We weren't talking about protecting the border. We were talking about protecting you from competition. That's not in the Constitution.

Illegal invasion. Far worse than you can imagine​

Colombia to Send 1 Million More Global Migrants in 2024​

There is a subtle beauty and humor in all of this, don't you see? Thanks to Biden:
  • Columbia will eventually become a lot more like America once was.
  • And America will becoming a lot more like Columbia--- already is. :smoke:
El Salvador is already now a safer place than many U.S. cities.
Eventually, more and more Americans will be moving to Central America just to get away from democrats.
More immigrants have entered illegally over our Southern Border in last 30 Months than came through Ellis Island from 1830-1930
And most of them are just looking for work. We should change immigration laws so that those people welcomed, and the criminals aren't.
And most of them are just looking for work. We should change immigration laws so that those people welcomed, and the criminals aren't.
There's no work. Not unless you start firing the American janitors, garbage collectors, and other unskilled jobs.
There is a subtle beauty and humor in all of this, don't you see? Thanks to Biden:
  • Columbia will eventually become a lot more like America once was.
  • And America will becoming a lot more like Columbia--- already is. :smoke:
El Salvador is already now a safer place than many U.S. cities.
Eventually, more and more Americans will be moving to Central America just to get away from democrats.
El Salvador has emptied their prisons and sent the inmates here.
Illegals have ruined California New Mexico and Arizona. They are tying to do it to Texas.

They are hell bent on ruining the US and these dumbshit asshole Democrats don't give a crap.

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